
Gifts from the Web

Links to sites with valuable information addressing emotional, physical, spiritual, or environmental well-being.

"If the world is to be healed through human efforts, I am convinced it will be by ordinary people, people whose love for this life is even greater than their fear. People who can open to the web of life that is called us into being, and who can rest in the vitality of that larger body." Joanna Macy

I would like to share some of the wonderful discoveries I've made while surfing the net. Each link offers the visitor valuable information which addresses emotional, physical, spiritual, or environmental well-being. We recommend that you bookmark this page before clicking onto the following links as they will take you outside of this webpage.

Activist links

Awakening Earth (I can not recommend this site enough! Please pay it a visit)

We The People (dedicated to political reform and social justice)

Sustainable Business Network (providing information and connection to accelerate momentum toward a green economy)

Public Information Network (working to hold corporations and governments responsible)

Future Generations (devoted to living in a sustainable and equitable way)

Green Sense (a terrific and huge resource for sustainable living)

Peacecorps (needs no description - just our support)

Greenpeace (also needs no description - just our support)

continue story below

League of Women Voters (to empower citizens to shape better communities world wide)

Non Violence Web (home of many of the nation's most dynamic peace groups)

Counseling and Recovery Links

PsychNET-UK (a major link site suitable for all mental health professions and students) (comprehensive mental health information covering everything from symptoms to treatments. Wonderful community for people with mental health concerns.)

Mental Health Matters (Information and resource directory)

BMHC (healing Through the Practice of Self-Acceptance)

Self-Therapy (for people who enjoy learning about themselves! Many topics covering a wide range of self-help issues, includes a newsletter for therapists and more.)

Clinical Psychology Resources (contains links to a number of sites offering information for "Clinical and Abnormal Psychology, Behavioral Medicine, and Mental Health)

Crisis, Grief and Healing (designed to be a place where "men and women can browse to understand and honor the many paths to healing.")

The Psychotherapy Center (information, insight, and thought provoking writings on psychotherapy)

Personal Growth Online (self improvement site featuring self-help quizzes, psychology articles, an award winning newsletter, and once a year therapy)

The Couples Place (an interactive site supporting marriage and other relationships - provides information, skills training, and networking services)

Environmental Links

The Earth Council (devoted to supporting and empowering people to build a more secure, equitable, and sustainable future)

Earth Watch (promotes scientific research, experiential learning, and global citizenship)

NatureConnect (where you can walk nature's path to a fulfilling livelihood, self-improvements, and responsible relationships)

EarthKeepers (focused solely on the physical and metaphysical catering of the Earth)

Friends of the Earth (dedicated to the preservation and protection of earth's resources)

Environmental Newsletter (offers the latest news on environmental issues)

The Guardian (a bi-monthly newsletter dedicated to protecting the environment.)

Health and Wellness Links

Mystic Gateway (provides information on Alternative and Complementary medicine, holistic political news, personal healing and growth)

Wellness Interactive Network (wonderful resource with a wide range of offerings)

The Center for Mind-Body Medicine (dedicated to reviving the spirit and transforming the practice of medicine)

Holistic Healing Web Page (Holistic Healing Fundamentals and Resources)

Natural Health For Women (holistic health care for people and animals)

Ask Dr. Weil (information regarding health and wellness)

Mayo Health Oasis (resources for health and wellness)

The Healing Spectrum (offers a range of resources that support healing in all its aspects, with both alternative and Allopathic Medicine being profiled. A bookstore is also included.)

WellSpring (offers tools for a vibrant mind, body and spirit)

Cooking Light (great resource for healthy cooking)

At Health (provides mental health information, resources, a directory of licensed mental health professionals, an online newsletter, and continuing education information)

The Share Guide (articles, links, and more)

Inspirational Links

After hoursInspriational Stories (a wonderful collection of inspirational stories, jokes, poems, and quotes -- a true gift)

Motivating Moments (a huge and ever growing collection of motivational and inspirational quotes)

Chicken Soup for the Soul (needs no further description...)

Follow Your Dreams (Provides inspirational road side assistance for your journey)

A Quiet Place for the Mind (inspiration, support, and reflection)

The Motivational Mecca (a thoughtful directory of inspirational sites online)

Links Advocating Lifestyles Which Promote Well-Being

I was going to develop a section of SagePlace that addressed lifestyles that enhance emotional, physical, spiritual, and environmental well-being, when I came across some really wonderful sites that already address these issues. I encourage you to visit them!

The Pierce Simplicity Study (wonderful resource on simple living)

I love this place (a friendly place where people choose to make choices that respect themselves, others, and nature)

World Transformation (ideas, resources, connections, and information aimed at growing, creating, or discovering a better world)

Earth Friendly Living (advocates lifestyles that focus on spiritual growth, volunteerism, personal and environmental health)

Frugal Living Resources (offers numerous resources for living frugally and responsibly)

Living Lightly (promotes "voluntary simplicity")

Simple Living (a wonderful resource)

Conscious Choice (a bi-monthly magazine that reports on environmental issues and alternative lifestyles)

Natural Life (a wonderful zine and interactive forum)

Links for Women

Women's World (a virtual home for women - filled with resources, support, and much more)

WomenFolk (focuses on issues related to women's creativity)

Voices of Women (women tell their stories, discuss issues, and share their wisdom)

Advancing Women in Leadership(represents the first on-line professional journal for women in leadership. The journal publishes manuscripts that report, synthesize, review, or analyze scholarly inquiry that focuses on women's issues)

Parenting and Family Links

Schools Online (a service for children, teachers and parents at school and at home which provides you with a wealth of resources and information in a fun way)

Natural Child (articles and advice on parenting and education that respects children)

Parent Soup (outstanding parenting resource)

Family (terrific resource for parents and families)

Family Education Network (wonderful resource to help parents help their kids to learn and succeed)

Whole Family (warm and inviting resource for the whole family)

Professional/Personal Development Links

James Harvey Stout (download books of psychology, personal growth, business, etc.--some books are free.)

Transformational, Holistic and Spirituality links

Spirit Voice (contains an interactive live Compassion Line, information on Alternative Healing, Spiritual Education, Humor, Spiritual Art, Gatherings and conventions, Meditation, and contacts for Spiritual Discussions or Readings.)

Holistic Healing and Personal Growth( explore holistic health, healing, personal growth,spirituality, metaphysics, alternative medicine & more.)

Ishmael (this is the official Daniel Quinn website, author of Ishmael.)

Creative Alternatives for a positive future (alternatives In Health, Energy, Education and Agriculture )

Spiritual Sanctuary (a place of inspiration, information, contemplation, and support)

Empowerment Resources (books and links for personal growth, social change, and ecology, a newsletter, and much more)

The Inner Journey (Dedicated to the personal and spiritual journey)

Eye of the Sacred Wind (Lessons from the soul for personal growth)

mysticplanet ("Visit the mystic planet where you are always loved.")

Many Paths (wisdom and spiritual resources of the ages and from the daily lives of others through 400 pages of book excerpts, pivotal events, art, poetry, live topic chats and more)

Project Mind (a sensitive, challenging delve into the furthest realms of human possibilities)

Thoughts Beneath the Trees (collected essays on Creativity & Transpersonal psychology. Intended to inspire and provoke a new view)

Peace Pilgrim (a powerful message about an extraordinary woman)

New Heaven New Earth (news and information for spiritual seekers)

Conscious Living (health, lifestyle and environment magazine)

Interlude (a place to renew the spirit)

Sacred Transformations (personal stories of visions, awakenings, spiritual emergencies and their effects)

Quavajo (to deepen your understanding of your true self, liberate your spirit, and develop your unique gifts, also serves as a watchdog/advocacy platform for defending personal freedoms)

United Communities of Spirit (a tremendous resource for spiritual seekers)

Elsajoy (devoted to metaphysics, mysticism and spiritual healing.)

The Inspirational Center (non-profit inspirational, motivational, and spiritual page)

The Zoo Fence (an inspirational guide to mysticism, religion, and the spiritual life)

The Dreamtime (earth, spirit and health alternatives)

New Renaissance: A Journal For Spiritual Awakening (an international quarterly providing a holistic and progressive outlook on environmental, social, economic, political and cultural concerns)

Spiritual Endeavors (dedicated to expanding spiritual, holistic and environmental awareness)

The Toltec Nagual (a site devoted to personal growth and spiritual evolution)

Wonderfully Diverse Links

One Earth Network ( a well organized directory offering metaconnections to a vast number of resources on the web)

SELF (a wonderful mixture of personal growth topics covering happiness, relationships, self-awareness, acceptance and empowerment with a focus on the individual)

Appleseeds (promotes positive attitudes and development of holistic human dignity)

WOW (an invitation to look at life with the eyes of a child)

next: Quotes and thoughts to Ponder contributed by Rachaelle Schlosser

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 2). Gifts from the Web, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, February 13 from

Last Updated: November 22, 2016

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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