Dissociation Self-Test

Is it possible you have an ego state disorder? Do you dissociate? This questionnaire may help you decide if you should get help now.

  1. Do you sometimes find yourself "zoning out" in the middle of a conversation, nodding your head appropriately, but unable to get yourself back in it and fearful that you will be found out?
  2. Did you spend a lot of time in fantasy as a child, so much so that teachers or parents criticized you for being "in another world" a good bit of the time?
  3. Does fantasy interfere with your life as an adult? Do you daydream about pleasant things so much that it jeopardizes your job or compromises your relationships?
  4. Do you feel like quite a different person from time-to-time?
  5. Do friends suggest that you seem quite changeable, different from day-to-day?
  6. Are you accident-prone?
  7. Do you make a lot of "Freudian slips" -- where you think one thing but say or write something quite different, even the opposite?
  8. Do you have a sense that part of you is missing or had to be jettisoned along the way?
  9. Do you notice things about your sex life that you think are weird, like hating to be touched in ways that most people seem to enjoy?
  10. Do you have large chunks of your childhood that are devoid of memories?
  11. Are you more indecisive than most of the people you know?

[A score of six or more "yes" answers is suggestive of Ego State Disorder.]

Caution: This is not a standardized test, and the scoring is only suggestive.

next:  Understanding Dissociative Disorders Through Dissociative Signs and Symptoms

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 7). Dissociation Self-Test, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 7 from https://www.healthyplace.com/abuse/wermany/dissociation-self-test

Last Updated: September 25, 2015

The Relation Between Depression and Sexual Abuse, Violence, PTSD

The relation between depression and sexual abuse, violence, PTSD. Is child sexual abuse related to adult depression or adjustment?

Many women and men who have been the victims of childhood physical, sexual, and emotional abuse suffer from depression. The articles here deal with different aspects of abuse and depression.

Depression and Child Sexual Abuse

There is a growing controversy over whether child sexual abuse (under age 18) is related to adult depression or adjustment. Numerous studies have reported that child sexual abuse is related to adult mental health problems including depression.

When Abuse Stops, Depression Eases

Meanwhile, a 2003 study on domestic violence indicated that increased risk of depression appears to be a consequence of spouse or partner abuse rather than a character trait of victims.

Evidence of that comes from the study of 397 women in Seattle who had reported abuse during a 14-month period from 1997 to 1998, the researchers say. They monitored the women for symptoms of depression, checking in three months, nine months and two years after the initial report of abuse, and they also surveyed them on subsequent physical, psychological and sexual abuse.

As the violence decreased or stopped, the women's risk of depression fell as well, says lead researcher May Kernic, an assistant professor of epidemiology at the University of Washington. It dropped 35 percent when abuse ceased altogether and 27 percent when physical or sexual abuse stopped but psychological abuse continued. The findings appear in the June 2003 issue of Violence and Victims.

About 1.8 million women are abused by a male partner each year, according to the National Violence Against Women Survey, and previous studies have shown that such violence increases the likelihood of depression and other psychological problems.

For the most comprehensive information about Depression and Treatment, visit our Depression Community Center here at HealthyPlace.com.


next: Abused Children Face Depression Risk As Adults
~ all abuse library articles

APA Reference
Gluck, S. (2008, December 7). The Relation Between Depression and Sexual Abuse, Violence, PTSD, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 7 from https://www.healthyplace.com/abuse/articles/the-relation-between-depression-and-sexual-abuse-violence-ptsd

Last Updated: May 6, 2019

ADHD Medication Chart

This ADHD medication chart compares ADHD medications, their doses, side effects, duration and safety.

Drug Form Dosing Common Side Effects Duration of Effects Pros Precautions
Generic MPH

Short Acting Tablet
5 mg
10 mg
20 mg
Starting dose for children is 5 mg twice daily, 3-4 hours apart. Add third dose about 4 hours after second. Adjust timing based on duration of action. Increase by 5-10 mg increments. Daily dosage above 60 mg not recommended. Estimated dose range .3-.6 mg/kg/dose Insomnia, decreased appetite, weight loss, headache, irritability, stomachache, and rebound agitation or exaggeration of pre-medication symptoms as it is wearing off. About 3-4 hours. Most helpful when need rapid onset and short duration. Works quickly (within 30-60 minutes). Effective in over 70% of patients. Use cautiously in patients with marked anxiety, motor tics or with family history of Tourette syndrome, or history of substance abuse. Don't use if glaucoma or on MAOI.
(with isolated dextroisomer)
Short Acting Tablet
2.5 mg
5 mg
10 mg
Start with half the dose recommended for normal short acting mehtylphenidate above. Dose may be adjusted in 2.5 to 5 mg increments to a maximum of 20 mg per day (10 mg twice daily). As above.
There is suggestion that Focalin (dextro-isomer) may be less prone to causing sleep or appetite disturbance.
About 3-4 hours. Most helpful when need rapid onset and short duration. Only formulation with isolated dextro-isomer. Works quickly (within 30-60 minutes). Possibly better for use for evening needs when day's long acting dose is wearing off. As above.
Expensive compared to other short acting preparations.






Mid Acting Tablet

Acting Tablet
10 mg
Start with 20 mg daily. May combine with short acting for quicker onset and/or coverage after this wears off. Insomnia, decreased appetite, weight loss, headache, irritability, stomachache. Onset delayed for 60-90 minutes. Duration supposed to be 6-8 hours, but can be quite individual and unreliable. Wears off more gradually than short acting so less risk of rebound. Lower abuse risk. As above.
Note: If crushed or cut, full dose may be released at once, giving twice the intended dose in first 4 hours, none in the second 4 hours.

50% immediate release beads
and 50% delayed release beads



30% immediate release and 70% delayed release beads

Mid Acting Capsule
20 mg
30 mg
40 mg
Mid Acting Capsule
10 mg
20 mg
30 mg
Starting dose is 10-20 mg once daily. May be adjusted weekly in 10 mg increments to maximum of 60 mg taken once daily. May add short acting dose in AM or 8 hours later in PM if needed. Insomnia, decreased appetite, weight loss, headache, irritability, stomachache, and rebound potential. Onset in 30-60 minutes. Duration about 8 hours. May swallow whole or sprinkle ALL contents on a spoonful of applesauce. Starts quickly, avoids mid-day gap unless student metabolizes medicine very rapidly.

Same cautions as for immediate release.

If beads are chewed, may release full dose at once, giving entire contents in first 4 hours.


22% immediate release
and 78% gradual release

Long Acting Tablet
18 mg
27 mg
36 mg
54 mg
Starting dose is 18 mg or 36 mg once daily. Option to increase to 72 mg daily. Insomnia, decreased appetite, weight loss, headache, irritability, stomachache. Onset in 30-60 minutes. Duration about 10-14 hours. Works quickly (within 30-60 minutes). Given only once a day. Longest duration of MPH forms. Doesn't risk mid-day gap or rebound since medication is released gradually throughout the day. Wears off more gradually than short acting, so less rebound. Lower abuse risk.

Same cautions as for immediate release.

Do not cut or crush.

Form Dosing Common Side Effects Duration of Effects Pros Precautions



*2004 PDR does not list short acting Dexedrine tablets

Short Acting Tablet
5 mg
10 mg


Short Acting Tablet
5 mg


For ages 3 -5 years: starting dose is 2.5 mg of tablet. Increase by 2.5 mg at weekly intervals, increasing first dose or adding/increasing a noon dose, until effective.
For 6 years and over, start with 5 mg once or twice daily. May increase total daily dose by 5 mg per week until reach optimal level. Tablet is given on awakening. Over 6 years, one or two additional doses may be given at 4-6 hour intervals. Usually not need more than 40 mg/day.

Insomnia, decreased appetite, weight loss, headache, irritability, stomachache.

Rebound agitation or exaggeration of pre-medication symptoms as it is wearing off.

May also elicit psychotic symptoms.

Onset in 30-60 minutes. Duration about 4-5 hours. Approved for children under 6.
Good safety record.

Somewhat longer action than short acting methyl-phenidate.
Use cautiously in patients with marked anxiety, motor tics or with family history of Tourette syndrome, or history of substance abuse. Don't use if glaucoma or on MAOI.
High abuse potential particularly in tablet form.




amphetamine sulfate ER


Long Acting
5 mg
10 mg
15 mg

10 mg
15 mg
In chldren 6 and older who can swallow whole capsule, morning dose of capsule equal to sum of morning and noon short acting. Increase total daily dose by 5 mg per week until reach optimal dose to maximum of 40 mg/day. Same as above. Onset in 30-60 minutes. Duration about 5-10 hours. May avoid need for noon dose. rapid onset. Good safety record.

As above. Less likely to be abused intranasal or IV than short acting. Must use whole capsule.

  Form DOSINGDosing Common Side Effects Duration of Effects Pros Precautions
Short Acting Tablet
5 mg
7.5 mg
10 mg
12.5 mg
15 mg
20 mg
30 mg
Starting dose is 5 or 10 mg each morning (age 6 and older). May be adjusted in 5-10 mg increments up to 30 mg per day. Same as above. Onset in 30-60 minutes. Duration about 4-5 hours. Wears off more gradually than dextro-
amphetamine alone, so rebound is less likely and more mild.
Same as for Dexedrine tablets.
50% immediate release beads
and 50% delayed release
Long Acting Capsule
5 mg
10 mg
15 mg
20 mg
25 mg
30 mg
Starting dose is 5 or 10 mg each morning (age 6 and older). May be adjusted in 5-10 mg increments up to 30 mg per day. Same as above. Onset in 60-90 minutes (possibly sooner). Duration 10-12 hours. May swallow whole or sprinkle ALL contents on a spoonful of applesauce. May last longer than most other sustained release stimulants. Less likely rebound than with long acting dextro-
Same as for Dexedrine Spansules except that it has documented efficacy when sprinkled on applesauce.
Form Dosing Common Side Effects Duration of Effects Pros Precautions


Long Acting Capsule
10 mg
18 mg
25 mg
40 mg
60 mg
Starting dose is 0.5 mg/kg. The targeted clinical dose is approximately 1.2 mg/kg. Increase at weekly intervals. Medication must be used each day. Usually started in the morning, but may be changed to evening. It may be divided into a morning and an evening dose, particularly if need higher doses.


In children: decreased appetite, GI upset (can be reduced if medication taken with food), sedation (can be reduced by dosing in evening), lightheadedness.

In adults: insomnia, sexual side effects, increased blood pressure.
Starts working within a few days to one week, but full effect may not be evident for a month or more. Duration all day (24/7) so long as taken daily as directed. Avoids problems of rebound and gaps in coverage.

Doesn't cause a "high," thus it does not lead to abuse, and so a) it is not a controlled drug and b) may use with history of substance abuse.
Use cautiously in patients with hypertension, tachycardia, or cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease because it can increase blood pressure and heart rate. Has some drug interactions. While extensively tested, short duration of population use.
Buproprion Form Dosing Common Side Effects Duration of Effects Pros Precautions
Wellbutrin IR Short Acting Tablet
IR-75 mg
100 mg
Starting dose is 37.5 mg increasing gradually (wait at least 3 days) to maximum of 2-3 doses, no more than 150 mg/dose.


Irritability, decreased appetite, and insomnia. About 4-6 hours. Helpful for ADHD patients with comorbid depression or anxiety. May help after school until home. Not indicated in patients with a seizure disorder or with a current or previous diagnosis of bulimia or anorexia. May worsen tics. May cause mood deterioration at the time it wears off.



Long Acting Tablet
SR-100 mg
200 mg
Starting dose is 100 mg/day increasing gradually to a maximum of 2 doses, no more than 200 mg/dose. Same as Wellbutrin IR About 10-14 hours. Same for Wellbutrin IR.
Lower seizure risk than immediate release form. Avoids noon dose.
Same as Wellbutrin IR. If a second dose is not given, may get mood deterioration at around 10-14 hours.
Wellbutrin XL Long Acting Tablet 150mg
Starting dose is 150 mg /day increasing gradually to a maximum of 2 doses, no moe than 300 mg/day. Same as Wellbutrin IR About 24 + hours. Same for Wellbutrin IR.
Single daily dose. Smooth 24 hour coverage. Lower seizure risk than immediate release form.
Same as Wellbutrin IR.
Alpha-2 Agonists Form Dosing Common Side Effects Duration of Effects Pros Precautions

0.1 mg
0.2 mg
0.3 mg
0.1 mg
0.2 mg
0.3 mg
Starting dose is .025 -.05 mg/day in evening. Increase by similar dose every 7 days, adding to morning, mid-day, possibly afternoon, and again evening doses in sequence. Total dose of 0.1 - .3mg/day divided into 3-4 doses. Do not skip days Sleepiness, hypotension, headache, dizziness, stomachache, nausea, dry mouth, depression, nightmares. Onset in 30-60 minutes. Duration about 3 - 6 hours. Helpful for ADHD patients with comorbid tic disorder or insomnia. Good for severe impulsivity, hyperactivity and/or aggression. Stimulates appetite. Especially helpful in younger children (under 6) with ADHD symptoms asociated with prenatal insult or syndrome such as Fragile X. Sudden discontinuation could result in rebound hypertension. Minimize daytime tiredness by starting with evening dose and increasing slowly. Avoid brand and generic formulations with red dye, which may cause hyperarousal in sensitive children.
Corresponds to doses of 0.1 mg, 0.2 mg and 0.3 mg per patch.
(If using .1 mg tid tablets, try TTS 2 but likely need TTS 3).
Same as Catapres tablet but with skin patch there may be localized skin reactions. Duration 4-5 days, so avoids the vacillations in drug effect seen in tablets. Same as above. Same as above. May get rebound hypertension and return of symptoms if it isn't recognized that a patch has come off or becomes loose. An immature student may get excessive dose from chewing on the patch.


guanfacine tablets


1 mg
2 mg
3 mg
1 mg
2 mg
3 mg
Starting dose is 0.5 mg/day in evening and increase by similar dose every 7 days as indicated. Given in divided doses 2-4 times per day. Daily dose range 0.5 - 4mg/day. DO NOTskip days Compared to clonidine, lower chances/severity of side effects, especially fatigue and depression. Also less headache, stomache, nausea, dry mouth. Unlike clonidine, minimal problem of rebound hypertension if doses are missed. Duration about 6 - 12 hours. Can provide for 24/7 modulation of impulsivity, hyperactivity, aggression and sensory hyper-sensitivity. This covers most out of school problems, so stiumlant use can be limited to school and homework hours. Improves appetite. Less sedating than clonidine. Avoid formulations with red dye as above. Hypotension is the primary dose-limiting problem. As with clonidine, important to check blood pressures with dose increases and if symptoms suggest hypotension, such as light-headedness.

The A.D.D. Warehouse. http://addwarehouse.com

This chart was updated 4/19/04.
Treatment of ADHD usually includes medical management, behavior modification. counseling, and school or work accommodations. The medications charted above include: (1) the stimulants, (2) the non-stimulant Strattera (atomoxetine) with effects similar to stimulants, (3) the antidepressant Wellbutrin (bupropion) and (4) two antihypertensives Catapres (clonidine) and Tenex (guanfacine). Stimulants include all formulations of methylphenidate (Ritalin, Focalin, Metadate and Methylin) and all forms of amphetamines (Dexedrine, Dextrostat and Adderall). Individuals respond in their own unique way to medication depending upon their physical make-up, severity of symptoms. associated conditions, and other factors. Careful monitoring should be done by a physician in collaboration with the teacher, therapist. parents, spouse, and patient. Medications to treat ADHD and related conditions should only be prescribed by a physician. Information presented here is not intended to replace the advice of a physician.

next: Risks, Benefits of ADHD Medications Can Change With Time
~ adhd library articles
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APA Reference
Tracy, N. (2008, December 7). ADHD Medication Chart, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 7 from https://www.healthyplace.com/adhd/articles/adhd-medication-chart

Last Updated: June 19, 2018

Child Abuse and Adult Depression: The Harsh Reality

Child abuse and adult depression are related. Find out how sexual abuse as a child can lead to adult depression.

Child abuse and adult depression are related. Find out how sexual abuse as a child can lead to adult depression.

In the past ten years, research on depression has focused on the levels of physical and sexual abuse suffered by women in the United States. The recognition of the severity of this issue, in terms of its impact on both the lives of the abuse victims and on public health matters as a whole, cannot be understated. Various studies have established that more than one-fourth of women have experienced sexual abuse as a child and that roughly fifteen percent of respondents indicated that they had been raped at some point.

Statistically, women are ten times more likely to experience such abuse than their male counterparts.

Given the stark truth of those figures, medical experts wondered about the possible correlation between exposure to sexual and physical abuse during childhood and/or adolescence and the onset of clinical depression as an adult.

While women are believed to experience depression associated with childhood abuse twice as often as men, no risk factors could account for the difference between the genders. In a study performed by researchers from Harvard Medical School and the Brigham and Women's Hospital, this hypothesis was put to the test.

As part of a larger survey that was focused on the interrelationship between major depression and ovarian function, researchers submitted a questionnaire to 907 women between the ages of 36 and 45, of whom 732 responded. The group was chosen randomly from the greater Boston area over a two-year period. Utilizing accepted clinical tools to identify individuals who could be classified as having the disorder, the team then followed up with a secondary survey dealing specifically with exposure to violent acts.

The data that were obtained in the responses of the women brought home how severe this problem is: one out of two women indicated that they had feared or been a victim of some violent act, sexual or physical, during their early years. This same group also showed double the risk of developing depressive disorders when compared to the control group who had not been victimized. In reviewing the information, the researchers did note that in studies of this sort, some erroneous reporting by the subjects is possible. However, when compared to other studies dealing just with the exposure to personal violence, the findings were consistent as to the prevalence of those types of acts.

Clearly, the findings in this study support the conclusion that a link exists between abuse in early life and the onset of depression in later years. Further research is certainly warranted in this area, as is added attention by health care professionals to screening individuals at risk for these kinds of mental conditions due to a history of exposure to violence. It is past time to remove the stigma that has shrouded those who have suffered and to help them to heal, physically and mentally.


Wise, L., Zierler, S., Krieger, N., Harlow, B. (Sept. 15, 2001). Adult onset of major depressive disorder in relation to early life violent victimisation: A case-control study. The Lancet, 358(9285), 881-887.


For the most comprehensive information about Depression and Treatment, visit our Depression Community Center at HealthyPlace.com.

next: Child Abuse - The Hidden Bruises
~ all abuse library articles

APA Reference
Gluck, S. (2008, December 7). Child Abuse and Adult Depression: The Harsh Reality, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 7 from https://www.healthyplace.com/abuse/articles/child-abuse-adult-depression

Last Updated: May 6, 2019

How You Measure Up

Chapter 99 of the book Self-Help Stuff That Works

by Adam Khan:

YOU OFTEN COMPARE YOURSELF to others. We all do. You look at the way people look and sound and move, and you check how you measure up. When you stop at an intersection in your car, you watch people walk across the street and you pass judgment on the person's hairstyle, the way they dress, and so on, and you don't even try to do this. It is completely automatic.

You may not be able to stop yourself from doing it. But you can change the way you do it.

When you compare yourself to people, you look to see how they're different from you. And when you look at another and note your differences, it makes you feel superior if the comparison turns out in your favor and inferior if it turns out in their favor. When you feel superior, your feelings are communicated subtly through the way your body moves and through your voice tone, and this can make the other person feel inferior. All this mental nonsense creates a general feeling of alienation it affects your attitude and your relationships.

But there's another option. Instead of looking for differences, you can look for similarities.

Look and listen to people and notice how they are like you. Our feelings of friendliness toward people are affected by how alike we feel. When you know someone is from your home town or went to your college or is the same religion, you automatically feel more kinship with them. When you look for similarities you increase your feelings of compassion and affection toward that person. Where you once felt bad about yourself from an unfavorable comparison or made the other person feel bad because you found him to be inferior, there will now be good feelings.

Try it the next time you catch yourself judging a person or when someone annoys you. Force yourself to notice your similarities. Recall times when you acted in similar ways. Studies show we tend to think others' bad actions stem from personal motives, yet we tend to think our own bad actions are caused by circumstances beyond our control. This causes unnecessary anger between people, which is bad for health and doesn't help relationships much. Actively looking for similarities is the antidote. It's a new habit, so it will take some practice, but the process is enjoyable and the end result is too.


Notice how other people are similar to you.

How to enjoy your work more, ultimately get paid more, and feel more secure on the job.
Thousand-Watt Bulb

Make your boss a great person to work for.
The Samurai Effect

One way to be promoted at work and succeed on the job may seem entirely unrelated to your actual tasks or purpose at work.
Vocabulary Raises

This is a simple technique to allow you to get more done
without relying on time-management or willpower.
Forbidden Fruits

Send a Blessing

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 7). How You Measure Up, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 7 from https://www.healthyplace.com/self-help/self-help-stuff-that-works/how-you-measure-up

Last Updated: March 31, 2016

Abused Children Face Depression Risk As Adults

Children who are abused and neglected are at increased risk of becoming depressed adults, new research suggests.

Children who are abused and neglected are at increased risk of becoming depressed adults, new research suggests.

The study, which appears in the January issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry, examined the relationship between abuse and neglect during childhood and depression in adulthood.

Researchers from the New Jersey Medical School tested their theory that abused and neglected children are at increased risk of depression as adults.

The study included 676 children who had been physically and sexually abused and neglected before age 11, and 520 children who had not been abused or neglected. The researchers followed the children into young adulthood.

"The current results show that childhood physical abuse was associated with increased risk for lifetime major depressive disorder," the authors wrote. "We also provide new evidence that neglected children are at increased risk for depression as well."

Children who were abused and neglected were 51 percent more likely to be depressed in young adulthood. Those who were physically abused and those who experienced multiple types of abuse had a 59 percent and 75 percent increased risk of being depressed during their lifetime, respectively, compared with children who were not abused or neglected.

Childhood sexual abuse was not associated with an elevated risk of depression. But, as the authors pointed out, the study participants who had been sexually abused reported significantly more symptoms of depression than the children who had not been abused or neglected.

The onset of depression started in childhood for many of the participants.

"Our age-at-onset findings reinforce the need to intervene early in the lives of these abused and neglected children, before depression symptoms cascade into other spheres of functioning," the authors wrote.

Source: JAMA/Archives, news release, Jan. 1, 2007


For the most comprehensive information about Depression and Treatment, visit our Depression Community Center here at HealthyPlace.com.

nextChild Abuse and Adult Depression: The Harsh Reality
~ all abuse library articles

APA Reference
Gluck, S. (2008, December 7). Abused Children Face Depression Risk As Adults, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 7 from https://www.healthyplace.com/abuse/articles/abused-children-face-depression-risk-as-adults

Last Updated: May 6, 2019

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Screening Test

Take our OCD screening test to see if you have the sympotoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Check your results and then get detailed information about diagnosis and treatment of OCD.


Please select YES or NO.

Have you been bothered by unpleasant thoughts or images that repeatedly enter your mind, such as:

1. concerns with contamination (dirt, germs, chemicals, radiation) or acquiring a serious illness such as AIDS?

2. overconcern with keeping objects (clothing, groceries, tools) in perfect order or arranged exactly?

3. images of death or other horrible events?

4. personally unacceptable religious or sexual thoughts?

Have you worried a lot about terrible things happening, such as:

5. fire, burglary, or flooding the house?

6. accidentally hitting a pedestrian with your car or letting it roll down the hill?

7. spreading an illness (giving someone AIDS)?

8. losing something valuable?

9. harm coming to a loved one because you weren't careful enough?

Have you worried about acting on an unwanted and senseless urge or impulse, such as:

10. physically harming a loved one, pushing a stranger in front of a bus, steering your car into oncoming traffic; inappropriate sexual contact; or poisoning dinner guests?

Have you felt driven to perform certain acts over and over again, such as:

11. excessive or ritualized washing, cleaning, or grooming?

12. checking light switches, water faucets, the stove, door locks, or emergency brake?

13. counting; arranging; evening-up behaviors (making sure socks are at same height)?

14. collecting useless objects or inspecting the garbage before it is thrown out?

15. repeating routine actions (in/out of chair, going through doorway, re-lighting cigarette) a certain number of times or until it feels just right

16. need to touch objects or people?

17. unnecessary re-reading or re-writing; re-opening envelopes before they are mailed?

18. examining your body for signs of illness?

19. avoiding colors ("red" means blood), numbers ("l 3" is unlucky), or names (those that start with "D" signify death) that are associated with dreaded events or unpleasant thoughts?

20. needing to "confess" or repeatedly asking for reassurance that you said or did something correctly?


If you answered YES to 2 or more questions, please continue with Part B.

The following questions refer to the repeated thoughts, images, urges, or behaviors identified in Part A. Consider your experience during the past 30 days when selecting an answer. Select the most appropriate number from 0 to 4.

1. On average, how much time is occupied by these thoughts or behaviors each day?
0 - None
1 - Mild (less than 1 hour)
2 - Moderate (1 to 3 hours)
3 - Severe (3 to 8 hours)
4 - Extreme (more than 8 hours)

2. How Much distress do they cause you?
0 - None
1 - Mild
2 - Moderate
3 - Severe
4 - Extreme (disabling)

3. How hard is it for you to control them?
0 - Complete control
1 - Much control
2 - Moderate control
3 - Little control
4 - No control

4. How much do they cause you to avoid doing anything, going any place, or being with anyone?
0 - No avoidance
1 - Occasional avoidance
2 - Moderate avoidance
3 - Frequent and extensive
4 - Extreme (housebound)

5. How much do they interfere with school, work or your social or family life?
0 - None
1 - Slight interference
2 - Definitely interferes with functioning
3 - Much interference
4 - Extreme (disabling)

Sum on Part B (Add items 1 to 5): ________

If you answered YES to 2 or more of questions in Part A and scored 5 or more on Part B, you may wish to contact your physician, a mental health professional, or a patient advocacy group (such as, the Obsessive Compulsive Foundation, Inc.) to obtain more information on OCD and its treatment. Remember, a high score on this questionnaire does not necessarily mean you have OCD--only an evaluation by an experienced clinician can make this determination.

Copyright, Wayne K. Goodman, M.D., 1994, University of Florida College of Medicine

next: Anxieties Site Homepage
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~ all ocd related disorders articles

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 7). Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Screening Test, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 7 from https://www.healthyplace.com/ocd-related-disorders/articles/ocd-screening-test

Last Updated: May 27, 2013

The Marriage of Thought Field Therapy and Sex Therapy

sex therapy

Thought Field Therapy has potential for the treatment of sexual disorders and sexual dysfunction. In a week-long couple's workshop, 16 couples in various stages of marriage presented many opportunities to see Thought Field Therapy in action.

In sex therapy, the basic strategy of treatment depends on the specific sexual dysfunction. While sensate focus is designed to reduce anxiety, it may increase anxiety in couples with underlying fears. Genital pleasuring can evoke negative feelings, defenses against the appearance, odors or secretions of the partner or person's genitals. For example, a woman in her 40's who had been married for 23+ years had a phobia about not wanting her husband's semen on her body, was disgusted at the thought of having semen anywhere near her face or mouth, and for any kind of oral stimulation of the penis.

I did a diagnostic TFT treatment on her. After the TFT session and home play, she reported the following: "I did not tell Larry anything about TFT prior to our home play. I was somewhat skeptical of TFT even though I really wanted it to work. To Larry's surprise, and I mean surprise, and to my amazement and delight the treatment worked. This was the first time in our years of marriage that I was able to be the 100% giver and it felt good to give back to him in ways I could never bring myself to do before."

"I later told Larry about TFT and he said it would be worth it to send me across the country for this treatment." Other sessions of TFT during the week involved successful therapy for a dislike of kissing, performance anxiety, inability to achieve orgasm, fears, and other phobic reactions. Thought Field Therapy's application in the arena of any phobic or fear response make it a viable treatment modality for many sex problems.

Most therapists find problems of sexual desire difficult to treat. Traditional sex therapy and marital therapy are the least effective in this area. In my work with a young man in his 30's, complaining of sexual boredom and passionless sex, two sessions of TFT with causal diagnosis has made a major shift in his response to women.


The strategy of sex therapy is to -modify the couple's transactions so as to eliminate fear, guilt, and anxiety,- (quote from Helen Singer Kaplan, The illustrated Manual of Sex Therapy, 1987) Thought Field Therapy is a non-threatening treatment approach that can eliminate all of the above.

What Thought Field Therapy does not propose to treat is the quality of the relationship of the couple, their ability for intimacy or their communication styles.

Victoria Danzig, LCSW, has the Thought Field Therapy Center of La Jolla where she does approved trainings in Callahan Techniques® TFT. Her web page is: www.thoughtfield.com.

Next, have you ever thought about self-help Sex Therapy?

next: Sex Therapy? Hang On! Maybe Self-Help Will Do

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 7). The Marriage of Thought Field Therapy and Sex Therapy, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 7 from https://www.healthyplace.com/sex/psychology-of-sex/thought-field-therapy-and-sex-therapy

Last Updated: April 9, 2016

For the Partner

sexual problems

Erectile dysfunction, impotence, doesn't only affect men, it also affects partners of men like you. That's why it's so very important to keep the lines of communication between you and him open. You may already know from experience that erectile dysfunction (impotence) can be a difficult subject for some men. But the truth is, erectile dysfunction (impotence) is very common. About 30 million men in the United States suffer from erectile dysfunction (impotence) in some way. Erectile dysfunction (impotence) is nothing to feel embarrassed about or ashamed of.

The big myth is that erectile dysfunction (impotence) is all in his mind. In most cases, erectile dysfunction (impotence) is associated with a treatable medical condition. As his partner, you are in a unique position to encourage him to seek treatment for erectile dysfunction (impotence) and support him through what can be a difficult time for some men.

One treatment option for erectile dysfunction (impotence) is Viagra - a pill produced by Pfizer that taken an hour before sexual activity that helps most men obtain an erection in response to sexual stimulation. By letting him know that Viagra and other medications are out there to help him, you can help your partner take action. Let him know that you support him, are interested in his treatment and are willing to participate in all manners that will help him find a solution.

More: how impotency affects relationships.



next: National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Impotence Conference Statement

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 7). For the Partner, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 7 from https://www.healthyplace.com/sex/psychology-of-sex/for-the-partner

Last Updated: April 9, 2016

Date Rape - Acquaintance Rape

teenage sex

What is acquaintance rape?

Acquaintance rape occurs when one individual forces, coerces or manipulates another individual he or she knows to have sexual intercourse against the other's will and without consent. It is one of the most common types of sexual assault and one of the least understood. It is rape if:

  • Your attacker is an acquaintance, date, good friend or spouse.
  • You engaged in sexual touching and kissing, but then were forced to have intercourse against your will.
  • You have had sex with that person before, but this time said no.
  • You froze and did not or could not say no or were unable to fight back physically.
  • There was no weapon involved.

If you have been sexually assaulted, you are not to blame, even if:

  • You were drinking or using drugs. Being high does not give another the right to assault you.
  • You were wearing clothes that others may see as seductive. Remember, rape is an act of violence, not sexual gratification.
  • You have been sexually intimate with that person or with others.

Everyone has the right to decide when she or he wants to be sexual.

Read some myths about acquaintance - date rape

continue story below

next: Specific Drugs Used in Sexual Assault

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 7). Date Rape - Acquaintance Rape, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 7 from https://www.healthyplace.com/sex/psychology-of-sex/date-rape-acquaintance-rape

Last Updated: August 20, 2014