Rx for the 'Holiday Blues'
Is this YOUR holiday attitude?
NOTE: November and December are months that typically bring to mind family and friends. It is often a difficult time for people who have lost a loved one through death, divorce or separation. The following suggestions will help you to focus on giving the gift of happiness, not sadness, first to yourself and to your friends during the final days of this year. Got the Holiday Blues? Phone a friend! - Larry James
Rx for the "Holiday Blues"
Tips for the Holidazed!
During this season of celebration, are you are experiencing a dip in your mood just when it's the season to celebrate thankfulness and to be jolly? The hustle and bustle got you down? Are you overwhelmed with the busyness of the season?
Are you dreading the holidays? Feeling behind before you even begin preparations? Wish you could hibernate until the season's over? Avoiding tree-trimmings and office parties? Is your attitude, "Bah-humbug!?" For your own well being, don't boycott the holidays.
Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza, Ramadan, New Years eve - whatever you celebrate this season, being single doesn't suck as much as you think. You have a choice between sitting home and wallowing in your own self pity and crying into a warm beer watching reruns of "It's a Wonderful Life" or creating a very special holiday just for you. Embrace your situation. There is hope.
Nostalgia is often characterized as depression.
Nostalgia is a disorder of the imagination, where the mind is dwelling upon past memories and loses interest in the present situation: a mood disorder. It is a longing for pleasures, experiences, or events belonging to the past. Those memories are often brought on by an aroma, a song, an old movie, a picture, and can send you back many, many years.
Although nostalgia is not depression, it can lead to depression. For nostalgia to be normal, it must contain a depressive component that is related to the recognition that the past is irrevocable. In its pathological form, the mood contains only the elated aspects without the acceptance of loss, or what could be described as bittersweet sentiment.
Homesickness deals with the nagging thought that perhaps you made a terrible mistake in leaving the comforts of your old life, which may bring a temporary phase of loneliness and depression.
There is never any benefit in longing for what once was, but rather much joy in exploring what is. Focus on the present and think positively. This approach can help reduce some of your frustration and unhappiness as well as build your confidence to live in the spirit of the holiday season.
To really enjoy it during the holidays, you'll first need to temper your expectations. Forget about what's "supposed" to happen. Remember that lots of people out there are doing what's expected, and probably running themselves a little ragged.
Some degree of loneliness is normal during the holidays. There is nothing abnormal about having the "holiday blues," which are more like a mood than any sort of lasting condition. Depression, anxiety, and other psychological symptoms are associated with the holidays because this season brings back memories of a happier time in our lives. Plan a holiday where loneliness doesn't dominate.
Carving the turkey with friends and shopping for a gift for someone special is a part of life during the holidays. Drowning your troubles in egg nog and pigging out on holiday candy is not the solution.
Doing the holidays solo? Being alone is a challenge for many people. Not being coupled during all the various gatherings can leave singles feeling left out, sad, and empty inside. What can you do to make the holidays joyous rather than depressing?
If you are feeling alone during the holidays because of a death, divorce or separation from your loved one or if you are feeling obligated to visit or entertain friends or relatives that you would rather avoid, perhaps the following guidelines may help minimize the "Holiday Blues."
One thing to remember: There is no cure-all for the holiday blues, however it is important for you to understand that the only person in charge of how you "feel" is you.
Before you get defensive about that statement, I suggest that you take a closer look at the real issue that brings on this feeling. It is not in your best interest to allow what you think to color how you feel.
Understand the difference between the holiday blues and holiday stress. Holiday blues are feelings of loss or sadness because you can't be with people who are special to you. Holiday stress is often caused because you believe you need to be with some of those people.
Feeling down is not all bad. It allows you to see that something in your life is not working. If you listen to your depression, it may help you make changes in your life. Embracing the "blues" in a positive way is a good thing.
For many people, the holidays are a traditional time of happiness and festivity. However, for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one, the holidays are a time of mixed emotions. Be aware of what triggers your emotions. Do your best to accept that your emotions will vary during the holidays. Make time to deal with your emotions. Have a good cry, punch some pillows and shout out loud about how angry you are. But then, as best you can, let it go.
Plan ahead. Schedule some fun events for January to give you something to look forward to.
No one wants to be alone during the holidays. And although you may not be in a position to do anything about being with the one you would rather be with, you can do something to help yourself focus on making yourself "merry" during the holidays. A holiday alone does not have to be the end of the world. Here are a few suggestions to help you dodge the perils of solitude and radiate holiday cheer:
1.Avoid alcohol (or at least, limit your drinking)! If you are already feeling down, alcohol depletes the brain of serotonin, a chemical it needs to maintain normal mood. Alcohol is a depressant. The holiday season is one of the most dangerous times of the year for alcohol-related accidents and death. Resist the pressure to drink or serve alcohol at every social event. Alcohol is not a necessary ingredient for holiday cheer! If you or your friends are going to a party and plan to use alcohol, decide in advance who will be the designated driver. Decide that drinking and driving is not an option. Read, A Sure Cure for a Hangover. Party drugs can only create additonal relationship stress. Just say, "No."
2.Gather toys from friends and store donations and bring give to children who would not otherwise have toys. Donate clothing too. You can find these children through schools, churches and various other organizations. Donate to the U.S. Marine Toys for Tots Foundation. (Find your state dropoff area in the "Toy Drive in Your Community" dropdown menu).
Joyce Faith once said, "The mystery of being a volunteer is that lonely hearts feel useful, fearful hearts discover it isn't so scary to encounter another person, cynical hearts learn to be hopeful and isolated hearts are warmed by community."
3.Exercise and keep those endorphins pumping, especially if you have a tendency to avoid your feelings of loneliness by sleeping too much. Exercise not only allows you to sleep better, it also makes you more alert and efficient during the day. Exercising regularly helps a person feel good about themselves as well as giving your body a helpful workout.
4.Do not abandon healthful habits, such as exercise, and eating healthy food. Choose HEALTHY food! Pick food that will stabilize your blood sugar when you know you might be sampling lots of sweets during the holidays! While it's fine to stuff ourselves with turkey and ham during Thanksgiving and the December holidays, we should also be careful not to overdo it. It's very easy to do. Overindulgence may add to your stress and guilt. It can also contribute to a poor self-image and lowered self-esteem.
5.Decorate your house or apartment with lots of holiday lights! Do it for YOU! Often the moods of the seasons are affected by shorter days and longer nights during November and December. Our biological body recognizes these signals and often people react in extreme ways and can't seem to stop eating, gaining weight and sleeping excessively.
6.If visits from certain people during the holidays in the past have affected you in a negative way, it's time to assert yourself. Let them know that "This is not a good time for me to have guests," or "I have other plans this year, but thanks for asking." You do not have to make excuses or defend yourself. They may expect you to give an excuse, but you don't have to do it. Make your own choices. Assert your right to say, "No, and thanks for asking."
7.Practice gratitude! Be thankful for all the things you DO have and avoid focusing on what you lack. Count your blessings! Make a list! When you really look, you can find many positive things to focus on. "Pity Parties" are out!
8.If you have children or loved ones who come to visit, do your best to create an atmosphere that focuses on "doing" rather than "having." Wear a Santa hat or some other festive, playful gear. Plan lots of holiday activities together; bake some cookies together; read a story aloud; make your own holiday decorations; give homemade gifts.
9.Emphasize the more spiritual aspects of your holiday. Rethink the reason for the season. Attend a special holiday service (i.e., a candle lighting service), take a drive around the city and enjoy the Christmas lights and holiday decorations! Doing so can help you understand that you are not really alone!
10.Read a good book; one that will help you focus on being the very best person you can be; one that will help you understand that the only relationship you have total responsibility for is the one you have with yourself. Take time for YOU! Never stop working YOU! A lot of new movies come out in December and many theatres are open on Christmas Day, so treat yourself to a flick. OR. . . read 12 Movies That May Be Overlooked During The Holidays for a list of movies you can rent; movies from twelve genres for, ostensibly, the twelve days of Christmas!
11.What about a lack of money. Social pressures of "giving" often brought on by expectations induced by the media or childrens expectations can also cause stress and lead to excessive spending on credit cards. The result is overextended credit so that the happy new year brings wilted poinsettias and bills that can't be met. Refer to #8. Focus on "doing."
12.Send "Thanksgiving" cards instead of Christmas cards this year. Thanksgiving and Christmas are both holidays that focus on giving. Thanksgiving: Giving thanks. Christmas: Giving gifts. Thanksgiving's giving acknowledges people. Focus on giving "thanks" to those people who are in your life. Take time to personalize your greeting. Do your best to acknowledge them for something special. This will make you feel good about yourself and may put you in more of the holiday spirit.
13.Have your "First Annual Thanksgiving" feast for other single friends. To make sure everyone gets involved, have them bring a favorite dish to share. Have a few special friends over to prepare a turkey. Before the meal, share what you are thankful for or a special holiday memory and ask everyone else to do the same. Another idea would be to have a "tree decorating party" or a Hanukkah dinner with your special friends.
14.Host an alcohol-free "Holiday Hayride" to look at the Christmas lights. Solicit volunteers to help you make a batch of cider or hot coffee. Sing Christmas carols at each stop. Check your local newspaper for a list of houses to tour.
15. Visit a nursing home. Boost the spirits of some lonely old folks. Be there for them with a listening ear and arms that embrace. You think you're lonely? Volunteer! Statistics show that many elderly people are often forgotten during the holidays. Your visit will ALWAYS be appreciated! Give them a small homemade gift or a holiday card. Spread some holiday cheer! Also consider a hospice or children's hospital.
16.Be Santa Claus or Mrs. Claus to others this year. Run an ad in the local paper. Rent yourself out or do it for free. One year I played Santa Claus to a family whose father had lost his job. The children were not getting any toys for Christmas that year. My friends bought gifts for the children and I delivered them dressed as Santa Claus. When you bring joy to others, a little of it always stays with the giver.
17.Catch up on your ZZZZZZZZZZs! Take care of yourself - get more sleep! A recent survey by the Better Sleep Council reported 51 percent of Americans say stress disturbs their sleep. Unwind early in the evening, cut down on stimulants and follow other tips at www.SleepFoundation.org.
18.Treat yourself to a pre-holiday pampering. Play a round of golf. Schedule a full-body massage. Maybe you've always wanted to go to a football game on Thanksgiving Day, perhaps you always dreamed of caroling on Christmas Eve or hoped to host a Kwanzaa feast. Now is your chance to fulfill your holiday wish list. Do something special for YOU!
19.Can't find any humor in the holidaze? Do something to make yourself laugh. Rent a funny video. Laugh. Use humor to transcend your stressful situation. Read some jokes at: www.CelebrateIntimacy.com, www.WhichIsWorse.com or www.Bored.com.
20.Plan ahead. Get ready for next year now. Create a holiday file, adding articles, jokes, and ideas that you'd like to try and jotting down what worked and what didn't. Recycle holiday cards to preschools and children's hospitals for art projects.
21.Take a long walk in your own neighborhood. Leave the cellphone and pager at home. Ahhh! Some time to myself! Check out the Christmas decorations. Let your senses soak in the sights, sounds and smells of the season. Rekindle that childhood feeling of innocence and wonder. Touch the soft bows and cuddly bears. Smell the scent of pine and apple cider. Taste the delicacies; savor them instead of scarfing them. Stop to reflect in front of the lights - be they in the shape of a star or a tree or a Santa figure - they are all beautiful and fun! Take a walk at night and stargaze. Listen to soothing music. Find something that clears your mind, slows your breathing and restores your calm.
22.Imagine what your ideal holiday would be like. Determine your goals for this holiday season and keep them in the forefront of your mind. Curl up on the couch with hot chocolate and a warm blanket as you make your plans. Everything you do should be weighed against these goals. Choose only to pursue what will nurture your image of a wonderful holiday.
23.Pay attention to your breathing. Breathe deeply. Sit tall, with your pelvis tucked, shoulders, back and chin up. Inhale for three seconds, hold for three, exhale for three and hold for three. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Leave out the holding part if you have cardiac problems. Repeat for two to five minutes and do several times each day, especially before going into a stressful situation. Gradually, increase the number of seconds. Take care of YOU!
24.Consider attending a holiday dance or "mixer" event just for singles. You never know! You just may end up with a budding relationship, and the least you'll find is a night of fun. Consider going with another single friend. That way, you will both have someone to talk with, laugh with and stay occupied, without fixating on the awkwardness you may feel when other couples snuggle and dance.
25.Be proactive. Call up other people who might be on their own and arrange a holiday dinner, agreeing to split the meal preparation duties. Lots of singles look forward to their "orphans' Thanksgiving or Christmas" each year, celebrating with old friends and new ones. Don't wait till the last minute to invite them. Don't assume that everyone you know will be busy throughout the holidays. Even if they have family commitments, they still might welcome the opportunity to escape to spend some time with you.
26.Take a hike to that trendy eatery you've been eyeing for a while, or stop by the deli counter at the supermarket and try some interesting ethnic dishes. Buy a great big steak and your favorite bottle of wine and savor both. The holidays are synonymous with good food, so why not enjoy it, even solo?
27.If you've found yourself stranded this year, that doesn't mean that you have to stay home alone. Do what you take pleasure in but never seem to find time to do.
Go online and book yourself a last minute cruise or resort vacation with Thanksgiving Day or Christmas tucked into the middle. One of the great things about being single is that you can get up and go whenever the spirit moves you. Take advantage of any extra time off and have some fun. If the Bahamas or Paris have always been on your list of cities to visit, why not do so now? Or if you want to do the local thing, just book a room and disappear in a downtown hotel. Play tourist, enjoy room service, relax and unwind.
28.Set aside some time to catch up on your letter writing. Reach out to family and friends with letters - individualized letters, not the massive, generic, carbon copied e-mail. It is always good to express love and show appreciation. Write words that make their spirits bright. No "poor me, I'm alone" dialogue. Make your missives uplifting, positive and choose your words carefully. Swipe a few special words from a greeting card that may help to express your feelings.
29.Relieve a Caregiver! Spend a few hours with someone who needs care - thus providing respite for the primary caregiver. By doing this, the primary caregiver will have an opportunity to relax, shop, and take care of personal needs.
30.Single parent? You may be facing an upcoming holiday during which you will be alone. Most parents have arrangements in which they share or alternate holidays with an ex-partner. When it is the other parents turn to be with your child on a holiday, you may wind up feeling depressed, sad and blue. This year, take the holiday by the horns and banish those bad feelings.
- Talk to Your Child - The first thing you must do to keep the holiday blues at bay is to talk to your child. Make sure your child understands where he or she will be spending the holiday. It can be helpful to mark the plans on a calendar so that the schedule is solid in your childs eyes. Explain that you will miss him/her while he/she is with the other parent on the holiday, but point out that you are happy that he/she will be having fun and want him/her to have a good time.
- Make Plans With Your Child - Plan out with your child when you will celebrate the holiday together. For example, if your child is spending Thanksgiving Day with the other parent, plan your own Thanksgiving for the day after or for the next weekend. Its not important what you do or when you do it, as long as you plan a way for you and your child to celebrate the holiday together in some way. This will help your child feel confident that both parents are truly a part of his/her life.
- Keep Your Sad Sack Feeling to Yourself - While it is important to be honest with your child, it is equally important that you not burden him or her with the responsibility for your happiness. Do not tell your child that you will be miserable, lonely, in tears or completely depressed while he or she is with the other parent. It is okay to say you will miss him/her, but follow this statement with reassurances that you will be together again soon.
- Plan Some Kind of Contact With Your Child on the Holiday Itself - Plan to call him or her on the phone or even to stop by for a quick hug and kiss on the other parents front porch. Making contact with your child on the holiday itself will not only help your child cope, but will help ease your own feelings of loneliness.
31.Take time out for spirituality. Celebrate the religious significance of the holidays. The holidays are first and foremost a time of spirituality and recognition of special religious events. They are about finding something spiritual and wonderful about yourself, your life, and the people who fill it and make it special. You might attend services just to experience human contact and community. Often this may be a good time to renew your spiritual beliefs and spend more time in contemplation of spirituality. It can be an important aspect to understanding your life, your motivations, and your relationships with others. Be in the presence of others as they worship and sing praise to God. Ask them to pray with you and for you.
32.Don't feel you have to everything as you did in previous years. It's perfectly fine to let family and friends assist you with shopping, cleaning, cooking, wrapping gifts, delivering, and many other details connected with holidays. If being in crowded malls with festive shoppers and holiday music playing promises to be upsetting, then don't go. Some families do all their shopping via catalogs and the Internet.
33.Get around to projects you've been putting off, such as making a scrapbook of last year's vacation mementos, painting the bathroom or refinishing that antique dresser Aunt Sally left you. Organize your your CD or DVD collection. Find mates for all your single socks. Purged your Christmas card list of all those who never stay in touch. Most likely you'll find the process meditative, and you'll have lasting results to show for your efforts. This holiday season, treat yourself to some tranquility and renewal. . . or whatever matters most to you.
34.Capture those Kodak™ moments for friends. Bring your camera to take photos of the gathering, then send copies or printouts to the your friends soon afterward. It's also a good way to be actively involved in the group.
35.Accept invitations that come your way, even if it means going solo. When people ask about your plans, don't create a fictitious family gathering out of embarrassment. Be honest and say you don't have any plans. With any luck, someone will issue a sincere invitation for you to join them for a holiday meal or special outing. You might just have a good time and won't know unless you go.
36.Invite families of service men and women into your home - especially those alone and with loved ones away on foreign soil. Buy them a pre-paid phone card and invite them to call their loved ones. Or give them a pre-paid phone card to send to a serviceman or woman (Call back to the U.S. from U.S. Military Bases worldwide for 6 ¢ a minute). Remember our Men and Women who won't be by our sides this Holiday Season. They will always be in our hearts and minds.
37.Reach out to natural disaster victims. With all of the natural disasters that have happened recently, there will be hundreds of families who would appreciate being invited to share a holiday meal with you. Contact the Red Cross. They'll know where help is needed.
38.If Thanksgiving or Christmas is not your holiday, offer to cover a shift for a co-worker who would really appreciate the time off.
39.Give yourself the gift of self-care. Take a "time out" from the hectic holidays and treat yourself to a personal spa. You deserve to be pampered. Make it a party for one!
Be nice to yourself. Spoil yourself with comfort. Unwind. Think. Enjoy! The holiday season often is extremely draining, because all of those extra activities require additional time and energy. Take a bubble bath. It is important for you to take good care of yourself during the holiday season - consider this the most valuable gift you can give yourself.
40.Grab your toolbelt, pick up your hammer and contact an organization like Habitat for Humanity (www.Habitat.org). Many of these organizations host volunteer trips to Third World countries during holiday breaks.
41.Reach out. Call friends or family "before" you begin feeling a little lonely. Don't wait for them to call you. If there has been some distance or strain in the family's relationship, now may be a good time to take the first step and call. Make the conversation light. Don't dwell on the past.
42.Get a new haircut or style. Make yourself feel good by looking good. No matter if you're a man or a woman, a new "do" will do wonders for your holiday state of mind.
43.Put up a Christmas tree, hang some lights. Even if you're the only one who's going to see it, take the time to decorate your home. Tune into all those wonderful traditions you grew up with. Send out cards. Make Christmas cookies. Do it for you!
44.Volunteer to help prepare and serve food at at local soup kitchen. Donate sacks of food for the hungry and homeless. The homeless also need donations of clothing for children and adults.
45.Many international students, who have traveled thousands of miles to come to the United States may not have the money to travel home for the holidays. Contact a local college, university or foreign-student center and invite a few students over for a special holiday dinner.
46.Baby-sit for neighborhood children or children of family friends on New Year's Eve, or offer to baby-sit while the parents go shopping.
47.Locate a battered women's shelter in your area and help to create the holiday spirit for them. Recruit other solo friends to prepare food, decorate the tree, and spend time with them. Solicit a number of local supermarkets to donate food over the holidays to the local shelter that houses mothers and their children who had left abusive husbands. Regift some of the gifts you have no use for. Read to the children in the shelters and hold hands with the lonely and confused.
48.Give yourself the gift of restraint. Excessive materialism has serious consequences. Stick to a budget. Do not rack up credit card debt while getting sucked into the vortex of the season's commercialism. Don't spend money you don't have. Overspending during the holidays on gifts, travel, food and entertainment can increase stress as you try to make ends meet while ensuring that everyone on your shopping list is happy. Singles often try to make up for being alone by purchasing expensive gifts for friends.
49.Adopt-a-Shelter. Families in shelters are forced to neglect Christmas presents for their children due to lack of funds, and some shelters exist for children who have no families at all. Recruit single friends for this project.
50.Provide a special service for an older neighbor. Scout the neighborhood door-to-door. Ask for referrals to single neighbors. Cook a meal, perform minor home maintenance and repair, do laundry, change a light bulb, do whatever needs to be done for an older neighbor who is spending the holiday alone.
51.Set differences aside. Try to accept family members and friends as they are, even when they don't live up to your expectations. Set aside grievances until a more appropriate time for discussion. With stress and activity levels high, the holidays might not be conducive to making quality time for fixing relationships. Be understanding if others get upset or distressed when something goes awry. Chances are, they're feeling the effects of holiday stress, too.
52.Rewrite "The Twelve Days of Christmas." Remember the old Christmas Carol? Rewrite "twelve days" to suit your holiday plans. That is, plan twelve special days just for you. Make sure the days include time with your immediate family and special friends. Not only will you have plenty of fun deciding how to spend your days, you will also ensure that there is time for you (and any children).
53.Be careful of "shoulds" - it is better to do what is most helpful for you and your children. If a situation looks especially difficult over the holidays, don't participate.
54.Have a humorous gift exchange at your holiday party. Decorate your Christmas tree with a humorous flair. This works great to create a healthy humor climate within the group and helps them view the holidays in a positive way. Start a humorous holiday tradition. Save the holiday cards you receive this year and "recycle" them next year. Just cross out the sender's signature, sign your name, and mail it back to the person who gave it to you. Remember the true sprit of the holidays. Tis the season to be jolly! Decorate your face with a smile and share it with others.
55.Seek professional help if you need it. Despite your best efforts, you may find yourself feeling persistently sad or anxious, plagued by physical complaints, unable to sleep, irritable and hopeless, and unable to face routine chores. If these feelings last for several weeks, talk to a relationship coach. Larry James is available for coaching during the holidays.
56.Copy and share this list with other single friends. Send them an e-mail with a link to this page.
Seasonal hype leads us to believe that the only way to achieve holiday happiness is by spending time with family and loved ones. There's so much hype for this wonderful time of togetherness that it accentuates the feeling of being alone and disconnected.
Experts warn against the notion that without an idyllic holiday, there is something terribly wrong. The holidays can be joyous if you're alone, or they can be difficult. The truth, however, is that it's all about your attitude. Being alone does not have to mean being lonely.
The Ability to Enjoy Time Alone"
The ability to enjoy time alone is a number one necessity for being in tune with your own feelings and taking care of yourself. If you can not enjoy time you spend alone, then you may not be as well adjusted as you might think. You should be able to have time alone without feeling rejected or lonely. The overcoming of loneliness and appreciation of alone time is the ultimate goal.
Look around your community for events celebrating the holiday - church services, community get-togethers, civic events, 12-step groups, single parent gatherings - many have special events for singles over the holidays. Don't be afraid to go alone.
You are not alone. You may be tempted to think of yourself as Ebenezer Scrooge. Don't. One of the most difficult things about being alone during the holidays is the thought that the rest of the world is having a fabulous time with their families. Consequently, one of the most comforting truths is that there are countless singles in your shoes.
You may find your mood improves when you're in the company of special friends and favorite relatives - especially those who accept your full range of feelings and don't put pressure on you to be other than who you are. So seek out people who make you feel better, and avoid people who contribute to bringing you down.
Got the blues? Make them temporary. Scream into a pillow or rip up newspaper if it will make you feel better. Then focus on what you can be doing to make your spirits bright, instead of what other families are doing.
The first step to enjoying a stress-free holiday season alone is to recognize that no one else is responsible for making your days merry and bright. There are lots of worse positions to be in than "on your own," so get into the spirit of the season and celebrate.
Don't depend on someone else to make your season bright! You alone must do whatever it takes to do that. Have fun. Create some new memories. Defy tradition and start a new one. There are lots more fun ways to do this. Have a brain-storming get-to-gether with a few of your friends and together create a list of fun seasonal things to do.
The real secret of the holidays and Christmas is that the love and joy of the season is about the love and joy we can choose to share with one another. You and the love you have to give are what make this world special.
Enjoy the life you've made and the future life that is open to endless possibilities, limited only by your own imagination.
Do things a little different this holiday season. Enjoy your Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Ramadan or New Years eve. Celebrate them all. It might just start a whole new tradition.
Now. . . get busy!
APA Reference
Staff, H.
(2008, November 2). Rx for the 'Holiday Blues', HealthyPlace. Retrieved
on 2025, January 20 from https://www.healthyplace.com/relationships/celebrate-love/rx-for-the-holiday-blues