
Existential Anxiety, Stress, and Meaning-Making in Your Life

Existential anxiety is an all-encompassing form of anxiety and stress that is present in a nagging way when we try to make meaning in life simply because, as humans, we exist. That’s a fun concept, isn’t it? We experience anxiety, stress, strife, worry, and even panic simply because we are alive. Being alive is certainly a wonderful thing, but existential anxiety can put a damper on it (this might be an understatement). Why does mere existence cause us dissonance and different kinds of stress, and can it go away? Can we make meaning in our lives despite this existential anxiety and stress?

Existential Anxiety and Stress Can Be Unclear

A great example of someone with existential anxiety is Charlie Brown. Ol’ Chuck appears pretty calm; his angst is in his thoughts and feelings. Sometimes existential anxiety also involves agitation, fretting, and anxiety attacks.

There’s a great scene in one of the Peanuts cartoons in which Charlie Brown is at Lucy’s Psychiatric Help stand. Lucy is pelting Charlie Brown with a list of phobias that might be causing his anxiety and depression.

Lucy: Maybe you have pantophobia. Do you think you have pantophobia?

Charlie Brown: What's pantophobia?

Lucy: The fear of everything.

Charlie Brown: That's it!

Existential anxiety is frustrating. but we don't have to suffer it Use these ideas to overcome existential anxiety and stress and make meaning in life.Indeed, existential anxiety and stress can be vague when you're trying to make meaning in your life. For Charlie Brown, it felt not like specific fears such as the fear of cats or the ocean, but like the fear of everything. (Lucy should really have called it panophobia, but we can forgive her because after all, she’s only in elementary school.)

When We Wonder About Our Very Existence, We Experience Existential Anxiety and Stress

This anxiety that causes us to feel unsettled and uncomfortable, anxious about everything but unable to articulate exactly what it is, is frustrating in its ambiguity. This anxiety and stress that make us feel tired yet wired, make our thoughts race about what feels like nothing, make us afraid of things we can’t pinpoint and thus can’t address or avoid actually can be a very positive part of our existence.

The unspecific nature of existential anxiety is caused by the fact that the anxiety is indeed about our existence, about life’s big questions and about making meaning in your life. When we are anxious and stressed about everything and about nothing, it is often because it is the human way of wrestling with what’s important:

  • Who am I?
  • What is my purpose?
  • Where do I fit?
  • Why is the grass greener over there, and how do I get mine that way?

Grappling with these life questions causes existential anxiety, yes, but this gives us the opportunity to create meaning in our own life.

Existential Anxiety Can Lead to Meaning-Making in Our Life

Worrying about the answers to the big life questions can be both the source of existential anxiety and the liberation from it as we create meaning for our lives and ourselves. We do have the power and ability for meaning-making. Really, if we have the ability to be anxious, it makes sense that we also have what it takes to cure that anxiety and live a life of purpose.

Fretting and stressing about who we are, our place in life, and what we’re passionate about doing can cause us to become stuck in the past (“I should have done x,” “I shouldn’t have said y,” etc.). It can also cause us to attempt (unsuccessfully) to live in the future and frolic in the land of “what-ifs.” Projecting our thoughts into the past or the future means that our thoughts are not in the same place as we are – the present.

Meaning Making and Getting Rid of Existential Anxiety and Stress

There are many ways to live in the present and create meaning in our lives. Here are a few user-friendly tips that have worked for people:

Ponder Those Times You Feel Less Anxious

For example:

Keep a gratitude journal. This is a very common technique for overcoming difficulties and creating wellbeing. For existential anxiety, the goal is of course to jot down the things for which you’re grateful, but beyond that to look for patterns among those items. Does your gratitude often involve family? Friends? Opportunities for learning? Time in a given activity? When you see the patterns, you start to notice exactly what it is that makes you feel joy.

Find flow. Similar to the patterns of gratitude, what are those things where you find flow? A state of flow occurs when you are doing something so engaging that you lose yourself. You forget about your anxiety, and you feel both calm and vibrant.

Decide where you can make more of the above things, where you can make more meaning, and take steps to do them.

Do more of what makes you less anxious. What little things can you do every day to make meaning and decrease anxiety?

Existential anxiety is part of the human experience; however, that doesn't mean that we have to live in perpetual stress, worry, and fear. When we pause over life’s big questions, we can use our own answers for meaning-making. When we live a life meaningful to us, existential anxiety becomes more calm and peaceful and changes, simply, to “exist.”

You can also connect with Tanya J. Peterson on her website, Google+, Facebook,Twitter, Linkedin and Pinterest.

APA Reference
Peterson, T. (2015, April 2). Existential Anxiety, Stress, and Meaning-Making in Your Life, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, May 16 from

Author: Tanya J. Peterson, MS, NCC, DAIS

Tanya J. Peterson is the author of numerous anxiety self-help books, including The Morning Magic 5-Minute Journal, The Mindful Path Through Anxiety, 101 Ways to Help Stop Anxiety, The 5-Minute Anxiety Relief Journal, The Mindfulness Journal for Anxiety, The Mindfulness Workbook for Anxiety, and Break Free: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in 3 steps. She has also written five critically acclaimed, award-winning novels about life with mental health challenges. She delivers workshops for all ages and provides online and in-person mental health education for youth. She has shared information about creating a quality life on podcasts, summits, print and online interviews and articles, and at speaking events. Tanya is a Diplomate of the American Institution of Stress helping to educate others about stress and provide useful tools for handling it well in order to live a healthy and vibrant life. Find her on her website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

December, 9 2017 at 8:06 am

Hi Tanya, I stumbled across your site whilst searching Existential Angst, an anxiety of which I suffer amongst others, including health anxiety. I first experienced an EA crisis when aged 15, in 1966. Yes, Over 50 years ago. I had no treatment at the time, and told no one of my anxiety, but it eventually subsided and disappeared by the time I reached 20. I then enjoyed a 30 year hiatus, married at 24 and fathered two beautiful daughters. My life was very happy; I had a successful career and felt that Life was pretty near perfect. Then I hit 50, had a stressful period at work and began to develop health concerns, albeit psychosomatic. I had an enormous melt down, out of the blue, and became very anxious and fearful. Extremely deep thoughts of my existence, of others existence took over my mind and I thought I was going mad. My GP diagnosed Anxiety and depression and prescribed Seroxat (I’m in the UK). I took medication on and off for about 8 years, including when my twin was diagnosed with cancer which terrified me, (thankfully he recovered but not without facial disfigurement. My obsession with my anxiety gives me constant distress. I have many anxiety symptoms even now, aged nearly 67! In my more lucid moments I realise that Existential Angst is the main driver as it encompasses the entirety of fears and worries. The hours I have spent contemplating The Universe and Everything has made me no more insightful, which is frustrating and just serves to fuel my anxiety. Perhaps the mystery of ‘Meaning Of Life’ is just not able to be understood by mere mortals. I’m determined to overcome my Anxieties, and realise that it is only I who can do it. Just typing this has calmed my mind, it’s rather therapeutic.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

March, 16 2018 at 7:25 pm

Hi Steve,
I am only now discovering your comment, and I apologize for the delay. I hope that you are doing better now. Existential anxiety can be maddening, the realizations you came to and the writing them down can be great feelings. If you've found that writing is helpful (it often is, as it gets things out of your head), keep doing it! Also, have you ever tried mindfulness? Simply put, it involves using your senses to pull your mind away from thoughts and into the moment. I do hope your anxiety has improved.

Edward Cheong
March, 12 2018 at 3:18 am

I am 20 years old, I believe I had this anxiety since I was 7 years old. Thinking about meaning of life and time which I know is meaningless and this anxiety is troubling my life, fear and uncertain grows bigger since I grow older. Fear makes me feels like my mind doesn't belong to me, I sincerely seek for guidance to guide me through this anxiety. Thank you.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

March, 16 2018 at 7:34 pm

Hello Edward,
Dealing with this anxiety for so long, during adolescence and coming-of-age, would be difficult. It takes strength to persevere through it. That feeling that your mind doesn't belong to you can be part of a sensation called depersonalization. While there is something called depersonalization disorder, it also occurs with anxiety or other experiences.
Having regular support can be extremely effective in overcoming anxiety, fear, and all of the effects. If it's possible for you to see a therapist in person, you might consider giving it a shot. If it isn't but you are interested, there are online services available. There are multiple; two good ones are and These services allow you to work with someone for guidance confidentially. It is possible to transcend this anxiety and fear.

Jonah A Varley
April, 10 2018 at 2:28 am

This probably isnt common for you to recieve from a 16 year old but i feel that not many my age know what i am trying to understand. This article shed some light on most those things but i am still concerned about if these symptoms could also be because of other disorders because many are hereditary in my family and ive heard in a psychology class that some disorders share these same symptoms such as depersonilization which can be a sign of schizophrenia. I am very uncertain and quite fearful of my future , yes i know its the anxiety talking, but how do i differentiate i need to ease my mind.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

April, 10 2018 at 11:19 am

Hi Jonah,
You might be surprised to know that right around age 16 people begin to enter a new stage of thinking and being. It can be the time when mental disorders begin, but it isn't always. You aren't alone! In high school, people often feel things they can't articulate so it seems that they don't understand, or they're afraid of what friends and classmates will think (a very normal part of high school) -- or both. It makes it very hard to talk to people and hear about their own experiences.
A very effective way to address your concerns and get peace of mind (or a treatment/management plan -- early treatment usually leads to more positive outcomes) is to see a doctor or a therapist. At 16, it can be hard to just make an appointment. In most states, you can do so legally, but insurance policies in your parents' names can make it more difficult. Talking to your parents about having a visit to answer some of your questions/concerns might be the best approach. Or, you can start with your school counselor who can suggest resources and help you connect. If you belong to a religious organization, the leader might also have suggestions and resources as well as know how to connect. A doctor or therapist can absolutely work with you to help you differentiate between possibilities, determine what's going on, and help you with treatment if it's necessary.

October, 2 2018 at 10:53 am

Don't want to seem pernickety, but Lucy was right with pantophobia! Panophobia would mean fear of the great god Pan, which is wholly another matter. As in pantomime, pantograph, pantoscope...

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