The BAIR Filtering System
This is the only system in the world that instantly recognizes and evaluates visual images as well as text. Artificial intelligence "gets smarter" with each evaluation. It evaluates "on the fly." You do not have to have someone "programming" a known site into the software. It finds the pornography - and blocks it - on its own. control of the Internet back to you (whether as parent or system administrator). Once recognized, an image is blocked from getting through again. The BAIRSM Filtering System continues to be tested to insure against objectionable image evaluation failures.
No one knows how many new web sites are pornographic, but we know it is many each day. Most pornographic websites are free or offer free preview pictures. They are easily accessible - and many are disguised as children's sites. Moreover, even if a site is not intended to be pornographic, "computer hackers" can add pornography to any site - as they recently did to The New York Times' website. Changes like that cannot be caught and safeguarded by other, current filtering or blocking systems. These systems depend on identifying the site in advance. The Internet is an incomparable educational tool.
The Ultimate Protection...
The BAIRSM Filtering System is the only software program that uses Artificial Intelligence to recognize and block pornography and other material you deem objectionable. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, more than 5,000 websites are added to the Internet every day.
The BAIRSM Filtering System is virtually 100% effective...
Ultra Blocking: This setting may "overblock" or "overfilter" - but it is virtually 100% effective in filtering pornography
Standard Blocking: This setting permits a higher degree of skin tones to be unfiltered resulting in nude artwork and other scenes (such as beaches) being shown.
The BAIRSM Filtering System is a totally flexible software system giving you the option to block pornographic or objectionable material to meet your value-system and responsibility.
The system permits the parent or administrator to choose, rather than leaving that very critical choice to some unknown stranger.
The BAIRSM Filtering System can be set to filter Sexually Explicit Graphics and Text (Pornography) as well as profanity. The parent or administrator makes the choice to block -- and at what level.
Virtually 100% Effective
- Learns" on-the-fly"
- Any Internet Connection
- Totally Flexible Software
- Value Added EdNetsm
This amazing technological breakthrough stands guard over your system: day and night, through any Internet connection.
The complicated and sophisticated software that runs The BAIRSM Filtering System is housed in a secure facility. It constantly undergoes testing, updating and upgrading.
Since it literally "thinks," The BAIRSM is always there to protect you and your children, regardless of how many undesirable websites are created each day. And, it works from any Internet hook-up.
Copyright © 2005 Exotrope, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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APA Reference
Staff, H.
(2008, December 26). The BAIR Filtering System, HealthyPlace. Retrieved
on 2025, March 28 from