New And Looking to Converse


I was a part of healthy place, many years ago now, and found it extremely helpful.  I fell away as other parts of life had my attention (raising my son, watching my partner go from bing drinking to getting sober - 2 1/2 years now and am incredible proud of him).  Diagnosised with bi-polar over 12 years ago and now, although the med's I use are keeping things on a somewhat even keel, I am prone to incredible amounts of depression.  This last bout has lasted over a month and now I have decided I needed a break from the...kaos of day to day at home.  I am leaving on Monday to spend time away - 5 days - to try and prioritize what in my life is needed.

Not certain how this is going to work through, I just know that a break is needed.  I think that speaking with others that have, or are going through, the same type of bouts would help immensely - help to pull me out of the dark hole I find myself in.  The next week is suppose to be beautiful - sunny and spring temperatures.  Shall try and get out and soak up rays as I realize the importance of light and fresh air.


APA Reference
(2009, April 11). New And Looking to Converse, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 12 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

Beautiful Stitches; a poem


Beautiful Stitches

By Melinda Lea Tharpe

October 23, 2007


How can I start

With a life unraveling?

Beautiful stitches

Falling to the floor,

Unlooping and piling,

No longer forming,

Needing hands to create


What was enamored.

Spooling and tearful

I gather up what was

And give to you,

An auspicious gift

To be reanimated

With heartening hands.

APA Reference
(2009, April 9). Beautiful Stitches; a poem, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 12 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

Medication for ADHD Children: HealthyPlace Newsletter

Here's what's happening on the HealthyPlace site this week:

A 'Dear Dad' Letter

We receive many letters each week from people who have faced all sorts of horrible abuse in their lives. Those who want their letters published are usually motivated by the thought of letting other abuse victims know they are not alone in their experiences and pain.

This week, we have a letter from author Roberta Hart. She writes it 13 years after her father's death and describes the torment of suffering from all types of abuse; from emotional to physical to sexual abuse. "I am sharing my life and the process that I have been through in the hopes that more can feel peace. When we carry pain and take inside of ourselves the torment of others, we die inside. I refuse to die, and if this is revenge, then revenge can heal. You decide. I find that revenge is a dish best served heaping and warm. Welcome to dinner."   Her compelling story and accompanying letter are here.

Additional Information on All Abuse Issues

If you have been abused or if you support someone who has, you'll find comprehensive information on all types of abuse (plus videos) in the HealthyPlace Abuse Issues Community. That includes:

For Personal Stories of Abuse

...and what the authors of these sites have learned from their experiences, visit:

continue story below

And There's the After-Effects of Abuse

"Pros and Cons of Medicating Your ADHD Child" On HealthyPlace TV

Our guest takes medication for ADHD, but decided against it for her child. Find out why. Share you opinion and get insight into effective ways to treat ADHD from our Medical Director, Dr. Harry Croft.

This Tuesday night, April 7. The show starts at 5:30p PT, 7:30 CT, 8:30 ET and airs live on our website.

In the second half of the show, you get to ask Dr. Harry Croft, your personal mental health questions.

Treating Bipolar Disorder

"Living with bipolar disorder can wear you down," writes Michael, a member of the HealthyPlace Support Network. Award-winning author and HealthyPlace Expert Bipolar Patient, Julie Fast, who wrote the Gold Standard for Treating Bipolar Disorder on would agree with that. In one of the videos on bipolar disorder included in that section, Julie discusses the daily battle living with and trying to control her bipolar symptoms (it's the first video on the list).

Celebrate Love!

Bob G., a longtime HealthyPlace member, wrote me last week and said: "how about some lighter reading?"

Alright!   Here's a fun site.   Drop by Larry James' site - "Celebrate Love".   Larry worked with Men Are From Mars author, Dr. John Gray, for many years. His welcome message on the homepage says "Great Relationships Begin Here."   I like that.

And Larry has some great relationships advice articles like:

You can also read Larry's Love Blog

back to: Newsletter Index

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, April 7). Medication for ADHD Children: HealthyPlace Newsletter, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 12 from

Last Updated: September 5, 2014

Treatment of Children with ADHD

There are pros and cons to all ADHD treatments. But what is the most effective way to treat children with ADHD?

ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) in children can be a real problem - especially if the child involved is yours, if you are the child involved, or if you are the teacher, family member or physician of the child. ADHD is a recognized medical disorder for over a hundred years. But it is not a disorder without controversy. Some suggest that ADHD is not a real condition; others believe it is a real condition but it is over-diagnosed and over-treated. But one of the major points of controversy is whether to treat it with medications, counseling, behavioral approaches, or other alternative types of treatments.

In, there are excellent sources of information regarding many of the controversies surrounding ADHD. In this blog, I will try to provide you with my point of view about the disorder.

Does ADHD Really Exist?

First, I believe ADHD is a real disorder (by the way, the accepted name for the disorder is ADHD - primarily inattentive type, primarily impulsive/hyperactive type, or mixed type - ie, ADHD with and without hyperactivity. More about the types of ADHD here.). It may be diagnosed as early as 6 years old and is characterized by three clusters of symptoms:

  1. inattentiveness: failing to concentrate, focus or pay attention, not completing tasks, difficulty in organizing activities, losing things necessary to accomplish tasks, etc.
  2. hyperactivity: not being able to be still when required (fidgeting or squirming) always being on the go, talking excessively, etc.
  3. impulsivity: interrupting or intruding on others, not waiting turns, blurting out answers, etc.

There may be primarily symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, or all three clusters present. (More on the symptoms of ADHD here.)

I believe the condition is both over and under-diagnosed. Often it is diagnosed by educators, school nurses, parents or busy physicians, and in some cases over-diagnosed. There are multiple reasons that children may be inattentive, or impulsive or hyperactive, eg. anxiety, home stress, medical conditions, psychological trauma, and others. It is often easy to make a diagnosis of ADHD without really considering other causes for the child's behavior. At the same time, a number of large studies of the population show that fewer than 1 in 10 children with the disorder are diagnosed or treated for it.

Treatment of ADHD

So what may be the result if ADHD is not treated? The short answer is that everyone may suffer as a result. The child may suffer grade wise, with decreased self esteem, have difficulty making or keeping friends, with severe behavioral or even legal problems, and may be a "set up" for getting into drugs or alcohol. The family suffers including not only the parents, but the other siblings of the patient. And the school room can be affected. The long-term consequences of untreated adhd can be quite profound and consequential.

So how do we most effectively treat children with ADHD? Is it with stimulant or non-stimulant medications, therapy, behavioral methods, nutritional supplements, diet, or punishment for bad behavior? Probably at least one of the methods on this list, except for punishment, work for some kids, but there is variation amongst kids, with a method working well on one, but not the next child.

A recent NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health) sponsored study (the MTA study) showed that, in the short term, medications seemed to work best in most kids with ADHD, but that counseling and behavioral techniques also had a place in the treatment. More recent follow-up on the kids in the MTA several years later calls some of the very positive short-term results for ADHD medications into question after 3 years or more of usage, but few medical experts question the benefit for most kids in the short run.

The scientific studies for the use of nutritional supplements and other alternative treatments of ADHD are less frequent and less well controlled, so their results are more controversial, but some children do benefit from the use of alternative approaches.

The choice of ADHD treatments should be left to parents (and somewhat to the desires of the child if able to make an informed decision), but the treatment of ADHD should be based on GOOD INFORMATION. The topic of our HealthyPlace TV show will be on the Pros and Cons of Medicating Your ADHD Child (read producer's blog post). I hope you'll join us on Tuesday, April 7 at 5:30p PT, 7:30 CT, 8:30 ET and contribute your viewpoint. You can watch the show live, or later "on-demand", right from our website.

Dr. Harry Croft is a Board-Certified Psychiatrist and Medical Director of Dr. Croft is also the co-host of the HealthyPlace TV Show.

next: Effects of Substance Abuse on Family Members
~ other mental health articles by Dr. Croft

APA Reference
(2009, April 6). Treatment of Children with ADHD, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 12 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

Rorschach fangirls... bug me

Even though I guess I am one. I wonder though, how many of them understand what they're saying. I wonder if they'd understand the limits of a relationship with someone like him. I wonder if they'd be happy with what he'd be willing to give or if they'd try to "tame" him.


I find it amusing how many people would say I love you but not I know you, knowledge comes first, then understanding... you can't love someone if you don't know how. 


I've been with the analogue. I have the demon. I have been told and experienced. 


You confuse me and I pitty you. I also envy you.

APA Reference
(2009, April 6). Rorschach fangirls... bug me, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 12 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

Medicating Your ADHD Child: April 7

Posted on:

The National Institutes of Health has estimated that between 3-5 percent of all children suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) . The diagnosis of ADHD has never been without controversy. The discussion often focuses on the drugs used to most commonly treat the disorder, which are amphetamine derivatives. These drugs act non-specifically, which some point to as a problem in and of itself. These prescription stimulant drugs for ADHD also carry a risk of abuse and addiction . If your child is diagnosed with ADHD, how do you decide if you should medicate your child?

Our topic for this week's HealthyPlace Mental Health TV show , airing live on our website, April 7th (5:30p PT, 7:30 CT, 8:30 ET), is "The Pros and Cons of Medicating Your ADHD Child". While the decision to medicate your child for ADHD is extremely personal and best discussed with your child's physician, we hope the show and's Medical Director, Dr. Harry Croft, will give you several key points to consider when facing the decision (read Dr. Croft's blog post on treating ADHD children ).

Joining Dr. Croft on our show is Kristy. Kristy is a mother of three. She was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult. Kristy made the decision to take ADHD medication for her disorder, but when her oldest son, Connor, was diagnosed with ADHD, she decided NOT to medicate him. Kristy has several interesting reasons for her decisions that she'll be sharing with us during the first half of the show.

During the second half, you'll have the opportunity to ask Dr. Croft any mental health question you have in the popular 'ask Dr. Croft' portion of the show (just type it on the chat screen or email me). You can also participate in the show by creating a youtube video and emailing me: Producer AT . I enjoy hearing all your comments and questions and I look forward to your participation!

Dear 'Dad' Letter

This letter describes the torment of suffering from all types of child abuse, from emotional to physical to sexual abuse, and the impact it had on the author.

Revenge is a dish best served cold. What an incredible powerful statement. What does it really mean? What is revenge? Does that word really carry the negative connotation that it has become accepted as? When one seeks revenge, do we not see it within the context of the action? Here is a story that begs to be shared, is it revenge?

Dear "Dad",

This letter describes the torment of suffering from all types of child abuse, from emotional to physical to sexual abuse, and the impact it had on the author.I am writing this letter now because it is the thirteenth anniversary of my father's death. Every year at this time, I am overwhelmed by sadness, regret and anger. This moment is long overdue. David James was my father. He died November 16, 1993 of suicide. He ran the exhaust into his old Chevy hatchback while he sat quietly parked in his own back yard. He died peacefully of carbon monoxide poisoning. He was survived by two daughters. Their names are Robin, and Melissa. He also fathered two sons, and their names are David and John. Melissa was only 15 years old at the time of his death, and John was just a baby, at 4 years old. The day that I buried my father, it was cold and raining. I remember watching John place his toy trucks at the head of his grave with tears streaming down his innocent face.

I had so many questions that I wanted to ask him. I will never have that opportunity. He never got the chance to see his grandsons, and they will never know their real grandfather. The things that I remember about him are his smile, his laugh and his incredible sense of humor. He had a gift of making people laugh, even when they didn't want to. He never made excuses for his life, or his mistakes. My father's life was long even though he only lived to see his 40th birthday. His choices landed him in prison several times, and he was at times completely consumed by drugs, alcohol, and women. He was adopted at a very young age by a couple who tried to love him despite his explosive temper that developed as a teenager. They did not have the skills or community support to guide their son through life. I have heard many stories of my father's life and wondered how much the loss of two of his children had an impact on his choices.

I saw my father the night before he died. This moment is one that would change my life forever. I went to visit him in his barely inhabitable home in the heart of Garfield. I saw immediately that he had been drinking, which is a violation of his probation. He looked so sad and utterly exhausted. He asked me to come and sit on his lap. I snarled at him, and told him that he was going to go back to prison. I just couldn't understand why he wouldn't change, even for me. He insisted again that I came and sit on his lap. I rolled my eyes, and walked over to him, and sat with him. He looked at me through his thick, tinted, broken glasses and said, "Baby girl, don't do with your life what I have done with mine. I love you." I regret this next moment with all of my heart. I told him that I would never end up a drunk like him, and told him to sober up before he called me again. He was dead the next day.

Now, at thirty-three years old, I finally understand. He knew that the choices that he made in his life had made him what he was. He was warning me about the dangers of poor choices and telling me that sometimes, we just run out of tomorrows. I learned the most valuable lessons in life from a man that society would have deemed a waste. He was my father, and his memory deserves respect. His life and death taught me more than any sheltered suburban family ever could.


Imagine how much we may have been able to learn from each other is it wasn't stolen from us. I am HIS daughter, in my heart, mind and soul. You said once, when I was young, that I was like a wild horse, and that they are the most loyal when broken. How did that work out for you? My father didn't have to break me in order to earn my loyalty, he just had to love me. He accomplished in a fraction of the time what you had a lifetime to teach. My father's legacy ends with broken homes, three wives, and a criminal history, but it was real.

I have seen your legacy. You have passed closet alcoholism, disrespect of your wife, close-minded bigotry, intolerance, and arrogance. The amazing thing is that you were able to pass them along without ever having been home. I can only imagine what the people at the bar, bowling alley, flight club, and golf course were able to learn from you. Maybe I am giving credit to the wrong person. Maybe the credit for your accomplishments should go to your other half. After all, I credit her for so many things in my life. Allow me to give you a few examples. I credit her for my fear of being loved, the constant questioning of my abilities, my poor self-image, and most of all, the emptiness in my soul where a mother's love should be. This brings me to another introduction.

Veronica Lynn is my mother. I am sure that you remember her. She was that child that you put on the stand in a courtroom decades ago. The child that you saw then still lives in my mother today. Her family consists of a long line of women who, in one way or another, betrayed or abandoned their children. For years, through your wife's teachings, I believed that my mother was not any different than them. I was wrong. Sir, I have the transcripts from my adoption. You, your wife, my maternal grandmother, and a gaggle of unethical attorneys stole her one hope at a normal life. You stole that hope from young woman who stood on the brink of a breakdown. As a result of yours, and their actions, that young woman has turned into a mentally unstable hypochondriac. She abuses drugs and abuses alcohol, and is void of the social skills necessary to function in life. The irony is that she now resembles the woman that I was forced to call Mom for sixteen years.

I was born to an alcoholic father and mentally unstable mother, and I was stolen by the exact same people. The one difference was age. My parents were still young and possibly, with the proper guidance and support, could have been more than they became, especially my father. You, and your wife through arrogance and selfishness that had been well established in you by then, stole something that did not belong to you. You have always justified your actions by asking things like, "where would you have ended up if we had left you there?" You have tried to convince me that you gave me more than they ever could have. Then your arrogance told you that you were more qualified than they to raise me. Who gave you that right? Sir, you were never able to steal me from the feeling that I did not belong with you. You cannot force a child to love you with guilt, shame and manipulation. Let me solve the mystery of how to "break me" and make me into "one of yours". The only thing that you ever had to do was respect where I came from, understand that I was different from your children, and most of all love me in spite of where I came from. You, and your family are incapable of these things because your intentions were reprehensible from the very beginning.

I heard from your wife for years that you had "paid enough for me already." You paid monetarily, but your cost was nothing in comparison to the cost that you created for my father, mother, brother and myself. You stole my soul. I have held inside of me secrets and pain that I will now share with you. It is time for me to empty the garbage that is piled up inside of me, and reclaim my soul. So, sit back and grab a beer or a Bloody Mary and see if you can stomach this information. Please forgive me if I lose a time frame for reference, I cannot always remember my age at the time of the events.

The earliest memory that I can recall was meeting your mother. I was terrified. I felt out of place, confused and as if I were a new toy being shown off. I wanted to run away and go home, if only I could remember where home was. No one cared about or even noticed the pain that I was feeling. It all seemed to swirl around me as if I were having a dream. I cried myself to sleep that night in a room that did not feel like my own. That was the first night of silent tears, and would be followed by many more.

I remember first grade, I was in Mrs. Rhule's class. I went to school one day with such severe pain in my ear that the sound of her voice and the ringing of the bell cut through my head with a force that made me cry. The teacher asked me if I would like her to call my mother, and I hesitated and then said "yes". I hesitated because I had informed your wife that morning of the pain in my ear and she told me that I was simply trying to get attention. She then told me to go to school, and that she had better not get a phone call. I was scared for her to call your wife because I knew that she would hit me when I got home. Thankfully your wife was not home when she called. I came home, and said nothing. I simply ate my dinner and then went to my room and fell asleep. When I awaked the next morning, I was in even more pain than the previous day. This time the teacher called right away. I couldn't hide it from her, the pain was too unbearable and I kept my hand over my ear to muffle the sound. Your wife came to the school while I waited in the nurses' office. She seemed kind, and concerned while we were in the school. Then when I sat in the passenger seat of the car, I felt a sudden blow to the back of my head that shot searing pain through my ear. I don't remember what she said, I just remember the pain. When we saw the doctor, he gave us drops for my ear, and I remember him telling your wife that my eardrum almost ruptured. He was an Indian doctor with lollipops in his pocket. I wanted so badly to go home with him. He was so kind and gentle, and seemed to know how much I hurt.

Those drops turned out to be penicillin. It turns out that I am allergic to penicillin. Do you remember? I would guess that you do not, you most likely were not home. Do you remember Veronica Lynn? She knew that I was allergic to penicillin because it had been given to me when I was with her. I wonder if during the theft of her child, if anyone ever bothered to ask those questions. If I had to play that scenario over again with my real mother, I can imagine that she may not have had the money to take me to that nice pediatrician, but I would be willing to bet that she would not have hit me and let him give me penicillin. By the way, I had many ear infections over the years to follow and your wife kept that bottle on penicillin as a reminder for me to not complain about it.


This was just the first of many of these moments yet to come. The neighbors who lived across the street from us took care of me when I had a stomach virus. The school called your wife, and again she was unreachable. This was amazing to me, considering that she never worked a day in my life. I got in trouble again, and shut in my room for two days with only water. She would open the door when you came home, but I knew not to come out and say anything. My woodshop teacher sent me to the nurse when he became aware of my shoes being untied. Do you know why they were untied? My right foot was so swollen and purple from an allergic reaction to a bee sting from the previous day, that I could not tie my shoe. I was yet again, met with a punch to the head. She then told me that she hoped that the doctor would poke me so full of holes that they could use me for a spaghetti strainer.
Each of these incidents, among many others, culminated my senior year of highschool when I was injured during a track meet. Your wife told the coach that I was faking it and not to allow me to pull the wool over his eyes. He listened to her, and my fear of her, and the repercussions of what would happen if I told the truth about my pain forced me to continue running. That injury being left untreated ended my future as a runner. I had been offered a scholarship to a good university after an invitational the month prior to my injury. I never told you about it because, at the time, I thought that I wanted it to be a surprise. Now I realize that it was more a fear of her doing something to ruin it. Isn't life full of cruel irony?

OK, so that was the easy stuff. Are you warmed up? I have to tell you that, as a child, I thought that your girlfriend at the flying club was very pretty. The bartender was very beautiful also. I know about these women because your wife took me along when she would spy on you. I remember how I hoped that you would leave her for one of those women, so that I would not have to go through this anymore. She told me that you slept in separate bedrooms because you had sex with other women. You see, she used me as her friend when it was convenient for her. I was her thief, her messenger, and her partner in crime. I would do anything that she asked me to in the hopes of winning her love. She would use me for the purpose of being someone to blame it on when she got caught. These were building blocks for one more important mission that took place much later, all of which I took the blame for.

She would have me go through your desk looking for various things. I would find letters to your girlfriends, medications or whatever she was looking for at the time. She would tell me that I could get away with it because if you asked who went through your desk, she would tell you that I did it but she would not let you punish me. It was on one of these little adventures that I found the letter that you wrote to my sister when she was in college. I could not determine what the letter was intended to express at the time, but I was very afraid that you were going to kill yourself. Your wife confirmed that concern by sitting me down and telling me that your father had committed suicide and that your mother had attempted it several times. I became terrified that you were going to die. She told me that she would take care of the letter. I was also told to behave myself and not do anything to upset you. Then the best part of her game was to tell me that if I did not keep her secrets, that you would kill yourself and it would be all my fault. She maintained that control over me for years.

It worked fairly well until one day you beat me so badly that I landed in the guidance office at school the next day. I had bruises all over my face and choke marks on my neck. My teacher sent me to the guidance office and the counselor demanded that I tell him what happened to me. I kept your secret then, but you can have it back now. It was at that moment that I was freed of your psychosis. I wonder if you remember that day. Let me refresh your memory. I dropped a class to take an additional art class. Your wife lied and told you that I had been kicked out of the other class. You asked me to tell you the truth and when I did, you became enraged. You threw me down on the bed and began to strike me. I can still see her standing there with her arms folded appearing pleased with what was happening. You held me by my throat and demanded the truth, I couldn't speak but even if I was able I would have begged you to listen to me, and to call the school. You were a crazed madman, and just continued to hit me on my face and choke me. I can't begin to tell you how frightened I was. I did not feel the pain until the next day. My throat hurt too much to even speak, and my right eye was blurry for days. You did not come home for two days. I assume that it was because you could not face what you had done. Well, you can face it now! You tried to create fear in me, and you succeeded. Unfortunately, the fear was only of you. That fear only lasted for a short while. I realized that you knew that it better never happen again because next time I may not keep your secret. I am lucky that your image was more important than your need to inflict physical pain. Emotional pain doesn't leave marks.

Now may be a good time to let you know that my artistic ability comes from my mother. I doubt that she would have allowed me to be beaten for having been accepted into an advanced placement art class. Oh, that is right, I may not have been able to attend that class had I lived with her, right? Well, let me ask you this, what good did it do me when I was not able to follow my dream to attend college to grow my talent? You and your wife always reminded me that you had "paid enough for me already". This has always begged the question, how much did you pay for me, and who was it paid to?

Do you remember when your wife broke her wrist punching the freezer door? That isn't exactly true, unless my head had taken on the shape of a freezer door. That's right, she broke it punching me in the head. She was always good for hitting me there. I can only assume that it was an act of cowardice. She told me that she was saving me the embarrassment of the truth by lying about how she did it. I told her that it didn't matter to me because it was her embarrassment, not mine. By this point, I was beginning to have enough of this.

Despite all of this, I still hoped that one day, your family would love me so I tried so hard to fit in. I just couldn't do it. I continued to give your wife chance after chance. Each time I was met with heartache and disappointment. I was reminded over and over again how much I didn't belong. I don't know exactly what it was, it could possibly be the vile names that I was called my entire life. You may remember some of them. Does this list ring a bell? I was a whore, a slut, a tramp, a piece of garbage and my favorite came from each one of you "you were not only a mistake once, you were a mistake twice".

Well "Dad", I have saved the best for last. I hope you enjoy hearing it as much as I enjoyed living it. I refused to see your mother when she was dying in the hospital because she was a child molester. Yes, I saw her. She repeatedly molested your nephews. I saw her do it. I informed your wife, and she told me not to tell anyone because you would kill yourself, so I have carried that inside of me for too long. I watched her sleep naked with those young boys. I saw her rubbing their genitals with Vaseline for long periods of time, until the boys began to cry. I know what she did to them, so I can only assume that she did it to you and your brother, as well. That would explain much of your behavior, but it will never excuse it.


When your mother's boyfriend died, I became concerned when your wife called me and told me that she was acting weird. I asked her what she meant, and she said that she seemed depressed and was talking a lot about the boys being with her forever. She asked me to call the school and inform them of what I had seen and that the boys may be in danger. She told me that it would be a secret between her and I. Well, as you know, that was not the case. She immediately told everyone who made that call. I am telling you now that what I saw and what I know is real. Your mother should have gone to prison for what she had done. She died peacefully in a hospital room and she should have died alone in a cell.

I know that you have suppressed those memories deep in your mind, and I am here to bring them all out for you. I have carried your pain and my own for too long now. I have flashbacks of my life often. They are painful and grasp my heart so forcefully that it takes my breath away. It is time for those memories to grasp your heart and set mine free.

My sons will never know the pain that you and your family has caused me. Your great legacy dies with me. I will raise my sons to be good men and loving fathers. My hopes are that one of them will grow up to be a man that puts people like you, your wife, and your mother behind bars where you belong. I hope that you realize that prison is where you belong, and that you should be thankful everyday for your freedom. Know this, "Dad" true freedom will only come to you when you close your eyes for that last time.

For several years now, I have tried to rationalize what happened to me. I have tried to define who I am and what will heal me. I know that I have to forgive you for what you have done in order for me to begin a new day. Today is not that day. Today is the day where I give you back everything that you gave to me. You live with this pain. You live with this weight and burden in your heart. Today, I give it all to you. I may forgive you tomorrow, I may not.

Today I am standing up to you. I am standing up for my father, my mother, and my brothers and sister. I will never again allow you or your family to affect one more moment in my life. I will survive it every time I look into my son's eyes and I know that they will never know that pain. I will survive when I see my father in their eyes, and in their smiles. I hope that for your sake, you can accept responsibility for your actions, or lack thereof, and your choices. I challenge you, can you be as big a man as my father was?

This was the story of my life. This was not a random story with no substance and just a moral at the end. I never mailed this letter, but have held it close to my heart like steady pressure on an open wound. I have asked myself many times if this was a form of revenge or one of healing. I have found it to be both. I also have come to the realization that the only way to truly heal is to share this letter not only with who it was intended but with anyone else who feels that healing is revenge. I am not wielding a weapon or clenching a fist. I am sharing my life and the process that I have been through in the hopes that more can feel peace. When we carry pain and take inside of ourselves the torment of others, we die inside. I refuse to die, and if this is revenge, then revenge can heal. You decide. I find that revenge is a dish best served heaping and warm. Welcome to dinner.

next:  The Impact of Parental Child Abduction
~ all abuse library articles

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, April 1). Dear 'Dad' Letter, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 12 from

Last Updated: May 6, 2019

Post-Show on Addictions

Posted on:

I want to thank all of you who tuned in to our show last night on families and addiction. A lot of time is spent discussing the addict and the addiction itself, but not enough time is spent on family and friends of the addict.

It is generally accepted that every addict effects at least four people, and Gary and Dr. Croft, HealthyPlace's Medical Director, went over a vast amount of information for those affected by addiction.

As with all our shows, you can watch it on-demand, in case you missed any important information or want to share the show with friends.

If you would like more information about Al-Anon, a fellowship for those affected by Alcoholism, visit their website at They are also available during business hours by phone: (757) 563-1600. Al-Anon will put you in touch with a local support group.

You can also join the HealthyPlace Support Network absolutely free, where you can chat with others who may be going through the same thing as you. Our support network has been growing exponentially and with members like you, we can create a really positive online support group so that no one has to suffer in silence.

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Humalog Diabetes Treatment - Humalog Patient Information

Brand Names: Humalog Cartridge, KwikPen or Pen
Generic name: insulin lispro

Pronounced: IN soo lin LISS pro

Humalog Pen, Humalog Cartridge, KwikPen, insulin lispro prescribing information

What is Humalog and why is Humalog prescribed for?

Humalog is used to treat type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes in adults. Insulin lispro is a fast-acting form of insulin. It is usually given together with another long-acting insulin. It works by lowering levels of glucose in the blood.

Humalog is also used together with oral (taken by mouth) medications to treat type 2 (non insulin-dependent) diabetes in adults.

Humalog may also be used for other purposes not listed here.

Important information about Humalog

Humalog is a fast-acting insulin that begins to work very quickly. If you use this medication with meal, use it within 15 minutes before or just after you eat.

Take care to keep your blood sugar from getting too low, causing hypoglycemia. Symptoms of low blood sugar may include headache, nausea, hunger, confusion, drowsiness, weakness, dizziness, blurred vision, fast heartbeat, sweating, tremor, or trouble concentrating. Carry a piece of non-dietetic hard candy or glucose tablets with you in case you have low blood sugar. Also be sure your family and close friends know how to help you in an emergency.

Also watch for signs of blood sugar that is too high (hyperglycemia). These symptoms include increased thirst, loss of appetite, increased urination, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, dry skin, and dry mouth. Check your blood sugar levels and ask your doctor how to adjust your insulin doses if needed.

Never share an injection pen or cartridge with another person. Sharing injection pens or cartridges can allow disease such as hepatitis or HIV to pass from one person to another.

Humalog is only part of a complete program of treatment that may also include diet, exercise, weight control, foot care, eye care, dental care, and testing your blood sugar. Follow your diet, medication, and exercise routines very closely. Changing any of these factors can affect your blood sugar levels.

continue story below

Before using Humalog

Do not use Humalog if you are allergic to insulin, or if you are having an episode of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

Before using Humalog, tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney disease.

Tell your doctor about all other medications you use, including any oral (by mouth) diabetes medications.

Humalog is only part of a complete program of treatment that may also include diet, exercise, weight control, foot care, eye care, dental care, and testing your blood sugar. Follow your diet, medication, and exercise routines very closely. Changing any of these factors can affect your blood sugar levels.

Your doctor will need to check your progress on a regular basis. Do not miss any scheduled appointments.

FDA pregnancy category B. Humalog is not expected to be harmful to an unborn baby. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant during treatment. It is not known whether Humalog passes into breast milk or if it could harm a nursing baby. Do not use this medication without telling your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby.

How should I use Humalog?

Use Humalog exactly as it was prescribed for you. Do not use it in larger amounts or for longer than recommended by your doctor. Follow the directions on your prescription label.

Humalog is given as an injection (shot) under your skin, using a needle and syringe or an insulin pump. Your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist will give you specific instructions on how and where to inject this medicine. Do not self-inject this medicine if you do not fully understand how to give the injection and properly dispose of used needles and syringes.

Humalog is a fast-acting insulin that begins to work very quickly. If you use this medication with meal, use it within 15 minutes before or just after you eat.

Humalog should be thin, clear, and colorless. Do not use the medication if it has changed colors or has any particles in it. Call your doctor for a new prescription.

Choose a different place in your injection skin area each time you use Humalog. Do not inject into the same place two times in a row.

If you use this medication with an insulin pump, do not mix or dilute Humalog with any other insulin. Call your doctor at once if you think your infusion pump is not working properly.

Use each disposable needle only one time. Throw away used needles in a puncture-proof container (ask your pharmacist where you can get one and how to dispose of it). Keep this container out of the reach of children and pets.

Some insulin needles can be used more than once, depending on needle brand and type. But a reused needle must be properly cleaned, recapped, and inspected for bending or breakage. Reusing needles also increases your risk of infection. Ask your doctor or pharmacist whether you are able to reuse your insulin needles.

Infusion pump tubing, catheters, and the needle location on your skin should be changed every 48 hours. Throw away any medication leftover in the reservoir.

Never share an injection pen or cartridge with another person. Sharing injection pens or cartridges can allow disease such as hepatitis or HIV to pass from one person to another.

Check your blood sugar carefully during a time of stress or illness, if you travel, exercise more than usual, or skip meals. These things can affect your glucose levels and your Humalog dose may also need to change.

Watch for signs of blood sugar that is too high (hyperglycemia). These symptoms include increased thirst, loss of appetite, increased urination, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, dry skin, and dry mouth. Check your blood sugar levels and ask your doctor how to adjust your insulin doses if needed.

Ask your doctor how to adjust your Humalog dose if needed. Do not change your dose without first talking to your doctor. Carry an ID card or wear a medical alert bracelet stating that you have diabetes, in case of emergency. Any doctor, dentist, or emergency medical care provider who treats you should know that you are diabetic. Storing unopened vials, cartridges, or injection pens: Keep in the carton and store in a refrigerator, protected from light. Throw away any Humalog not used before the expiration date on the medicine label. Unopened vials, cartridges, or injection pens may also be stored at room temperature for up to 28 days, away from heat and bright light. Throw away any insulin not used within 28 days. Storing after your first use: You may keep "in-use" vials in the refrigerator, protected from light. Use within 28 days. Do not refrigerate an in-use cartridge or injection pen. Keep it at room temperature and use within 28 days.

Do not freeze Humalog, and throw away the medication if it has become frozen.

What happens if I miss a dose?

Since Humalog is used before meals, you may not be on a timed dosing schedule. Whenever you use Humalog, be sure to eat a meal within 15 minutes. Do not use extra Humalog to make up a missed dose.

It is important to keep Humalog on hand at all times. Get your prescription refilled before you run out of medicine completely.

What happens if I overdose?

Seek emergency medical attention if you think you have used too much of this medicine. An insulin overdose can cause life-threatening hypoglycemia.

Symptoms of severe hypoglycemia include extreme weakness, blurred vision, sweating, trouble speaking, tremors, stomach pain, confusion, seizure (convulsions), or coma.

What should I avoid while using Humalog?

Do not change the brand of Humalog or syringe you are using without first talking to your doctor or pharmacist. Avoid drinking alcohol. Your blood sugar may become dangerously low if you drink alcohol while using Humalog. Do not expose Humalog to high heat.

Humalog side effects

Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of insulin allergy: itching skin rash over the entire body, wheezing, trouble breathing, fast heart rate, sweating, or feeling like you might pass out.

Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, is the most common side effect of Humalog. Symptoms of low blood sugar may include headache, nausea, hunger, confusion, drowsiness, weakness, dizziness, blurred vision, fast heartbeat, sweating, tremor, trouble concentrating, confusion, or seizure (convulsions). Watch for signs of low blood sugar. Carry a piece of non-dietetic hard candy or glucose tablets with you in case you have low blood sugar.

Humalog can also cause hypokalemia (low potassium levels in the blood). Call your doctor at once if you have symptoms such as dry mouth, increased thirst, increased urination, uneven heartbeats, muscle pain or weakness, leg pain or discomfort, or confusion.

Tell your doctor if you have itching, swelling, redness, or thickening of the skin where you inject Humalog.

This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Tell your doctor about any unusual or bothersome side effect. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

What other drugs will affect Humalog?

Using certain medicines can make it harder for you to tell when you have low blood sugar. Tell your doctor if you use any of the following:

  • albuterol (Proventil, Ventolin);
  • clonidine (Catapres);
  • reserpine;
  • guanethidine (Ismelin); or
  • beta-blockers such as atenolol (Tenormin), bisoprolol (Zebeta), labetalol Normodyne, Trandate), metoprolol (Lopressor, Toprol), nadolol (Corgard), propranolol (Inderal, InnoPran), timolol (Blocadren) and others.

There are many other medicines that can increase or decrease the effects of Humalog on lowering your blood sugar. Tell your doctor about all the prescription and over-the-counter medications you use. This includes vitamins, minerals, herbal products, and drugs prescribed by other doctors. Do not start using a new medication without telling your doctor. Keep a list with you of all the medicines you use and show this list to any doctor or other healthcare provider who treats you.

Where can I get more information?

  • Your pharmacist can provide more information about Humalog.

last updated 03/2009

Humalog Pen, Humalog Cartridge, KwikPen, insulin lispro prescribing information

Detailed Info on Signs, Symptoms, Causes, Treatments of Diabetes

back to: Browse all Medications for Diabetes

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, March 31). Humalog Diabetes Treatment - Humalog Patient Information, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 12 from

Last Updated: July 21, 2014

Effects of Substance Abuse on Family Members

Substance abusers, drug addicts and alcoholics, can wreck havoc within the family. Learn what happens when families cope with a drug or alcohol problem.

Family members of those with substance abuse disorders experience a wide range of feelings and thoughts as they go through the process with their loved one. These feelings include: concern, hope, anger, frustration, disappointment and shame.

There are many reasons for concern when a loved one is abusing alcohol or drugs.

  • There is concern for the health of the abuser. Worry about the impact of the drug on the body and mind.
  • There are legal concerns including the possibility of illegal behavior while under the influence or in the process of securing drugs or alcohol, or concern for loss of job, or freedom.
  • There is concern for the costs of the abuse - possible legal and medical costs, costs of purchases made while under the influence, costs of agreements made, and contracts signed while under the influence.
  • There are also concerns for the impact of the abuse on the family and its members. The effects on the marriage, the spouse, the children and others.

There is also worry that the substance abuse might become known to others and how that will impact the family's image.

Often substance abuse takes place in the family that, from the outside, appears "perfect." The fear of the discovery of the actual acts in the family causes some families to hide the behavior and to "enable" the abuser to continue their abuse of alcohol or drugs even longer.

Hope for Recovery From Addiction

At the same time there is concern, there is often hope found in family members - hope that the person can "recover" and "get over" the problem. Sometimes the person "promises" to stop the drugging behavior, and the family tries hard to believe their promises. There may be hope each time the person "stops using" even though the "stop" may be followed be restarting the behavior.

Tragically, most of the time the promises are not kept and the drugging behavior continues or starts again. The reality is that substance abuse is usually a chronic problem and that relapses, at least early in treatment, are often "the rule" rather than the exception. With relapse, or breaking of promises, frequently the feelings of family members change from hope to anger. Anger at the lies, the behavior, the person themselves.

Often there is frustration, because the illness involves the person "splitting the family members;" pitting one against the others. One member believes and trusts, the other is suspicious and angry. The end result of this "wedging" of family members is that the behavior continues and family members "turn" on each other, with anger and frustration becoming directed not at the substance abuser, but other family members themselves.

Frequently there is also shame in the family. Early on, the family begins to "circle the wagons" to create excuses, and to deny that the problem even exists. Often, this is done to protect the sufferer (eg calling the employer and making excuses for absences), but often it is done to "protect the image" of the family. The end result, however, of the behavior is to "enable" the addict to continue in their disease.

These are but a few of the feelings experienced by family members and others concerned about and for the drug addict or alcoholic. It is important to realize that substance abuse is frequently a chronic, recurring illness that goes on for years. We often focus on the treatment of the patient, but can forget the importance of treating family members involved with the addiction patient.

We'll be discussing these issues and more on our HealthyPlace TV show on The Effect of Substance Abuse on Family Members this Tuesday night, March 31, at 5:30p PT, 7:30 CT, 8:30 ET. I hope you'll join us. Watch it live on our website and ask your personal questions.

Dr. Harry Croft is a Board-Certified Psychiatrist and Medical Director of Dr. Croft is also the co-host of the HealthyPlace TV Show.

next: When and Where to Get Help for Mental Health Issues
~ other mental health articles by Dr. Croft

APA Reference
(2009, March 30). Effects of Substance Abuse on Family Members, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 12 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014