
Medication Side-Effects

Last week I talked about Seroquel indications and dosage as well as the warnings and precautions for Seroquel. Today I complete discussion of the prescribing information on Seroquel and suggest why you need to know this stuff anyway.
On Monday we discussed the full prescribing information for Seroquel including: warnings, indications and usage, dosage and contraindications. Today we get to the meaty part - Seroquel Warnings and Precautions.
Seroquel was the 5th grossing drug in 2009, with revenue of $4.2 billion. That’s more money than any pain-killer, antidepressant or erectile dysfunction medication. And my guess is that many of you reading this right now, are on it. And I also guess almost none of you have taken the time to read the prescribing information on Seroquel.
Recently, I've received a few messages from people beginning bipolar medication treatment and going through the terrors of medication auditions and, um, the displeasure of the side-effects of bipolar medication. In this video, I try to set expectations with regards to how long it takes medications for bipolar disorder to work, and how long side-effects will last.