You Know You Have ADHD When...
This is meant to make you smile (or maybe even raise a giggle). It is not a set of instructions for you to follow. These are all things that were posted on our addult forum board under the same title as above!! So Thanks to all those who contributed
You know you have ADD when.....
You're still sitting at the stop sign five minutes after the traffic has cleared and then forget which way you were going
You know you have ADD when.....
You're still sitting at the stop sign five minutes after the traffic has cleared and then forget which way you were going
You know you have ADD when.....
You go on the web to find an answer to help you son with his homework and two hours later you have to go and ask what you were looking for
You know you have ADD when.....
You run downstairs to get something to eat, but eventually find yourself back at your computer still hungry
You know you have ADD when.....
You're reading a book and go off on a tangent, and after you get to the end of the page,l you realize you don't remember one thing you read
You know you have ADD when.....
Your 3 year old daughter is ready and waiting at the door for you to get it together.
You know you have ADD when.....
You absolutely panicked in school, when your teacher would say, "Im only going to tell you the directions one time, so listen carefully
You know you have ADD when.....
You bump your head on the cabinets doors you left open.
You know you have ADD when.....
You call your child by the dog's name, twice in one week.
You know you have ADD when.....
You set out to clean the whole house, only to find yourself still in the bathroom two hours later, and on the floor scrubbing the corners with a toothbrush.
You know you have ADD when.....
Your always late and in all reality, you had plenty of time to get there
You know you have ADD when.....
You go to your neighbors to borrow something and you go home without it
You know you have ADD when.....
You keep important things in a place called "It's in a Safe Place" and you have No idea which one it is
You know you have ADD when.....
You know your room is messy, cant bring yourself to clean it, would love to have a clean room, but when someone starts to clean it for u- it bothers you and tell them that oyu'll clean it tommorow
You know you have ADD when.....
You remember Dad's birthday is July 10th, you know today is July 10th, but you don't realise that today is Dad's birthday
You know you have ADD when.....
People who know you and your son have no problem believing that ADD is inheritted
You know you have ADD when.....
Your children have to point out the fact that you've worn the same clothes three days in a row
You know you have ADD when.....
Your alarm goes off 2 hours before time
You know you have ADD when.....
Your kids think nothing of watching you break a window to get in the house
You know you have ADD when.....
You come home and ask what's the strange smell and the answer is "you left the egg on the cooker and nearly burnt the place down
You know you have ADD when.....
You go to an appointment 2 hours early as got times mixed up
You know you have ADD when.....
walk around the house looking for the keys you have in your hand and the glasses you pushed onto the top of your head
You know you have ADD when.....
hubby is working late and phones you to ask to tape something that is just about to start. You put the phone down, think, I'll just put the kettle on and only remember the programme when Hubby comes in looking rather annoyed that you managed to forget... AGAIN
You know you have ADD when.....
your mum buys you a special plug for the bath that stops you from flooding the bathroom for the umpteenth time.... and you forget to use it
You know you have ADD when.....
you arrive at the school gates after the latest hols and wonder why no-one else is there, only to find they go back tomorrow
You know you have ADD when.....
You are sure not to make the same mistake twice and end up sending them a day late, cos you were sure the monday was another teacher training day ooops
You know you have ADD when.....
and, the letter from school with all the dates on, is in that 'special place' that you have no idea where it is lol
You know you have ADD when.....
once again, the two most important people in my life (My daughter and my other half) are angry with me for doing something which I had no idea would upset them.
You know you have ADD when.....
when you accidentally put your gym membership card (which you haven't got around to using for months) into the cashpoint machine by mistake, and it eats it
You know you have ADD when.....
when you have to phone the dentist/doctor yet AGAIN to ask when the appointment was, as you forgot to write it down / lost the card - and they say you've missed it
You know you have ADD when.....
when you go to your PC to look something up - and then 3 hours later realise you're still there - but have no idea of what you were looking for in the first place
You know you have ADD when.....
you have a day off, and can't decide which of your 101 hobbies / unfinished projects to do - and then all of a sudden it seems to be bed-time, and you haven't done ANY of them - and don't really know what you HAVE been doing
You know you have ADD when.....
your few friends think you're blanking them - and telling them that you misplaced your mobile (for the umpteenth time) sounds like a lame excuse (but is actually true!)
You know you have ADD when.....
you flag up emails that you need to reply to - and then 3 months later rediscover them at the bottom of your inbox - and by then are too embarrassed to reply
You know you have ADD when.....
you work at a school, and feel far more comfortable with the kids than the adults
You know you have ADD when.....
you never stop looking for the perfect career, and reinvent yourself more often than Madonna!
You know you have ADD when.....
your children tell you to 'grow up'
You know you have ADD when.....
you can do just about ANYTHING, if it interests you!
You know you have ADD when.....
you are adaptable, creative, and intelligent
You know you have ADD when.....
nobody could EVER call you boring! ;-)
You know you have ADD when.....
you finally make it to your car, and then have to go back in the house 2 more times for things you forgot.
You know you have ADD when.....
you lose your debit card and can't find it for days, only for it to turn up in your tracksuit bottoms when your at work and can't remember how it got there
You know you have ADD when.....
you lose your mobile phone in the house and you try to phone it with your home phone only to realise that its on slient and you can't hear it ringing
You know you have ADD when.....
you find it extremely difficult to catch public transport and end up running to the bus station and trying to get the bus to stop for
You know you have ADD when.....
when you send your kids on an egg hunt but even YOU cant rememeber where you have hidden the eggs!
You know you have ADD when.....
when you forget to give your child a birthday present and find it in a cupboard a week late!
You know you have ADD when.....
you buy a memo board to remind you about appointments etc, only to find either you forget to look at it or forget to add the information onto it!
You know you have ADD when.....
you get a letter from a dentist saying you have to pay a fine for not attending the appointment, you swear blind you never made the appointment and argue with the receptionist, protesting that there is no way would you ever make an appointment 6 months in advance, until rather embarrassingly you reach to the depths of your bag to find the appoinment card.
You know you have ADD when.....
you do something as embarrasing as having a go at a loan company over the phone, making out you paid such and such when actually the money never left your bank account and you accidently spent all of it without even
You know you have ADD when.....
You book the cinema tickets online.... when you get there to find theres no tickets, you have a real go at the customer services until they let you in without the tickets....Only to get home and find it was the wrong cinema!!! hahaha
You know you have ADD when.....
Windows[tm] brings up the offer of disability assistence when you've had to stop typing mid-flow to remember a name for something and got as far as holding the Shift key down
You know you have ADD when.....
u r really good n write a list n take it WITH u 2 the shop but get home and realise u only got 1 thing on the list (ketchup) and there is still a bottle unopened in the fridge,,DUUUUUHH,,,,,,
You know you have ADD when.....
You send a message to friend sla*ging ex off and then send it to ex. DDERRRR
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APA Reference
Staff, H.
(2008, December 25). You Know You Have ADHD When..., HealthyPlace. Retrieved
on 2025, February 15 from