

This week, "Snap Out of It!" talks about attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and binge eating disorder (BED) at work with Jason Hamburg. Jason is the Vice President of Neuroscience at Takeda Canada Inc. Jason wasn’t diagnosed with a mental illness until he was 44 years old, and he can attest to the fact that while he dealt with his mental illnesses in his own ways, those illnesses definitely held him back. Jason characterizes these illnesses as impulsive and compulsive, and the difference in experience before and after treatment was striking.
A successful attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) recovery just means you’ve successfully learned how to live with ADHD. This can be a long journey but is worth it. Learn how I started my successful ADHD recovery.
Many people don’t know this, but you can use meditation to cope with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD is defined as a neurological disorder which manifests itself in behavioural symptoms such as lack of concentration, impulsivity and hyperactivity. But for the people who live with the disorder, things can feel more complicated than this. It can be hard to know where personality ends and ADHD begins, and, as an “invisible illness,” people with ADHD can face judgement and accusations that they are simply making excuses for themselves. Coping with ADHD can be done through meditation, however.
Is attention-deficit disorder (ADD) caused by genetics, as is often reported, or is it due to factors related to home environment, as another new study has indicated? If the question on everyone’s lips right now in the ADD community is nature or nurture, the answer is: a little of both.
The effects of adult ADHD can be so destructive, especially when mixed with depression. So many times, we hear the symptoms of adult ADHD described simplistically. You know them: Inattention Boredom Impulsiveness Anger Issues The list goes on, but what people don't understand is that these symptoms, taken in their entirety, can have a profoundly negative impact on the person with adult ADHD.
Homework is difficult for most children and it's even harder for children with ADHD. But there are ways to handle homework problems and keep the frustrations and hassles to a minimum. It's all about planning ahead and being organized. If you start out early and set the ground rules, your child doesn't need to endure the usual homework frustrations and problems.