
About Dan Hoeweler, Author of Creative Schizophrenia Blog

October 24, 2011 Dan Hoeweler

Hello, my name is Dan Hoeweler, and thank you for visiting my blog, Creative Schizophrenia. The purpose of this blog is to help bring hope to those whose lives have been touched by schizophrenia and create a further understanding of one of the most stigmatized and misunderstood of all mental illnesses.

dan-hoeweler-150x150Despite having schizoaffective disorder, I have gone on to write for street papers, literary journals and horror magazines nationwide. I use my illness in a positive way - in my writings and through painting my characters within the same paranoid delusional landscape that I had endured for years before getting proper treatment.

I hope to share some of my poetry with you periodically through audio and video recordings on my blog. I would also like to keep you up to date on any of my future book signings, poetry readings and additional publications that may come out. If you are interested in exploring my writings, I have a professionally made website entitled The Schizophrenic Writer where they are featured.

Creative Schizophrenia Blog Welcome Video

Like some people suffering from Schizophrenia, I have been homeless, I have abused alcohol and have slept on people’s porches and couches for extensive periods of time while suffering the incredible pain and horror behind this mental illness. I am here today to bring hope to those who have none. To say that even a life with great pain can have great meaning, and that even a homeless alcoholic schizophrenic can become a much better person.

APA Reference
Hoeweler, D. (2011, October 24). About Dan Hoeweler, Author of Creative Schizophrenia Blog, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 25 from

Author: Dan Hoeweler

Chrisa Hickey
October, 24 2011 at 2:34 pm

Welcome! I look forward to reading your posts.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Dan Hoeweler
October, 24 2011 at 2:51 pm

Thank you Chrisa,
I hope you enjoy them, and more importantly learn something through them.

Jack Smith
October, 24 2011 at 3:51 pm

Congratulations on the new blog. I also began blogging for HealthyPlace recently. Thanks for having the courage to tackle this issue head-on.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Dan Hoeweler
October, 25 2011 at 9:55 am

Thanks Jack,
You have a nice blog going yourself. Depression is a little easier to visualize, but nevertheless is very painful. I hope you are doing well.

October, 25 2011 at 6:09 am

Hi Dan, welcome to HealthyPlace. I'm so glad you're here with us.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Dan Hoeweler
October, 25 2011 at 9:50 am

Hi Patricia,
I am glad to be here.

Hope on Hope
October, 25 2011 at 6:14 am

Hi Dan,
You have a great story to tell - thank you for being willing to share it. Glad you are here to share hope with others. All the best to you!
Hope on Hope

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Dan Hoeweler
October, 25 2011 at 9:49 am

I am very happy for the support. I hope that I can make a difference and reach out to others.

October, 25 2011 at 8:03 am

I find your courage and strength inspiring. I love that you use your creativity to turn your mental illness into something productive. Very nice! Keep up the good work!

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Dan Hoeweler
October, 25 2011 at 9:48 am

Thank you LuAnn,
I believe it is always important to make the best out of a bad situation.

Norm Miner
October, 26 2011 at 5:59 am

Wow, what a breath of fresh air. Your acceptance of your illness is inspiring and gives me hope that my Bipolar / schizoaffective challenges will present incredible opportunities as well. Thank you for sharing, I look foreward to reading your blog.
Norm Miner

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Dan Hoeweler
November, 3 2011 at 12:16 pm

Hey Norm,
It is what one does despite ones illness that matters. I try to make the best of it. Thanks.

Jon Mason
March, 24 2012 at 8:40 pm

Dear Dan,
I love your blog.
I recently started a website calledd many perceptions. The purpose of the website is to promote understanding of persons with alternative perceptions of the world.
I would like to Interview you by email for my website.
Should you decide to be interviewed, I will follow the below proceedure. I intitially start out asking just one or two questions at a time. As I see your responses I may ask five or six questions at a time. You may decline to answer any question. I will only post the interview after you have the opportunity to review it. At this time, you may decide to change or modify your answers. I will only portray you in a positive light.
The entire process takes about one or two weeks.
I will link back to your blog and website if you desire.
You may also choose to remain anonimous.
My website will never have advertisements, accept donations, or advance a political agendal.
Thank you for your time and attention.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Dan Hoeweler
April, 2 2012 at 4:07 pm

Hello Jon,
I recently looked at your website and I would be happy to do an interview for you. I usually don't do live interviews, but I would be alright with one in the format you have described. Your website is very interesting and I hope that I can add something to it. Sorry about the late reply but I have been very busy lately.

May, 20 2012 at 2:24 am

Hey Dan,
I came across your blog and writings and was very interested.
I actually have had the same disorder, schizoaffective disorder, since I was 17. I am a journalist and an aspiring horror fiction writer, as well.
This may sound random, but if you ever want to network give me an email at:

Jason P.
November, 20 2012 at 4:27 pm

Hi Dan.
I hope you are well. I find your story very positive. You have a lot of strength and courage. My sister also has schizoaffective disorder. Most of the time its okay but there are times where she had a slight replase, but with her med and just talking to her she does a 360 and is back to herself again. Keep up the good work you are doing. You are an inspiration :)

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Dan Hoeweler
December, 7 2012 at 6:34 am

Thank you. I appologize for the absense, my sleep disorder was getting the better part of me. I am glad you find my story inspiring, I do appreciate it.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Dan Hoeweler
December, 8 2012 at 6:40 am

Hello Jason, I try to keep things positive even though I am still occasionally ill. I wish your sister the best, and hope that she will continue to stay well. I know this condition is difficult on families, but stick with her.

Joshua Siron
January, 5 2013 at 4:58 am

The Good and strongly talented gentalman who began he blog here, has not only managed control over the insanity of reality outlawed to irratic cause and effect and at time complete perversion in perception. Prooved thwm wrong. I to found almost more control and awareness of its switches in perceived dimensions so to speak. Believe this or not one very interesting and extremly odd ultimately over all benificial stradegy to differentiate a voice or any heard that at rare time is to hard to tell any difference between hearing something everyone else hears and what only I hear, is that I am legally tone deaf in my right ear.....Unless its nof the one everyone else can hear. So mono is reality for everyone and stereo is reality meant only for me. Anyway if you ever read this Dan please see no fomparison

Joshua Siron
January, 5 2013 at 5:20 am

The Good and strongly talented gentelman who began he blog here, has not only managed control over the insanity of reality outlawed to irratic cause and effect and at time complete perversion in perception. Prooved thwm wrong. I to found almost more control and awareness of its switches in deceived dimensions so to speak. Believe this or not one very interesting and extremly odd ultimately over all benificial stradegy to differentiate a voice or any heard that at rare time is to hard to tell any difference between hearing something everyone else hears and what only I hear, is that I am legally tone deaf in my right ear.....Unless its nof the one everyone else can hear. So mono is reality for everyone and stereo is reality meant only for me. Anyway if you ever read this Dan please know my heart isnt hidden to compare and compete but rather just a few steps behind you in the equility of the same defeat solely fought within who only once to reveal the untold story's only felt to most through the same soul that spilled its heart throughout 20 years until I too overpowered and learned to defend myself against its once frightfully thought undefeatable condemning power over my always knowing no differnt birth into Schizoaffective disorder
I hope my poem is not just enjoyed but felt by all with or.without any symptom of this diagnosis. So it may enlighten truth to help shine over stereotype
Life With Schizoaffective: a poetic narrative - Joshua Siron
Let me sit here and get twisted My name is unlisted Labeled unwanted I’m subconsciously taunted Hearing voices before making choices I’m haunted Man practices magic on me Rituals with chemicals and other forms of blasphemy Cursed sense birth Ive seen and heard the underworld’s worst Like children screaming for help in dark corners Nothing is there yet I hear them crying like mourners Shadows fly by my eye I'm tortured but won’t die I see things unnaturally and don’t know why My home is occupied with ghosts that have no desire to hide I see and hear them on the outside but they tell me that it’s all coming from inside So if I have evil visions Am I crazy or do I cross dimensions I feel others tensions As I try to explain that I have good intentions Please stop looking at me like less of a person Because the hell in which I dwell tends to worsen under the pressure to stop you with pleasure Do not enter my head or you might come back damaged or even brain dead My life is like lead that’s hot Because I pack a burning sensation in a solid head shot I don’t see dead peopleI feel them as they are my equal Not from this life but it’s very next sequel A true member of generation X The child of God that makes life so much more complex What’s next can't be described in text I'm prepared but have little anticipation on the next auditory, visual, or tactile hallucination So God bless my heart and make it tough Because my own odds are looking rough I suffer cold nights With suicidal fights and others just can’t get enough They love me for being cold yet my future could be me deaf, alone and old Left only hearing what those voices have to say Lord hear my fear I just want to be okay for today that’s what I say to myself everyday I’ll make it through I have to But little do you know you haven’t a single clue What the hell I've actually been through -Joshua Siron

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Dan Hoeweler
January, 5 2013 at 1:01 pm

Hello Joshua, keep it up you have real talent. Poetry is good for the soul :) And great for my mental health (and probably yours too). I wish the spacing was write on the poem, wordpress seems to squish it all together.

Joshua Siron
January, 5 2013 at 3:08 pm

Unexpectedly quick response. Thank you my friend! Funny thing is I sat here and spaced it all. It appears fine still but Im not sure if its because im using my phone. Writing is my ability to vent without needing anyone present but in actuality much more prefered because not anyone i have befriended knows anything of its experience much less vwntex to abouf it lol god way to scare people off. I have many many poems all with vivdly desribed depth but the several in reference to my diagnosis seem to get the most attention. My biggest problem is the fake publishers all over the internet. Luckily I am extremely protective of my life long devoted work and havent lost any but if you could please help me know of Any I mean Any true publishers. Due to all the widely known fake publishing thefts of others right to their work using extremely believable tactics mixed with an acute but well controlled acute paranoia leaves me backing put after several backed out attempts in around about a decades time had kept me in the dark to only be held back by the not knowing with no one in or around my life who has ever known or practices the same art. My email is if you could pleaee leave even just a small foot step in thd right direction. To share my minds insight and experiencez in my unknown perceptions has been a highly mptivs ted dream sense I picked upa pen and pad at age 11. I honestly feel it is not my work that holds me distant from my wantex and worked for dream but just my lonely ignorance to who to show iit too. Thank you for your kind words my friend I can relate with uncommonly and unknown rarity to have such a severe diagnosis and be able to share and represent the truth of it in a respect skilled art form desribing as well as opposing the strong stereotype. Joshia Siron

November, 19 2013 at 2:30 pm

I am relieved and intrigued and inspired by a story you published here and your insights into using creativity for health. I feel very much the same way about both things! There exists a grey zone between our false beliefs and our true beliefs and experiences that others don't understand. For many of us, our knowledge is on the fringe before during and after our logic gets extra (positive symptoms, not lacking logic!) details that hamper it. I salute you as a fellow good-intentions person who shares a common experience and who is ostensibly trying to be better and to help others.
Please just be careful with your fiction. If the actual humINTS started thinking it was real, they might interact with you in annoying ways. Peace to you.

November, 8 2014 at 3:33 am

Dan inspire and give hope. My daughter, recently diagnosed at age 27, needs hope. I will try to guide her here to your blog.

Daniel Smith
December, 13 2014 at 5:22 am

this is amazing i was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia 4 years ago n i still dont understand it properly but this is truly inspirational to see some one with similar issues as me doing so well
the two lines below particulary spoke to me:
To experience death
A thousand times
i feel like that alot and constantly think something someone is going to kill me and ive invisioned it a million and one times.
anyways you are a true inspiration and proof just because someone is labeled with "schizophrenia" doesnt mean there crazy it means we have a higher perception off life its self... thankyou

Pierina Santa Maria
September, 28 2015 at 3:44 am

Hello Mr. Hoeweler,
My name is Pierina Santa Maria and I am a senior in the IB program (International baccalaureate ). For my Higher level Music Theory class, we're asked to compose 3 original compositions. I am completely enthralled by your poem "Blast off to insanity" and would like to use if for my first composition., making an arrangement of it. I'd like to set it to music, to sing it and have piano, violin, cello and flute accompaniment. I am not very sure what the process would be for me to use your poem (given that you give me permission to) I will not be making a profit from this, this is solely for a necessary school project that i need to do to receive my IB diploma. I hope you'll consider my offer. Please get back to me ASAP.
Thank you very much
Pierina Santa Maria,

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Dan Hoeweler
October, 6 2015 at 11:14 am

I just sent you an email Could you send me the composition once it is done?

nike air force 1 gray
March, 27 2017 at 7:14 am

saying people would ;run through a brick wallfor him.

April, 24 2017 at 4:08 pm

I read this piece of writing completely regarding the difference of most up-to-date and earlier technologies, it's amazing article.

May, 30 2017 at 5:33 pm

Dan im as well I have schiziaffective disorder its difficult to think properly and have motivation to leave the house alot but your inspirational poems allow me to relate and open up more very hard to find people like us that are labeled with this disorder and love to read your works so I know that we've been in similar sailed ships jeep up the good work

June, 8 2017 at 8:47 pm

Hi Dan, I came across your blog and I'm very intrigued by how you deal with this condition. I'm just starting to look at my conditions as an illness, a way of thinking that improvement is possible with a proper treatment. I've worked at a psychiatric clinic and am now studying psychology so I'm very aware, in that sense, of what would be the medical treatment and how it would be regarded. But I also have four people in a close proximity, including my husband, who believe I'm a psychic and can read their minds and see the astral events. It's interesting that what I say about my delusions seem to convince them that I'm right. Is it common individuals with schizophrenia attract others with the same condition? This thing I have have prevented me from forming new relationships and holding onto a job, which is why I'm considering getting a help. I don't see how aliens and CIA and secret government facilities would help me pay the bills. I think you've found a great outlet to your creativity, and it's encouraging to see that you are using it to your advantage. Thank you for your forum.

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