
Overwhelmed by Stress and Anxiety? How to Deal with It

Life can be overwhelming, and this can create anxiety. Here, a few simple ways to reduce anxiety and stress.

Anxiety can feel as though an incredibly loud and boisterous parade is charging right through your very being: blasting bands, flashy floats, animals, and announcers ad nauseam. This chaos within can cause headaches, chest pain, difficulty breathing, excessive sweating, aches and pains, and other noxious anxiety symptoms. Further, our thoughts become anxious and race with worry and obsessions. Often, panic sets in. As if this weren't bad enough, we have to live in the midst of this parade. We have to deal with parade garbage (think about it—debris, litter, road apples) while simultaneously dealing with everything else around us. With pandemonium on the inside, how do we deal with all of the stuff on the outside?

Anxiety and Stress Are Connected and Overwhelming

To be sure, life can be downright crushing. It’s often full of stress. When you have to destroy a rainforest in order to write your to-do list, you know you’re dealing with too much. Or maybe the number of items is small but they’re daunting in nature. The actual number of tasks is relatively inconsequential; what matters is how they impact your well-being. As the more than forty million people living with anxiety disorders can likely attest, overwhelming stress is often closely connected with overwhelming anxiety.

Life can be overwhelming, and this can create anxiety. Here, a few simple ways to reduce anxiety and stress.When it comes to stress, anxiety, and feeling overwhelmed, it can be hard to sort out cause and effect. Is your overwhelming stress causing your anxiety? Or perhaps is your overwhelming anxiety causing your life to feel intensely stressful?

Working with a therapist to sort things out can be very beneficial. However, you don’t have to know with certainty whether you’re anxious because of stress or whether stress is worse because you’re anxious. Personally, when I’m overwhelmed and the anxiety-and-stress parade is marching around painfully inside of me and interfering with my outer world, I really don’t care which is causing the other. I just know that anxiety and stress are there and connected; I’m overwhelmed and I want the parade to stop.

Ways to Deal with the Overwhelm Caused by Stress and Anxiety

Because anxiety and stress are often Co-Grand Marshals in this obnoxious internal parade, they can be reduced together. Each of the following techniques has been proven to reduce both stress and anxiety:

Avoid All-or-Nothing Thinking

Anxiety can loom so large that we begin to think in extremes: You might think, "I'll never get this done," "I can't do anything right," "If I don't do this perfectly, I'm a failure," "I'm a horrible partner/parent/employee/boss/person," "I made a mistake and now people hate me," and on and on. Of course we feel high anxiety about the outcomes of these things we're telling ourselves.

Recognizing how we're thinking is a helpful step in reducing anxiety. Over the next few days, simply notice your thoughts. What are you telling yourself? Once you become aware of all-or-nothing thinking, you can change how you think and what you say to yourself. "I missed a deadline" changes from "I'm horrible and I'm going to be fired," to "I made a mistake, but I do many good things, too. Overall, I'm valuable and am not likely to lose my job over this single incident."

Break (Or, Rather, Don't)

When we're anxious and stressed, it's easy to look at all of the tasks that lie ahead of us and become overwhelmed. At times, we're stopped in our tracks and completely shut down. We have reached our breaking point. At this point, anxiety is very high, and our ability to cope seems very low. The good news is that we have the power to prevent ourselves from breaking.

The trick? Break! Take breaks, and break up tasks into bits and pieces.

To avoid hypocrisy, I will admit upfront that I find it extremely difficult to take breaks. After all, when life is overwhelming with all of its demands and anxiety is flaring as a result, it just doesn't seem logical or even possible to walk away from stress for a while. However, it is vital. Even a short break can help your mind refresh and reset, and often when you return to your task you do so with a clearer head. Stand and stretch, get some fresh air if possible, massage your temples, breathe deeply. Snacking on something nutritious and energy-sustaining can give your brain and body a needed boost. For me, it seems that I don’t have time for a break, but in reality, when my anxiety decreases, I feel less overwhelmed, and I'm actually more productive when I take short breaks here and there throughout the day.

Further, anxiety often surges when tasks loom large in front of us. Life can be incredibly overwhelming when everything seems like one big mess, but it's easier to manage when we break things into manageable bits. Take my desk. It often looks like an office products store exploded on top of it. When I stare at it, I'm overwhelmed and I'm hit by a wave of anxiety that makes me feel like I'm drowning. When I stare at the entire mess, I feel daunted and can hardly begin to fix it. I've learned to break the task into bits. I'll clear one area then take a break. I might choose to put the rest aside and move onto something else, or I might come back and tackle another section. Either way, I've taken control, I can do something about the mess, and I feel my stress and anxiety ease.

To-Do List? How about a To-Done List!

Of course listing the tasks that lie ahead of you is a way of organizing yourself, feeling in charge, and reducing stress and anxiety. Yet it can be overwhelming to look at a huge list that never seems to shrink even when we break it into bits. When we only focus on what we have to do rather than taking stock of all that we have already done, we feel stressed, and anxiety often skyrockets. To keep this in check, consider creating a list of things you've already accomplished, a to-done list, if you will. It’s very satisfying at the end of a long and stressful day to think about all that you've done and to write it down. Then, when your anxiety tells you that you’re not in control, you can see for yourself that you are indeed in control and are accomplishing things.

Whether you’re overwhelmed by anxiety or your anxiety is making you feel overwhelmed, it’s stressful. The good news is that it truly is possible to take steps each and every day to rid yourself of anxiety.

What works for you when you’re overwhelmed by anxiety?

Connect with Tanya on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, LinkedIn, her books, and her website.

APA Reference
Peterson, T. (2014, August 28). Overwhelmed by Stress and Anxiety? How to Deal with It, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 25 from

Author: Tanya J. Peterson, MS, NCC, DAIS

Tanya J. Peterson is the author of numerous anxiety self-help books, including The Morning Magic 5-Minute Journal, The Mindful Path Through Anxiety, 101 Ways to Help Stop Anxiety, The 5-Minute Anxiety Relief Journal, The Mindfulness Journal for Anxiety, The Mindfulness Workbook for Anxiety, and Break Free: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in 3 steps. She has also written five critically acclaimed, award-winning novels about life with mental health challenges. She delivers workshops for all ages and provides online and in-person mental health education for youth. She has shared information about creating a quality life on podcasts, summits, print and online interviews and articles, and at speaking events. Tanya is a Diplomate of the American Institution of Stress helping to educate others about stress and provide useful tools for handling it well in order to live a healthy and vibrant life. Find her on her website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

August, 29 2014 at 2:34 pm

Hi Tanya! I've found that a time planner works well for me. I get to list the things I need to do, put them in order with letter A,B and C, and then rank each letter by number. It lets me do the things that are most important (A's), the things that should get done (B's), and the things that can probably wait (C's). There's space to check off each item. It works great for me whenever I check off something from my list, I get to see what I've accomplished. I find that it helps my stress levels, but I know it's not for everyone, sometimes I'm sure that having the list only increases stress for some. Have a nice weekend.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

August, 29 2014 at 9:35 pm

Hi cindyaka,
Thank you for sharing this fantastic tip! I use a planner that is designed somewhat like a funnel system. Tasks are listed at the top then funneled down into days and into hours of the day if necessary. I like this, but it's different from your ABC priority ranking. I love that idea for all of the reasons you explained. I'm so glad you shared because others might benefit from your system, too. (You're right that it's not for everyone -- nothing is. That's why at HP we try to share many different ideas for people to try and to use what works.) You have a nice weekend, too! :)

therapeutic massage
August, 30 2014 at 3:36 am

Hi tanya!
I know the feeling of having anxiety and tension, and it's not a good feeling!. I used to drink for me to relax and my Dr. advised me to stop using it so I decided to have a therapeutic and I'm telling you It is way more effective than any medicines It gives my mind time to relax, eliminates anxiety and tense muscles.I uggest you to do the same to have the best feeling ever!

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

September, 1 2014 at 10:56 am

Hi there!
Thank you so much for sharing your tip. I love therapeutic massage for all the reasons you mentioned. It really is helpful. And your doctor is right. It's not uncommon for people to self-medicate by drinking. But there are so many harmful effects, including worsening anxiety in the long-run. Good for you for finding an alternative that works great -- and feels great, too! You've reminded me that I need to schedule a massage. :)

September, 1 2014 at 4:03 pm

I also make lists of tasks both personal and work related. I then make sub lists. I find a few quick and easy things from my main list and make a list with just these. Then I roll through that small list quickly and it gives me a great sense of accomplishment. Even with really big tasks I will find a way to break them down into a series of small tasks. That way I am constantly crossing things off. Keeps me feeling in control and that I am making progress

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

September, 2 2014 at 11:07 am

Hello Ian!
Thanks for sharing your tip here! I love that HealthyPlace/Anxiety-Schmanxiety can be a place for sharing tips and techniques that work. I have a similar system. My planner is designed to be a funnel, with general tasks listed at the top that are then funneled into days and further funneled into hours of the day (if necessary). It can be great, but admittedly there are times when I cast it aside because it causes more stress than it alleviates. Even when we find helpful systems, we should remember that it's okay to modify them or set them aside then come back to them. Go with the flow! :)

Trivedi Effect
December, 1 2014 at 11:15 pm

There are few easy things which can help to reduce anxiety. If someone noticed those symptoms, so first of all they should get enough sleep and keep smiling, be courageous. The most important thing for them, they should be a positive thinker & avoid negative thoughts that you have described in this article.

February, 16 2015 at 10:33 am
This is a good place to talk with someone and get some support if you are feeling stressed out. Great environment and very welcoming!

Stress And Anxiety
February, 26 2015 at 3:05 am

We all struggle with stress at some point of time in life and often it becomes unavoidable… We all get baffled & frustrated and do not understand what should be done to avoid it. These tips can really help to make a lot of difference in the way one deals with stress. Thanks for sharing it….

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

February, 26 2015 at 3:37 pm

Hello Stress And Anxiety,
You're so right -- stress is part of everyone's life from time to time. Sometimes it seems like too much to handle. I believe strongly that we all have the power and strength to overcome it with help and support. Thank you for your comments!

Total Health Care
March, 19 2015 at 7:05 am

There are so many things which can be used reduce stress and anxiety. With the help of proper dieting, regular exercises and stress relieving medication we can easily handle stress.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

March, 19 2015 at 11:38 am

Hello Total Health Care,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on managing stress and anxiety. All of the things you mention are very important and truly do help (medication, though, is indeed helpful for some but not at all for others; that is something between a person and his/her doctor).

May, 1 2015 at 3:22 am

Hello Tanya, You have posted very valuable as well as informative article. Now-a-days stress & anxiety is so common in our society. To reduce stress & anxiety we have a Counseling Therapy Services in Paraparaumu. Further details available on website. Please make a look.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

May, 2 2015 at 11:51 pm

You are quite right; stress and anxiety are very common. Professional counseling/therapy can be very beneficial in managing both stress and anxiety (as well as other things). It's great that you offer the service!

October, 26 2015 at 1:59 pm

I feel very stressed today. My mom had a stroke and heart attack 2months ago and now she is in the nursing home. She can't talk or get out of bed.She doesn't want to be by herself but they won't let me stay with her at night

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

October, 27 2015 at 11:37 am

Tynamariebarnes I am so sorry you are having to go through this. I don't understand why they won't let you stay with your mom. Try talking with someone else there and maybe you get some results. I hope things work out for you.

Stresses and worriez
September, 26 2016 at 7:13 am

I have a lot of worries and do not know how to get over them and it makes me not drive what do i do?

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

September, 26 2016 at 12:43 pm

Hello Stresses and worriez,
Just by reading articles and seeking information, you are already on the right track. It sounds like anxiety is starting to restrict your life, so it's important to seek help. Working with a professional therapist in person can be incredibly helpful. Also, starting with a visit to your medical doctor is a good idea just to rule out any medical cause of anxiety. Sometimes, people find that anxiety books and self-help workbooks can help get them feel more comfortable reaching out to a therapist for an appointment. Definitely keep seeking information about anxiety and anxiety treatment to build strategies that work for you. This doesn't have to always limit your life.

May, 25 2017 at 2:31 am

I have overwhelming anxiety and stress right now. I have a statistics project at school and I'm a bit behind. I'm freaking out and I can't concentrate. I need help. Please help!!!

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

May, 29 2017 at 6:41 pm

Hi Imogen,
This time of the school year can definitely be overwhelming. Stree and anxiety are common in school. One of the most effective ways to reduce this type of stress and anxiety is to talk to someone in the school. A teacher (especially the stats teacher if he/she is approachable), the counselor, or anyone you feel comfortable with you. They can help you sort things out and get back on track. Sometimes, deadlines can be adjusted if they know what's going on and can tell that you're working toward finishing the project. Even if they don't change the deadline, you can create an action plan that will help reduce anxiety and stress. Remember that this project is stressful -- and it's also temporary. You can build stress management skills right now that you can draw on again in the future.

May, 30 2017 at 8:22 am

I wake with worry and anxiety. My marriage is failing and boss said I may lose my job. I've applied for a job with in my work. Not wanting this job, only hope to keep a job. This other position is dealing with complaints. Anxiety comes with depression and it sucks. I want to be a positive for my kids. I'm sick to my stomach...

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

May, 30 2017 at 12:54 pm

Going through such major stressors definitely takes its toll, and it makes sense that you're experiencing both anxiety and depression. I noticed in your comment that you have positive goals/values: you want to keep your job, and you want to be positive for your children. That might not seem like much, but it's actually very significant. Hanging on to what you want and shaping actions accordingly, even if they're small, will help get you through this tough time. Finding support groups could be helpful, too, as it will allow you to talk about frustrations, hopes, and things that work/don't work with others who are experiencing similar things. This isn't easy, but it definitely doesn't have to be permanent!

June, 5 2017 at 8:01 pm

I am so stressed out, i left a huge project for the last night, i have a spanish and science final tomorrow(My worst two subjects) and i have packets of math hw!! And everyone in my house is sleeping

June, 21 2017 at 11:11 pm

I am a medical student preparing for my md entrance. The huge amount of information I need to study and the short duration of time is makin me freaking out... I'm an average student trying to do better but at times im really stressed... Overwhelmed by the huge books anduke get depressed... I'm unabl to talk to my friends and proffesors about my problems.... Please helps me deal with this stress... Thank you..

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

June, 22 2017 at 12:16 am

Hi Divz,
It sounds like your current situation is incredibly stressful! Of course this would affect your health and wellbeing. Talking things through would be very helpful. I definitely understand how in your position it would be difficult to talk to friends and professors. If you are able to talk to a counselor, you might find it useful. You can get your stress out of your mind and work with him/her to create a plan to deal with all of the overwhelming things you're facing. If you can't see a therapist, you might consider checking out The term "crisis" is somewhat misleading. While they do indeed help people in crisis and thinking about suicide, you don't have to be at that level to chat with someone. They help people figure things out so they can keep moving forward. They might have some great suggestions. With these connections, you can deal with your stress and start enjoying life again.

Serena Sonoma
June, 23 2017 at 11:06 am

What about when you get overwhelmed by stress very easily? I am a freelance writer and this often interferes with my work. I have outside factors that may also be contributing, but it's frustrating not being able to concentrate. It's like filling up my car with gas only to get down the road before I'm out of gas again. I can start working and then immediately fill very stressed and overwhelmed 15 minutes in. I have to take frequent breaks which just result in me procrastinating. I have generalized anxiety disorder so I don't know if that's a contributing factor, but I'm kind of at a loss of what to do.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

June, 23 2017 at 12:43 pm

Hi Serena,
Unfortunately, I think that what you describe is a hazard of the writing profession. :D While it's inherent to the profession, it's also annoying and certainly shouldn't be shrugged off as part of the job. There's a very helpful approach to the stress and GAD you describe called acceptance and commitment therapy. It helps people determine where they want to go and how they're going to get there by practicing acceptance, separating yourself from problems, practicing mindfulness, and coming to know yourself. I've seen other benefit from it, and I've benefited from it myself. It's great for what you are experiencing. It's something that you might consider looking into to see if you might find it useful.

Rosy Mena
June, 26 2017 at 1:47 am

hello, I hope you can help me i beg you.
My boyfriend is constantly feeling overwhelmed by life. He says he wouldn't like to be here, but that he is certain that he will live a long life and that makes him feel like he's carrying a great weight on his shoulders.
He often feels threatened by common things in life, he worries and stresses by simple things like going to his sister's wedding, or going to work.
He has gone to therapy before, and it made a difference, however I can still see and feel how much pain he has.
I don't know how to help him, so please I'm begging you to shed a little light, so I can help him.
Thank you very much

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

June, 26 2017 at 12:11 pm

Hi Rosy,
It can be very difficult to see someone you love suffer. Are there mental health organizations in your area, such as NAMI? NAMI has support groups for individuals experiencing difficulties and groups for family members, partners, friends, etc. of people going through mental health challenges. That could be very helpful for both of you. You can get support from others in similar situations as well as strategies and tools for dealing with this. Also, I noticed that you said that therapy has made a difference in the past. Doing more of what has worked is often a really helpful approach. Another thought: when he says he doesn't want to be here, you could encourage him go call or do an online chat with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline ( or 1-800-273-8255). They are incredibly helpful in talking through things when someone is upset and in pointing the way to other resources. It's very caring of you to want to help your boyfriend. Getting support for both of you is a very effective way to do it.

August, 1 2017 at 10:24 pm

Pls what can i do am having overwhelming thoughts.
Afraid to drive, breathing too fast, can't focus on my creative ability (multimedia artist ) , been suppressing my emotions for some years, create a happy face so nobody else knows what am dealing with.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

August, 2 2017 at 9:51 am

Hello King,
Your anxiety sounds very intense and like its really limiting your life. Working with someone directly is often an effective approach to dealing with something this strong. This link will take you to a page that contains links to many articles/resources. Scroll down to the heading "Mental Illness Treatment" to find several articles with information about mental health treatment services and how to find the right treatment. I hope this is helpful.…

August, 9 2017 at 5:49 am

I have never been diagnosed but i suffer from anxiety almost everyday. The smallest things turn into big things and i my chest feels like it's caving in. I beat my self up about decisions i have made in the past. Could of paid of credit cards when i had a high paying job but didn't. Got a DUI because i chose to drive instead of uber. Wish i saved more money over the years etc. When i clearly know there's nothing to could do about it now other than look forward it still drags me down. I have an amazing boyfriend that puts up with my "freak outs" daily and i feel so bad but i can't help them. Any little thing can make me feel like i'm suffocating. We are moving out of state in less than 2 weeks for a fresh start but that just adds more stress on my plate. I tried yoga, meditation, taking time out of the day for just me but all i think about is everything i need to do and everything i have done to cause my stress. :( I want to better manager it and would love your advice.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

August, 9 2017 at 10:16 am

Hi Jessica,
It seems that you have a lot of great insight into what's causing anxiety and keeping you anxious. Because of this, plus the fact that you are moving to get a fresh start and you have an idea of what you want and don't want for your life, I think something called acceptance and commitment therapy might work well for you. You can work a therapist who specializes in ACT (do a search on or, or you can begin by reading about it on your own. Given that you're moving soon, you probably don't want to begin therapy right now.) You can find information within the two websites above. Also, this article provides info to get you started, too:…. Good luck with your move and with ACT!

Eshaq Mukhtar Khan
October, 7 2017 at 5:34 pm

I Eshaq khan, I am from state- Rajasthan Country india. I was born in rajasthan and when i was 3 year old we moved to mumbai maharashtra. Which is 1700 kilometer away from Rajasthan. And i completed my education till higher secondary in mumbai. After that due to some personal and professional issues, my family shifted to rajasthan again. now i am 25 year old. And from the last 6 years i am in Rajasthan. and started doing and practicing under my father ( he is a civil contractor doing construction work of road and buildings ) and here comes the turning point of my life. I thought my father would support and incourage me. While doing things b.coz i was unable to cope up with the situation. But the things which where happening were totally opposite. He was always diplomatic with me, discouraging me and insulting me in front of others. And abusing me. And i couln't take it and i use to cry hiding from every one on terrace of our home or on our work site. And one more thing when we shifted to rajasthan after my higher secondary education and i came to know that i will never be able to go back to mumbai. I was in deep depression and was in a room for about 7 months and use to cry every day n nite and use to eat once every two days.
And from the last two years i recovered very much from these things and doing my job more perfectley. But sometimes i feel alone and i am engaged and my fiance and she is exactly opposite of me. While i am emotional and she dosen't shows any emotion. When i am upset or angry she use to run away fro me. While she is angry or upset i use to be with her and help her. Some kind to problem dont know what it is. What should i do.
eshaq mukhtar khan

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

October, 9 2017 at 12:39 pm

Hello eshaq,
I'm sorry to hear of your current situation. It's difficult to have such important people in your life be so unsupportive and downright abusive. Are you able to break an engagement? If not, can you have a talk with your fiance about how you can each be a good spouse for the other one? Maybe together you can create a marriage that is good. It might be helpful for you, too, to sort everything out by listing the things that are causing you the most problems. Then, make two columns: Things that can be changed, and things that can't be changed. You can then make plans to make changes where you can and plans to deal with what you can't change.

October, 23 2017 at 3:45 pm

Is there really a single person with anxiety who has never thought to simply not think negatively, who would find that sort of advice a revelation, a panacea?
Anyway "just take breaks whenever you like" doesn't really work if you aren't self-employeed, or high enough in the workplace hierarchy to set your own meal times. A to-done list is a nice idea if you're in a position with a finite set of definite tasks, but my own position is a neverending flow that can't really be written on to or checked off a list. It's infinite, it stops only because I go home and someone else takes over. So I can check off/to-done the hours, but that doesn't make the actual work any less overwhelming.

Kellie O'Connor
October, 27 2017 at 9:50 pm

Hi im finding life really hard my mum passed 1 year ago my dad moved in with us he is 81 set in his ways my husband and i struggle with no privacy we have a 3 year old together and i also havec2 teens 17 and 15 we fight all the time over . My aniexty gives me chest pains achy legs headaches please help me

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

October, 29 2017 at 6:36 pm

Hi Kellie,
Your situation would definitely be stressful and anxiety-provoking. The symptoms you describe do fit anxiety and stress. It's always a good idea, though, to check out physical symptoms with a doctor just to make sure that there aren't underlying health problems. You doctor, too, can give you recommendations for stress management and will likely know community resources such as support groups, therapists, parenting organizations, and caregiver support groups (you are considered a caregiver to your father). Local resources can make a very positive difference and provide the right kind of help and support.

Bernadette Meade
November, 16 2017 at 11:03 am

Hi im very anxious having lost both parents in last
2 1/2 years and a relationship end...severe panic attacks and anxiety in relationships Currently very stressed due to work ..more responsibility as I'm only full time person..sense of doom and being out of control tummy aches headaches.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

November, 18 2017 at 9:38 am

Hi Bernadette,
I'm sorry to read of the loss of your parents. And whether or not we want a relationship to end, it's always difficult at first. It makes sense that you are feeling such physical and emotional symptoms of stress given the losses and stress at work. Stress and anxiety can be very hard on people. Have you seen your doctor for a physical check-up to make sure your body is functioning healthily? That is often an important first step. Then, he or she can recommend you to a therapist who helps people handle stress and anxiety or he/she might have other things to recommend. Doing this is a way of practicing self-care and handling/reducing stress and anxiety. Things won't always have to be this way.

Stephany Martinez
February, 27 2018 at 6:15 pm

Hi, I’m a teenager and have skipped two grades in science and math, while at the same time taking college courses (mind you I am 15). I feel really pressured to do great on all these classes yet I’m stressed to the extent that I can barely breathe. I first got anxiety attacks when I was 8 and managed to control them, but now their out of control and it’s affecting the way my test results are. I can’t live my life in constant stress and anxiety it’s starting to really affect me and how I feel in my everyday life. Please help me

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

March, 1 2018 at 10:13 am

Hi Stephany,
Adults tend to get very excited when a kid/teen is so smart. Many times they're well-meaning and want the best for you. Many times, people forget that there is more to you than high intelligence. You are still 15 (and were 8, etc.) in every way. Have you had a chance to talk to a parent, teacher, or another adult close to you to share what the pressure is doing to you? It might be a difficult conversation to have at first, but it could go a long way in reducing your stress and anxiety. A big source of stress and anxiety for students in situations like yours involves disappointing parents and teachers. Once they begin to talk, though, they're often pleasantly surprised at how willing the adults are to problem-solve and just talk about how to make things better. Plan your conversation ahead of time. Not word-for-word, of course, but have a general topic outline. It will help you stay on track if things get emotional, and it will help ensure that you say everything you want to say. It's also helpful to "schedule" a time to talk. Pick a time when everyone is less busy and isn't overtired, hungry, etc. This approach is typically a great start. In many cases it works very well. Sometimes it doesn't, but that doesn't mean that you have to give up and accept anxiety and stress. It just means that you try something else. This is just something to consider as you work on making things better.

March, 26 2018 at 1:45 pm

I’m 69, married male trapedvin extrem stress, anxiety and depression due Behavioural problems with us by our married son and their families. I and my sick wife live with our elder married son, his wife and 3 grand kid. Tried all kinds of Anti depressants, CBT therapies and ECT too but nothing held, it became treatment resistant. Now i remain extremly stressed and over whelmed 24/7, sleepless, completely isolated, cutoff, fearful, sad, worried, hopeless, supportless needs some solid advice to help control this miserable sicknesses

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

March, 28 2018 at 9:52 am

Hi Momo7,
I'm sorry that you are going through all of this. Something very helpful for others with similar feelings and experiences is also something that isn't easy to do: finding support. Given all you've already tried, finding a support group or even general community programs that offer classes or activities similar to your interests can help a great deal. Interacting with others, pursuing something you like, and getting out of the house can be very healing. It's easier said than done, of course. Do you have a NAMI or DBSA office in your community? (You can google NAMI and DBSA to find their websites and use their search feature to find a resource center near you). These organizations have classes and support groups. This could be a great start. You can also search to find support or interest groups in your area. Many people find that once they begin to reach out in this way, they gradually experience improvement.

June, 17 2018 at 4:01 pm

Thanks Taniya for your kind reply and suggestions. I read it just today after three months of you reply. Meantime, My sufferings are
multiplied and now I remain in complete stress, fear anxiety and depression 24/7. Not able to sleep more then two hrs at night. My heart plundering all the time, I feel like approaching death most of the time. Unable now completly to get out of the house. I stopped seeing my Psychitrist, who kept on changing AD but failed. I am going through so many side effects and getting more sick physically.Niw sawing Neurologist since last three months, he did Brain n cervical neck mri and brain mri came ok but have some cervical issues with CTS for which wrist splinter prescribed and Gabapentine 300mg Twice s day for pain killing. My eyes now found Entropion for which My Opthamologist referee Eye Surgen for surgery. I’m completly lost and my mind is not working. No support or moral help in house available. No support group available too. May be you can advice and help.

June, 20 2018 at 9:20 am

Hi Momo7,
I'm so sorry to read that things are worse and that you are experiencing medical issues. Mental and physical health are intertwined, and one can affect the other. In addition to the medical help (it's always good to address and treat health problems), have you thought about seeing a therapist? A therapist is different than a psychiatrist. Psychiatrists deal more with the physical brain and medication, whereas therapists/counselors help people work through thoughts, emotions, and behaviors and create action plans to move forward. This list of resources can help you find help. Of course, it can be hard to see a therapist in person when you can't leave the house, so I included online resources, too. Healing is a process that takes time, but you can get better.
Two reputable online sources are and (HealthyPlace has no connection to either of these, nor do we endorse any single organization either online or off because each individual is different, and what works great for one person may not work as well for someone else. We like to provide a variety of resources for people to investigate.)
These articles might help you find counseling resources near you:
Where to Find Mental Health Help:…
Types of Mental Health Doctors and How to Find One:…
Types of Mental Health Counselors: Finding a Good One:…

midwest gal
July, 10 2019 at 11:57 pm

Wish I had found this 2-3 years ago... have had SO much stress the last 5 years-yes 5.. and already am dealing with anxiety & depression. I have been coming home from work and am just exhausted...and no little to no energy on the weekends. I live alone, so needless to say housework is an issue... I couldn't figure out what or why I was so tired all the time(well beside being out of shape and a bad diet).. But then I ran across someone who was overwhelmed with stress, and they were having similar energy issues. I've been slowly digging myself out of the hole... and getting a few things done/uncluttered today.(Had no energy to do it on my days off last week)...and I feel like I have an accomplishment...we'll see what tomorrow brings...but I have plans to work outdoors after work and the weather should cooperate.

July, 12 2019 at 2:08 pm

Hi midwest gal,
What an inspiring comment! Despite dealing with stress for 5 long years (it's not only possible to have prolonged stress, it's surprisingly common). It takes strength, desire, and a willingness to take small, steady action steps to do what you're doing. Sometimes it can feel like you're digging yourself out of a hole with a baby spoon, but what's important is the "digging yourself out of a hole" part. Your only direction is up!

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