
Living a Blissful Life

The list of people associated with the word beauty or beautiful is long and distinguished. As human beings we tend to be enamored with physical beauty. The popular media floods us with endless images of men and women who fit the sociocultural essence of beauty. Every year, People Magazine even dedicates an entire issue to the “50 Most Beautiful People in the World.” Sensationalism of beauty simply intensifies stress rather than deepens satisfaction with self.
The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best. ~ Epictetus Motivation What causes you to take action? Do you have goals, whether it’s getting up early or exercising daily? Do you find yourself thinking negative thoughts? Are you doing what brings you joy and happiness? Motivation is the it I’m referring to. Motivation is simply your eagerness or desire to do something. Honestly, some days I don’t feel like springing out of bed to seize the day. Some days, I’m not fired up to take the hill of goals I or someone else set for me. Nor am I always inspired to take part in the political Merengue that permeates corporate culture. Though, on the other hand, I am not interested in lounging around the house or willing to spend the day as the song lyrics of Otis Redding goes:
Solitude simply means seclusion, quiet, and privacy. Some find solitude undesirable and even depressing. Others view it as an opportunity to reflect and discover spiritual enlightenment. Putting a positive spin on solitude creates an invitation for us to withdraw from the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. Solitude is a call to action to simply spend quiet time away from the commotion of places and people abuzz. It is an opportunity for deep reflection about your self, happiness, purpose and contribution in this world.
Mindfulness is a matter of seizing the moment. Are you paying attention to this moment? Will you surrender completely in this moment? Can you be happy in the moment and have it be enough? If your answers are 'no', then read on to learn why to consider changing them to 'yes'.
Practicing mindfulness is so important because we live in a frenzied world and life can be a zany ride. This leaves the window open just enough for the daily barrage of stressors to negatively affect your wellbeing. It numbs your ability to reason, feel and be responsive in the present moment and leaves you mindlessly functioning on autopilot. I’ve been there, you have been there. But, no one wants to stay there. Why? It can create an internal stream of stress and diminish happiness. What to do? If you haven’t started the journey already, begin practicing mindfulness with these five tips.
Laughter is simply a natural human response to something funny, built into us because the benefits of laughter keep us healthy, mentally and physically. Laughter fosters closeness with other people and nurtures bliss. It has long been recognized as strong tonic for stress and grief and a boost to relaxation and resistance to disease. Laughter is an amazing blessing, and laughter benefits your soul and your body.
Be mindful of the very moment you are living. Start exactly this second. You don't wait . . . ~ Alexandra Stoddard Where Does Your Mind Go? Are you paying attention? When you drive your car, are you on autopilot or on alert? When you are in conversation, are you engaging with the other or thinking of something else? As I was sitting in the backyard of a dear friend, taking in the scenic backdrop of rolling hills, sprawling green trees, magnificent limestone cliffs, and a serene lake, my mind harkened back to a trip I took to Los Colinas De Cuncumen. Just thinking about it fills me with joy. This was a place absent of technology and social fanfare. It was a place where peace and serenity embraced me the moment I arrived and, quite frankly, it is still with me today. It was an opportunity for me to reflect on the core of who I was as a human being. Many questions arose during my time there, but the one that continues to surface is, where does your mind go?
Did you see the film A Beautiful Mind starring Russell Crow? I did. If you didn’t, you should check it out. It is a splendid biographical drama film based on the life of Nobel Prize winner John Forbes Nash Jr.; Crow stars as Nash and Jennifer Connelly his wife. It’s a story of man whose mind, on one hand, yielded huge benefits to society while, on the other, let him down with troublesome schizophrenia.
Mastering love and happiness is life’s greatest legacy to human race. Unless we uncover the secret to love and happiness, success is nothing but just an objective desire and achievement. ~ Unknown Meaning of Love and Happiness What is love? What is happiness? Have you ever said to yourself or others, “I just want find love and be happy?” My closest family members, best friends and I say, “I love you” to each other from time to time. But, what does love really mean? I occasionally ask my friends, "Are you happy?" and they tend to say, "yes." Yet, what does happiness really mean?
Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person. ~ Albert Einstein Mastering Your Life, Unveiled What does mastering your life really mean? It means visualizing the life you want, mapping it out, and taking intentional steps to create it. I often ask people: what are your interests? What do want out of your career? Where would you like to retire? What brings you joy? Most people respond, “I really don’t know.” More often than not they are struggling emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. The prevailing desire is for inner calm, peace and focus.