Are You Addicted to Online Auction Houses?

Are you addicted to Ebay or online auction houses? Take our online auction addiction test to see if you might need help.

Answer "yes" or "no" to the following statements:

  1. Do you need to bid with increasing amounts of money in order to achieve the desired excitement?
  2. Are you preoccupied with auction houses (thinking about being online when offline, anticipating your next online session)?
  3. Have you lied to friends and family members to conceal extent of your online bidding?
  4. Do you feel restless or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop online bidding?
  5. Have you made repeated unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, or stop online bidding?
  6. Do you use auction houses as a way of escaping from problems or relieve feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety, or depression?
  7. Have you jeopardized or lost a significant relationship, job, or educational or career opportunity because of online bidding?
  8. Have you committed illegal acts such as forgery, fraud, theft, or embezzlement to finance online activities?

If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, you may be addicted to online auction houses. These are signs that you have lost control, lied, or possibly stole money just to support your bidding behavior.

Why wait until it is too late to seek out help? Contact our Virtual Clinic today to receive fast, caring, and confidential advice for dealing with your addiction to online auction houses. Our Virtual Clinic is also designed to help family members to deal with the obsessive on-line bidder in your home. Professional help is available directly with Dr. Kimberly Young, Founder and President of the Center for Internet Addiction Recovery.

And read Caught in the Net, the first recovery book for Internet Addiction.

next: Parent-Child Internet Addiction Test
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APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, January 5). Are You Addicted to Online Auction Houses?, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 10 from

Last Updated: June 24, 2016

The Book (Part 4)

Firstly, understand that the energy requiring redirection is Pure; It is the tendencies that employ this energy that dishonor it through thoughtless and selfish uses. It is the preferences of desires that exploit this pure energy to then be a cause of dissatisfaction, regret, or even wasted tears. Since the energy is pure, understand that it can always serve the noblest of requirements with inner harmony. This fountain of energy comes from the same source that manifests the expression of Laughter, Tears, Compassion, Anger, Pain, Elation, to name a few. But in those cases it has been channeled or directed in the manner relating to the circumstance. It is no easy task, but if anger or passion is controlled and re-directed, an enormous powerhouse of energy is available for the person who would possess such great self control.

Oh Mind, do you fear at those words and say to yourself... "I could never attain such a state of being." Have control of your thoughts for in my company, anything is possible... anything is attainable. Many people channel the emotional energy that might be spent in despair into a physical outpouring of activity. Some re-direct into mental activities and create great achievements. Some however allow the manifestation of their pain to accumulate into stagnant pools of hopelessness. It is here that ones life can be eaten away by despondency.

In the process of learning to re-direct passionate energy to virtuous things, one will be required to Master Patience if they aspire to be seated in this quality. Since many desires are often sought after eagerly, the energy that one puts out can see the acquisition of desires unfold with great speed. To incorporate brevity in a desire is simply another desire within a desire and will consume energy to make a task even more demanding.

Oh Mind, desires can come in countless forms, and the subtlety among these variations is enormous. Just as a desire can be a cause of pain or anger when it remains unfulfilled, a desire not to obtain something can also bring that same type of pain or anger. Take this for example. Something might call out for your efforts and disrupt your plans, to then prompt a want not to get involved. Quite often... to say "I have NO desire to go there", is to really say, "I have a desire not to go there". To say you have no desire to be involved in something, is also a desire Not to be involved. To be without desires is to be content, but these examples are not demonstrating the preservation of contentment. As such, energy can be put into avoidance. Such desires are motivated from yet another form of fear.

Though they may be understandable, you should at least have a firm grip on the nature of desires and the way in which they drive you into action. In your dedicated efforts to become new, feel safe to explore your desires, emotions and feelings. Stand fearless before them considering them only to be your teachers. Do not fear slipping back into old ways from any pull of the emotions or senses. The ego is a formidable adversary, but an earnest and pure prayer for renewal and assistance will secure your safety.

Oh dear one, from such a prayer, I would make a covenant with you that would ensure your protection and well being. Remember me, and I will remember you. Remember me many times, and I will remember you many times. Remember me constantly, and I will remember you constantly. You have no doubt experienced that the energy and power behind a desire simply dissolves when it is obtained. Likewise, when the ultimate knowledge of God is attained, the desires that gave you the thirst for that knowledge will no longer exist as you become seated in the Truth. From this it must be seen that desires themselves are not harmful, it is the object desired that may need to be questioned. Why do you seek... and why do you seek IT?

Ask these questions...

What does it bring me?

What has it continually brought me?

Is it serving my progress in life?

Find answers. Know what you are doing. Know why you are doing it, and know where it is taking you. Gain knowledge. Do not live in darkness. Have a want for understandings.

Be remembering of your own Pure Self which resides within as a manifestation of God. Understand that this inherent divinity... this incredible source of Love and beauty, is draped in shrouds of ignorance and fears. Stripped of these natures, in a instant you would see your radiance. Such is the nature of ignorance that chosen desires can bring later regret. Where is the freedom in this behaviour? Is this the way to unity and the liberation from fear?

Oh Mind, if you are troubled by desires and you truly want my assistance, talk to me of them. Be still and WAIT for a cloak of peace or the wordless knowledge I shall impart to you. Everything in your life can be of service to you and I would gladly help you should you ever come to me. But do not hanker me for answers for I demand that you learn patience. In Love you must wait in tender belief that I shall reveal a Truth to you. Truly I want you to experience the great attributes of strength and courage of the patient person. When you know of this, you will make yourself mighty.

Never place me in you own time frame and expect my guidance, for your agitation will surely smother the help I have to offer you. Mind... Choose to do a thing, but don't rush around after if a previous choice becomes regretful. If you must, do the thing that binds you into acting out your desires, but all I ask of you in such times is at least maintain a conscious perspective on what you are doing. Preserve your awareness in all things you do... even to the tendencies you have awakened to which disturb your peace. Blind actions and behaviour will be illuminated by awareness. From this, you will give power to yourself in the effort of becoming new through the Truth.

Always aim to secure understandings. Let all your actions compliment each other so that they can then form a chain of good actions each linked to the True Self, and hence to the service of God. I am the Heart and I always speak the Truth

Mind... let me disclose more understandings of life; of your inherent nature and the traps of Illusion. Your purity is revealed in concentration. When you become absorbed in a task, your true nature comes to light as you perform what is your current duty. In such action, you are functioning to the letter of the Duty of Consciousness through being one pointed. In absorption, you will find yourself living perfectly in the moment and as such, there is neither pain or joy... there is simply freedom. Never shall you find any trace of the past or future you so often create as you act in competent stillness. But when you are not absorbed through concentration, you begin to stir and become restless. Thoughts then manifest and bubble up like a cauldron coming to the boil. Jumping from one idea to the next, you seek and seek in a relentless quest to experience contentment of any sort or form.

One thought comes; it is pursued and discarded when it is found to be empty of true contentment. Another rises. Perhaps it might be of greater interest to you since it imparts more of the illusory contentment that you choose to identify with as being genuine. But this too will also fade and wither, only to be replaced by yet another and another.

Oh Mind, can you not see the nature behind all these activities? Can you not see that you are a constant seeker of contentment and peace. You know what you want, and that Want is a good thing, but your searching's are continually thwarted by a wrong identification of that which is false and illusory. Compare the peace and contentment you thought you once found with a fond memory, to the peace you have found through absorption and concentration. Which was real?... Which was the purer?... Which served you? Indeed, cannot a fond memory turn on you as you come to realize that it is not real anymore.

Consider memories of happy times when they are recalled at their anniversaries. Can they not bring on sadness by amplifying a different status of your situation or a new reality? Ask yourself this question. "Has the Stillness of concentration ever turned on me and ravaged my Peace?" The answer will always be a Loving "NO", since to be lost in the moment is true contentment. You shall experience that which is Divine and Holy as you drop your fears, worries and anxieties, to embrace the spirit of the living moment.

Oh Mind, you pursue happy times, loving embraces, and other illusions of peace, but you never pursue the remembrance of the Peace found in duty... of the Peace in concentration... for this is where your true happiness resides. Be remembering of the experience of stillness found in concentration and one pointed thinking, to stop yourself being lured out of the moment. Upon such remembrance, do not drift away into what is really another illusion, but let it prompt you to come alive in the Ever-New beauty of the living Truth.

Oh Mind, in all things there is Truth. From this, one can either be established in enlightenment; the knowing of a Truth... or ignorance; the unknowing of a Truth. God however, is the totality of Truth which then makes God's knowledge complete and pure. The state of God is perfect enlightenment and perfect knowledge, and from this perfect knowledge comes perfect understanding; the purest compassion; and ultimately the most radiant Love. To possess incomplete knowledge as is the common situation with those who live in the world, ones understanding, compassion, and ability to express Love must also be incomplete. This lack of perfect knowledge will be manifest as veils over the vision of perfect knowledge, to then obscure the totality of the Truth.

Although the totality of Truth is always at hand, the image of what is taken in can be done with partial or even wrong understanding. In many instances, what is perceived as the Truth is in fact an illusion of the Truth, and to live by such false and illusory knowledge will bring suffering. So tell me Heart, what is false knowledge or the Illusion of Truth?

If there is Truth in all things, there cannot be "No Truth" in things. If the phrase, "No Truth" is to be valid, a thing must not exist. You do not as such possess a shadow, there is only a lack of illumination on a particular area of the ground. Likewise, you cannot possess illusions of Truth... your Truth must only be incomplete... the totality of the inner Truth has only partial illumination.

That which is given the term "False Knowledge" cannot be alive in the Heart, (as where all Truth resides), but is created from an ignorant perception of the Truth. Since it receives not the protection of the everlasting renewal of Gods Love as does the Living Truth, it is maintained with effort. "False knowledge" or illusions of Truth; no matter how well they are propped up, can never be substantiated, for they are only notions or concepts which will never exist outside the Mind. But the Truth that lives in the Heart... the Truth of the one, is also the Truth of the many. The link in Love that bonds all of humanity, is the common Truth of the Heart... of God!

The continuance and maintenance of Ignorance or "False Knowledge" must therefore aid in the separation of man from the Love of God. When one embraces the Truth of the Heart in all daily activities... when the Mind does not protest against the desire of peaceful unity with the Truth that the Heart has to offer, one will then find Peace. This Peace cannot be found through ignorance or illusions, so to embrace these ways is to embrace a void, and as such separation is experienced.

Though this separation is real, what then is the pain created from these ways? How is it possible for nothing to cause something? Though a mans shadow appears to be the image of his form, it is only the illusion of darkness which allows the eyes to be deceived. Likewise, embracing the Mirage of a desert Oasis as reality will not quench a thirst, and the ensuing agony in the Mind is brought about by the collapse of the ignorant ideal believed to be the Truth. But a wise man possessing knowledge of the fundamentals of nature, will not be prompted to despondency from the play of light. He will continue in his quest for water with remembrance of his previous guidance for the True Oasis. How then does one event affect two people so differently?

Knowledge of the Truth has maintained the inner welfare of one, while Ignorance of the Truth has destroyed the Peace of the other. It was not the illusion of Truth being the cause of pain, but the separation from the Truth. Consider then this pain associated with illusions. If the wise man were to Lovingly instruct the ignorant one in the science of Physics and the behaviour of light waves, in his new understandings he might be prompted to say...

"Oh this Truth!... If I had only had possession of it before I fell victim to my ignorance, there would be no pain. But now that I do understand, I feel no pain. Where did it go then?"

Just as the illusion of the Oasis is really the Truth of Light waves, the identification of what is known as pain, is the Truth of the separation from the Truth. Remember the shadow. You think it exists because it mimics a form, but it is only darkness... an absence of light in one particular area. The darkness is real but a shadow does not exist. Your pain is like this. Your darkness is real... this Truth of yours being blotted out, but to identify pain as the final reality is to be drawn under the spell of illusion. There are no shadows.. there are no floating Oasis'... there is no pain.

Oh Heart, how can I be like the wise man whose Peace is maintained since he understands, as you have said, "The play of Light?" How do I recognize the Truth that lies behind all illusions?

Oh Mind, you must laugh courageously at your pain. Straight away!, be remembering of the shadow and understand that the dark form is being cast over you. Step aside and come back into the light. Has the Truth ever hurt you? If you say Yes to this question, then you are still under the power of illusion. I challenge you to turn back to such an event then! Was it Truth, or was it desire. Perhaps it was another illusion from incomplete knowledge at the root of such sorrow?

Oh Mind, I do not seek to invalidate your life experiences, I only wish to awaken your power of perception. I only wish for you to give strength to yourself in the gathering of your understandings. In short, I want you to learn how to learn. There is a life to be lived that knows no pain, and such a life can be obtained by Loving the Truth... by wanting the Truth to be your beloved and always by your side. Mastery over the burden of ignorance can be yours... a powerful command over the emotions will be assured by letting the Heart guide you in Love. Fear not for only Truth can bring you home safely.

But Heart... what are these things that can obscure my Truth as I journey home?

Oh Mind. Many are the traps that man so easily falls into. Pride... the greatest of all obstacles will forever stand in your way and create illusions in the vision of the Truth you wish to encounter. Anger... which taints all things with its hellish fire to burn everything you look at. Passion... shall envelope your discrimination to create an illusion of a Truth worthy of seeking by luring you with a false peace. Ignorance... the illusion of illusions shall keep you trapped in a spell of false identification.

Without the Truth and it's gifted insights to guide and support you, illusion shall surely ravage the precious little knowledge you do possess to create confusion as you try your best to maintain a good life. To live continually with the illusion of pain as your final reality, will not serve the well being of a delicate and unprotected faith. The gift of your faith needs to be enhanced and nurtured by a commitment to love the Truth.

On and on the seeker must strive as discernment, understanding, reasoning and perception, become more and more finely tuned through the power of Love. Oh Mind, it is illusion to think you can create a life in Love, Peace and prosperity, without an acknowledgment of the Love and power of God in your life. Although the willingness to surrender your situation to God will be fraught with illusions, keep an attentive eye on the things that can secretly begin to rob you of your perception and courage. The illusion of nothing happening is most difficult to overcome. Unlike the Mirage which is a form perceivable to the senses, only the invisible qualities of quietness and Love will allow you to find a focus for your Peace.

Such an illusion of God lacking an involvement in your life, is the Truth of perfect guidance, and illusions which manifest in forms of fear, shall be the Truths of limited understandings, experiences and faith. Oh Mind, have courage. Breakthrough the barrier of fear once and for all. In your midst, there is a vast unknown and unseen sea of Grace, but only by the greatest Love can the mystery that works with immortal Love and devotion for you ever be comprehended.

But Mind, you do not need to place the demands upon yourself that could enable you a share in this mystery. Rest easy. Let go. Have faith. Who needs to understand how beautiful Crystals are formed. Let them do their duty as you attend to yours. Your perception of God's Love and Devotion for you is a mirror to your own Love and Devotion, and the illusion of God being without action in your life, is the Truth of the state of your own Love, Faith and devotion and understanding.

"...It is your faith that has healed you."

... say the words of a Great Master.

Such words demonstrate how the Supreme silent power of Love and Devotion in the faithful heart can manifest real changes in your life. The source of life is that nectar found flowing from the river of the Heart. Not here! Not there!, but within resides the power. Within is the power to make things change... to make things happen, and it will only manifest through a Loving belief in it. So many are drawn away from their inner Love in a quest to find the Truth to places beyond the clouds, deep in a cave, in far away lands, in objects, possessions and people, but it is all within and the map to guide you there is Love.

How is it that for so long you have had faith in your doubts? And how is it that the ways and teachings of the Source of Love have been put aside for the choice of fear. Illusion! your fear is all illusion. Illusion is everywhere.

Oh Mind, Man puts so many ignorant labels on things blind to their true nature. The illusion of the sun rising, is the Truth of its stillness. The wind never blows, but is sucked by powerful forces of nature. The illusion of the tiny stars, is the Truth of their immense distance and immense size. The illusion of that which is known as a bitterly cold winter, is the Truth of the resting time of the Earth. The illusion of the Parable that seems devoid of a point, is the Truth of ones current understanding. The illusion of you being seen as skillful talented and even worthy of praise, is the Truth of Gods humble and mighty talents being alive within you. The illusion of the world being your source of problems, is the Truth of its neutrality in the input to your life. Problems, and the way you allow them to influence you will depend on the correct identification of their underlying Truth. One can deny the Truth and embrace illusion, to then cultivate anger or blame... perhaps both; One can embrace the Truth, yet suffer it; Or one can embrace the Truth and quietly and Lovingly do the thing that needs to be done as ones duty.

Oh Mind, open your eyes. Many things are not what they seem. Endless is the distortion of the innocence of nature whose true simplicity contains a storehouse of knowledge. But be careful of this knowledge that can come to you. Let it not take up residence in the Mind alone, but let it bring about a closer unity of the Heart and the Mind. Regardless of great truths and understandings that come your way, let the Mind remain simple and uncluttered that it may always be the ready and willing servant of the Heart. Know that your new found wisdom is always there to guide you in confidence and serenity when the moment calls for the emergence of Living knowledge... of the Truth.

Oh Heart, truly truly you have inspired me to know my God, but tell me, why do I need to know that the wind does not blow but is sucked? What purpose is in me contemplating the stillness of the rising Sun? or the immensity of size and distance of the stars? I can a live life without my shadow!

Oh Mind, stop right there! Speak no more. In this very moment, you are enveloped in illusion. For such thoughts to be ringing true within you indicate a lack of perception. God is the wind. God is the force that moves the wind. God is the stars. God is the immense distance to the stars. God is the motion of the earth which gives rise to the morning Sun. Oh Mind!... the person who lives an Earthly life without a shadow lives continually in darkness. To behold even one Truth, is to behold God, so to seek Truth through either the silence of contemplation or worldly activities, is to seek God. Beholding one Truth enables a person to behold another.

This chain of discovery is part of your freedom. Oh Mind, if you were simply to perceive the Truth of one grain of sand, and lovingly acknowledge that Truth as your link with God, then you have come just that little bit closer in understanding that there is no distance between you and God. You are bonded firmly and inseparably by Truth. All Truth is of value, and none can be said to be insignificant. Seek Truth, and you will seek understanding, knowledge and wisdom. Seek nothing, and you will seek a life suffered from illusion. From now on, whenever you are tempted to spiral downwardly in the illusion of pain, let it immediately remind you that you are experiencing some form of separation from the Truth. Your pain does not signal the culmination of an event, but the beginning of an understanding desperate for your embrace.

Herein lies the reason why one needs to access the power of Contemplation. Awaken your powers of peaceful sustenance and give yourself a chance to find the missing Truth. Be patient as I have instructed you so many times before. Do not bring further feelings of uncentredness from anxious searching's, but know that seekers of the Truth will always find their goal.

Oh Mind, nature is always full of surprises, and will ever be the messenger of sorrow as equally as it shall be the messenger of joy. But the sturdy of character and Mind... the steadfast and strong... the humble and content... the pure and the loyal have all learnt how to become a rock of solidarity amid the motion of nature. All people shall in time experience sorrow and joy, but through the skill of a refined intellect and the power of Love, the surface view of such events can be recognized for the illusion it is. In the maintained singular state of oneness, the play of the opposites have lost their power of illusion, and the simple truth of Love, life and God can be seen to be the true source of that which is permanent... of that which gives meaning to life.

Oh Mind, your efforts in coming alive through concentration need not be wholly related to time spent in absolute silence devoid of speech, but simply give yourself to each of your daily tasks and allow the internal chatter to cease. When talking to people, honor them as well as yourself, by devoting your eyes and ears to the gift of their presence.

Oh Mind, all hearts are linked, and all Hearts are one. The many are truly the one, but the one is seen as the many through an illusion from sustained ignorance. God, or the totality of Truth resides within as is truly available to you. As such, this totality can be experienced and known through the ways of cultivated silence. Through a quest for the inner Truth, all Truth can be revealed to you to eliminate this separation from God through absorption, concentration, meditation and Love. Seek the inner realm with diligence and Love and the Universe can be yours to know.

Oh Heart, How is it that God can be everywhere at once? How can it be that no one is overlooked? I battle with many things that demand my attention, but can become so lost in the demands of the moment that your words seem so alien to me. To simply say that God will always here my prayers does little to take me beyond the infant spiritual teachings from my youth.

Oh Mind, this idea of the all pervasiveness of God can be grasped by contemplating this analogy. You live in a world of three dimensional form, but I ask you remove one dimension and consider a photograph having only height and width. Consider such a photograph where the subject looks directly out to the viewer. A person walks from one side of the room to another and declares that the eyes of the image have always been upon him. Likewise, when two people simultaneously view the same picture from different parts of the room, each shall then proclaim that the subject's eyes have always been upon them without any variation. The image in only two dimensions is exhibiting a remarkable natural feature.

So it is also in that added higher dimension beyond the third of the physical world. Gods Love and attention is equally upon all beings. This is the natural phenomena of Gods mighty nature. The radiant all pervasive consciousness of the supreme sees all. No one can escape, or more importantly, no one is forgotten. Do not fear amid your situation. This Love is continually being beamed over you and is ever watchful. Surrender in peace to this amazing power... to the great Love and know that should you fall, you shall ultimately fall into loving arms.

The dimension beyond the third is Supreme Awareness, and it is as much a part of the natural order of things as any other aspect of nature that belongs in the physical world. Remember the five senses alone cannot perceive the illusory nature of many things, but that which might be called the sixth sense or intuition, is the means to access the higher dimension of heightened or expanded awareness.

Oh Mind, a window covered with grime will always limit ones perception of distance and depth. In the same way, ones inner vision or higher awareness will be limited by the mind's layers of worldliness which cloud the Love of the Heart. Oh Mind, summon that infant faith you talk of to at least form a prayer asking for the experience of this majestic awareness. Be pure, confident and persistent in your plea, and let your yearning to know your God be lovingly decorated with patience. Such a prayer would be truly noble, since it shall be asked for, for the highest good. Such an event will convert your faith into knowledge, and you shall have a power within you that no person or event could ever take away from you.

Oh Heart... I am drowning ecstatically in oceans of understandings. I know without being troubled by any shadow of a doubt that I am finally escaping the whirlwind of my madness... the scattered and unco-ordinated behaviour of my past is at last coming to an end. I feel free!... I feel free!... I feel free! And in another way, I begin to see this power of God drawing me deeper into this truth. Every second that passes sees the dawn breaking forth somewhere over the Earth. Likewise, at any given moment it is always midnight somewhere, as it is always Twilight and Dusk... Mid afternoon and morning all at the same time. All these things are happening at once. To think that I can now begin to understand how God is always thinking of us.

Oh yes!... to think that such a thing could even be comprehended in even a small way, is truly wonderful. What a gift! And equally, as God remembers us out of the all pervasive region, we too who dwell on the Earth must also be sending forth remembrance constantly. Always there would be someone saying morning prayers. Always there would be someone saying evening prayers. Always there are people in silent meditation... offering their stilled minds in the living awareness through simple and profound worship.

But Heart, I have to catch my breath as my ecstasy dissipates, for the significance of what is happening, is now beginning to dawn within me. I kneel down to you and look up with child-like eyes and begin a prayer with folded hands. I gather myself into the moment, but I am lost for words. There is only stillness... there are no words to express how I feel so I shall speak my prayer of thanks with the silent words of the living moment... the pure silence of the Truth. Tears begin to fall... Why?... Perhaps I am unworthy of this gift of understanding. Why should I feel sad?

Oh Mind, don't be confused by the intensity of the Souls Truth as it manifests itself through tears. So often when you have been prompted by disillusionment, you move yourself to tears. As such, you link sorrow with tears, and tears with sorrow. But the mighty Joy of the Soul coming in touch with God's Loving Truth through the world, explodes in feelings that will often overwhelm you. Whenever you maintain prayerful silence with deep expressions of remembrance and gratitude, you are ensuring your purification. Be sure in knowing that such absorption in silence is the deepest sort of worship.

There is great Honor and merit in such an act, and when it is done many times over with that same feeling of Love and devotion, your power and purity will combine to liberate you from the snare of mundane worldliness.

Oh Heart, I emerge from the sweet Divine state I was drawn into, to live again in the world of time. As such, I am lured a great distance away from the moment to a mirage of what was my youth. But Iam wiser now, and I know that what is before me is not the living Truth.

However, even in my new understandings I find I still allow myself to be coerced into suffering the choice of illusion. Oh My childhood!... My childhood! Unashamedly I can say that I was pure and innocent then. But How?... How did I become like this? You have said that often I must return to my childhood purity. This I understand and I know I shall achieve, but Heart!... how could I have lost such a precious gift? What happened to me?

Oh mind, there is only Love, and you have never lost your purity as you believe you have. Such is the Love of God that you have received the gift of being allowed to experience the opposites. Tell me... what understandings of yourself; of Life; of Love; of the wonders of the universe; of the diversity and unity of nature would you have sought by living a content, quite, and uneventful life? Water will stagnate and fail to give life when it remains motionless for long periods, and if it accumulates enough grime it shall turn to mud. However, understand that water brought to such a state still retains it's inherent sparkle. All it needs is to be purified.

To truly understand the importance of your heritage you must lose it for a time to then embrace it with the purest Love and honor. Only after your experiences are complete will the liberating word come to bring you back home. Oh Mind, your every tear has been watched with the deepest compassion. Your every footstep has walked over ground that was lovingly prepared for you that you might see the things you needed to see.

Oh mind, it is when you take leave of your duty as servant of the Soul... it is when you take charge as Master of the Helm that all your ways shall unquestionably be ever lacking in the purest motivation. Hence, all such thinking shall surely be self centered and egotistical. In concentration and absorption, there is no Pride, Anger, Loss, Fear, or even Time. There is only Love, and that Love is alive for you always. That Love will nurture and sustain you and give you strength to carry on day in and day out. Whenever you find yourself being lured out of the moment, allow yourself to be lured back into the Truth of the moment more and more.

Stay alive and live through me.


I am the Heart and I always speak the Truth

Mind... let me speak to you of Faith. All my words, all my teachings to you, can evaporate into nothingness if you do not have Faith. This is the quality of Willingness tempered with Courage, to surrender to Truth, Love and Wisdom. It is a willingness to stand firm as you live out the silent Truth I impart to you. To know a thing fully, sometimes we have to experience it's opposite. By remembering that the opposite of Faith is doubt, I ask you to consider your past experiences where doubt was all pervasive.

Did it bring you good things ?

Did it bring you contentment ?

Did it establish you in wisdom ?

Often I have made reference of your comparisons to old events when dealing with that which belongs to the moment. Shall you then employ the fruits of doubt to help you become new ?

Shall you ? SHALL YOU!

Do not fritter away your valuable time and energies in thinking and circumstances that drain you of the power needed for your best efforts. Understand the pull of the emotions which kindle doubt to then scatter your thinking and undo your best efforts of building and maintaining your new life and your Peace.

Oh Mind... neither you or I doubt that the Sun shall rise tomorrow. To think of the implications of this sleeping declaration of Faith. What Majesty must then reside behind the workings of the Planets, the Moon, and the Stars. Who else but God would be able to send celestial bodies spinning endlessly in perfect harmony. What Kingly understanding must be had that these wonders are maintained to perfection.

Consider the overall grandeur of the Universe and the extent of the dedication in preserving the Living Laws of Nature. Does this not perhaps comfort you by inspiring a new understanding of the extent of the preservation of your unfolding life ? Do you consider yourself any less than a spinning rock hurtling through the void? Since the greatest Love can so tenderly and delicately care for this aspect of creation, what tenderness and dedication must continually be bestowed upon you.

Oh Mind, the Stars are blessed, but they shine in silence. But you are threefold blessed for you have the ability to be aware of Love, to receive Love, and to return Love. Possessing conscious awareness has a demand, but when you have become purified from your walk upon the Earth, "You will shine like the Stars", and your blessings will be magnified countless times over. Oh Mind, I see your tired tears from being world weary, but in the emptiness of sorrow, the way is being prepared for the greatness of Love to Fill your life. I am the Heart and I always speak the Truth

Oh Heart... How you beautify my difficult times with only a handful of words. Such power in your simple gentleness FILLS me with Hope of becoming New and Alive. Your wisdom astounds me, and I can only borrow a phrase in response. "Your words are a lamp on my path". In all my dark and foggy years, there has been the ever whirling confusion of the world. One day I might feel safe and content, then the next, my world can fall apart. Many times I would reach out blindly for the first thing I could think of, and then rebuke myself for my own foolish choice.

But Oh how it all seems so much clearer to me now. I see that I have never been properly equipped to deal with life's changes. I have been alone on a planet full of people who are as lost as I. How can the blind lead the blind ? Oh how we all seek the Truth so much, and so often think that we have found it. Yet, what we do find is just another illusion which crumbles away like sandcastles from the action of worldly waves.

You have opened my eyes equally to the complexities and glories of life at the same time and I am humbled that you have come to me. I am in awe as you stand before me in shining magnificence, yet at the same time I want to stand straight and tall next to you as your equal... perhaps to call you my Brother. Something tells me that the part of me which would shrink away from this thought is only a thing that has been limiting me all my life. Could it be that somehow... someday, I too might be able to understand that perhaps I am as magnificent as you are.

Oh dear one, your greatness will be revealed to you one day, but you must keep Faith in me always. I follow your every breath, your every thought, your every movement, your every action with such silent precision, that you think your doing, is always unattended by anyone other than yourself. But like the feathers on an arrow in flight, I am that part of you which guides you through your destination. Always journeying with you, yet ever unchanging in the position of your life.

Oh Mind, to you I give the loving gift of a handful of words that you might have constant remembrance of me. It is said... "As you think, so you become."

So say then...

"I am the Heart"

Repeat these words over and over and over. Stay awake with me. Become enlivened. Become empowered through me. Become me.

I am the Heart... I am the Heart... I am the Heart...

Its repetition will transform you. You will gain command over the emotions, and you will come to know the steady state. A light will shine. More and more you will find that your mental clarity will not be robbed by the thieves of ignorance, desire and attachment to things which you falsely believe you are in need of. However, do not use these words as if to hide from or deny what are your obligations, for I shall only prompt you over and over to return to what is important... to what is your duty. You yourself shall generate any agitation be it subtle or pronounced as you choose to abandon my offering of Love for the welfare of your life.

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next: I Am the Heart The Book Part 5

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, January 5). The Book (Part 4), HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 10 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014


Then on January 1 1999 I sent out the following follow up:

"To my friends in cyberspace,
On December 7, I sent an e-mail to you proclaiming my Joy and Gratitude at the way my path was unfolding.

I am sending this message today, New Years Day 1999, to let you know that the Joy, Love, and gratitude that I was feeling that day now seems almost primitive compared to the levels I have accessed since then. Here is what I wrote in my snail mail mailing that I am sending out here in California.

"1998 has been a very interesting year for me. Lots of opportunities for growth and learning. Lots of chances to practice acceptance, patience, faith and all those other wonderful Spiritual Principles that have made it possible for me to have Peace and Joy in my life no matter what was happening on the outside. Early summer was especially painful as what seemed to be an opportunity to publish my next books evaporated in a slow painful way - but gave lots of opportunity to practice Letting Go. I moved back to the Central Coast (Morro Bay) in early fall and am very happy I did as this area feels much more like home to me. I am still going to Santa Barbara once a week to see clients - but am not sure at this point if that is going to be financially viable for much longer.

The past few months have seen some Truly amazing and wondrous changes in my life. In November I was feeling very blessed with the level of freedom I had attained to feel happy, Joyous, & peaceful in the moment no matter what the outer conditions. In December, years of work came to critical mass and I made a leap into hyperspace that opened my heart in a Truly amazing way. A paradigm shift occurred in my relationship with being in body on this physical plane that has unleashed an incredible flow of energy - either that or I am having a psychotic break. Whatever is happening, I LOVE being so ALIVE. 1999 is going to be an incredible, Magical, Joy filled year. Catch me while you can - my life has just started soaring."

There are not words to express to you how incredible and amazing the process is that I experienced in this last month. I am passionately ALIVE in a way that I could never have imagined. And I am not involved in the romantic relationship that I thought was developing on December 7th. The woman who I stated in that e-mail might be my dream woman, my twin soul - maybe is not.

continue story below

The way things unfolded was that she got scared that maybe she was repeating an old pattern and decided she needed to pull back. So now we are friends and may never be anything 'else' than that - (I first wrote 'more than that' and needed to change it because that seemed somehow to diminish the value of friendship as if there were something wrong with it not being 'more' - probably has to do with old tapes / dysfunctional cultural standards.) It is a really wonderful magical emotionally intimate relationship that I have gotten the gift of learning some absolutely magnificent lessons from - about letting go of what I wanted it to be for one thing.

There have been quite a few absolutely magnificent lessons that I have learned because of my interaction with this amazing being who I have been blessed to have come into my life as an angel and teacher and buddy - but probably the most important one has to do with Love - since Love and learning the True meaning of Love, is really what the path is all about.

I had the honor of being asked to write something to speak at a wedding yesterday (New Years Eve) which of course was a perfect part of my Spiritual adventure - this incredibly intricate and magnificent plan / process that is unfolding.

I got to speak there, in what I wrote, about the new level of understanding - gut level understanding instead of just theoretical - that my amazing friend has helped me to experience. Here are a few short excerpts from that wedding prayer that I wrote with the parts I am specifically referring to here in bold. (I think that this wedding prayer may be one of the most beautiful things I have ever written - I am very pleased with it.)

"You are together because you resonate on the same wave lengths, you fit together vibrationally, in such a way that together you form a powerful energy field that helps both of you access the Higher Vibrational Energy of Love, Joy, Light, and Truth - in a way that would be very difficult for either one of you to do by yourself. You are coming together to touch the face of God. You are uniting your energies to help you access the Love of the Holy Mother Source Energy.

You are not the source of each other's Love. You are helping each other to access the LOVE that is the Source.

The Love that you see when you see your soul in the others eyes is a reflection of the LOVE that you are. Of the Unconditional Love that the Great Spirit feels for you.

It is very important to remember that the other person is helping you to access God's LOVE within you - not giving you something that you have never had before."

"The Abundance of Love and Joy that you can help each other to feel by coming together - are vibrational levels that you then each will be able to access within yourself. You are helping each other to remember how to access that Love - helping each other to remember what it feels like and that Yes you do deserve it.

It is very important to remember that so that you can Let Go. Let Go of believing that the other person has to be in your life . . . ."

"The more you do your healing and follow your Spiritual path the more moments of each day you will have

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, January 5). Romance, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 10 from

Last Updated: August 7, 2014

Stanton Peele's Approach

Stanton Peele has been investigating, thinking, and writing about addiction since 1969. His first bombshell book, Love and Addiction, appeared in 1975. Its experiential and environmental approach to addiction revolutionized thinking on the subject by indicating that addiction is not limited to narcotics, or to drugs at all and that addiction is a pattern of behavior and experience which is best understood by examining an individual's relationship with his/her world. This is a distinctly nonmedical approach. It views addiction as a general pattern of behavior that nearly everyone experiences in varying degrees at one time or another.

Viewed in this context, addiction is not unusual, although it can grow to overwhelming and life-defeating dimensions. It is not essentially a medical problem, but a problem of life. It is frequently encountered and very often overcome in people's lives - the failure to overcome addictions is the exception. It occurs for people who learn drug use or other destructive patterns as a way of gaining satisfaction in the absence of more functional ways of dealing with the world. Therefore, maturity, improved coping skills, and better self-management and self-regard all contribute to overcoming and preventing addiction.

"Addiction is a way of coping with life, of artificially attaining feelings and rewards people feel they cannot achieve in any other way. As such, it is no more a treatable medical problem than is unemployment, lack of coping skills, or degraded communities and despairing lives. The only remedy for addiction is for more people to have the resources, values and environments necessary for living productive lives. More treatment will not win our badly misguided war on drugs. It will only distract our attention from the real issues in addiction."

Stanton Peele, "Cures depend on attitude, not programs," Los Angeles Times, March 14, 1990.

What is the Stanton Peele's Approach. How does Stanton approaches substance addiction?

Stanton's approach puts him at odds with the American medical model of alcohol/drug abuse as a disease - one which is gaining acceptance worldwide. Everything about the disease approach - separating people and their substance use from their ongoing lives, not recognizing that addiction fades in and out with life conditions, viewing it as biogenetic in origin - is wrong, which Stanton strives to show throughout this website. The notion that drug and alcohol abuse are inevitably progressive, a holdover from the Temperance view, is one example of how modern addictionology is really moralistic and theological rather than scientific and pragmatic. The Stanton Peele Addiction Web Site (SPAWS) presents a range of novel and constructive solutions to policy, scientific, treatment, and personal problems that befuddle current approaches.

Stanton has managed to maintain his cutting-edge approaches and attitudes for more than a quarter century, involving himself in central issues of policy, treatment, education, theory, and research on addiction, drugs, and alcohol. SPAWS is replete with articles, debates, conflicts, and advice on problems that cover the gamut of drug, alcohol, and addiction policy. If you are concerned about behaviors that trouble you in yourself or loved ones, about policies towards drugs, about how people are treated for alcoholism, about whether substance abuse is genetic, about cultural variations in substance use and a thousand other current controversies, then Stanton's work is critical.

Stanton Peele's Ideas

The experiential, environmental approach leads to a range of radical ideas for approaching seemingly insoluble social problems concerning drugs, alcohol, and behavior. For example:

  • a science of addiction geared towards brain mechanisms, irrespective of life problems and experiences, is barking up the wrong tree and is doomed to fail;
  • self-cure is standard and occurs as people come to grips with the problems, people, and patterns in their lives;
  • as they do so, formerly problem users frequently learn to use the substance moderately, or at least with fewer problems;
  • treatment succeeds by helping people navigate their existence rather than by teaching them that they have an inbred, life-long malady;
  • most drinking and other substance use are not pathological;
  • how children learn to view substances largely determines whether they get stuck in drinking/drug use as a life-long destructive habit;
  • a completely negative educational approach to alcohol, as well as drugs, increases the likelihood children will encounter substance use problems;
  • the notion that substance use is a disease is simply the wrong way to prevent problems and to treat problems when these appear;
  • many activities which are correctly viewed as addictions - like compulsive shopping, gambling, sex - have incorrectly come to be treated as diseases;
  • one wrongheaded result of the whole disease conception of addiction is that society now often excuses people for criminal behaviors that are labelled as addictions or diseases (e.g., PMS, post-traumatic shock, post-partum depression in addition to alcoholism);
  • while it is correct instead to firmly punish drug- and alcohol-related misbehavior, the punishment of simple drug use - so-called "zero-tolerance" - is irrational and has been proven to be an expensive failure;
  • non-moralistic policies, education, and treatment that recognize that people may sometimes use drugs or alcohol, but that engage people in productive activity and assist people to overcome difficulties in their lives, will succeed better - and certainly disrupt society and the lives of users less - than our current policies and treatments.

The Addiction Experience

In Stanton's approach, addiction can be understood only in experiential terms. No biological mechanisms create addiction; no biological indicators detect addiction. People are addicted when they pursue a sensation or activity relentlessly and sacrifice other life alternatives to this pursuit, and when they cannot face existence without this one involvement. We know people are addicted by their behavior and experience: nothing else defines addiction.

Addiction must be understood in relation to an experience. This experience is defined, in part, by the nature of the substance or the involvement. For example, heroin produces an analgesic, depressant, and soporific experience; cocaine and cigarettes create a different variety of drug experience. Gambling produces an experience similar to the stimulant drugs, as does sexual excitement. An insecure love relationship can have elements of both depressant and stimulant experiences - hence its remarkable virulence.

The other elements that determine the addictive potential of an experience are the setting or environment in which it is undertaken, and the characteristics of the individual who undertakes it. This was driven home by the Vietnam experience, in which young men addicted to the pain-relieving experience of heroin in the Vietnam environment rejected the same experience stateside. Only some of these men - those more likely to have had a negative sense of their environment before going to Vietnam - continued to be susceptible to heroin addiction in the States.

The characteristics of an addictive experience (as perceived by a given individual in a specific environment) are as follows:

The experience

  • is powerful and all-encompassing,
  • inspires a sense of well-being by conveying an artificial sense of power and control, peace and insulation,
  • is valued for of its predictability, which makes it reassuring and thus "experientally safe,"
  • creates negative consequences that diminish the addict's awareness of and ability to relate to the rest of life.

When people - either in their lives generally of in particular life situations - cannot gain a necessary sense of power, control, safety, assurance, and predictability, they turn to and rely on addictive experiences.

next: Denial of Reality and of Freedom in Addiction Research and Treatment
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APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, January 5). Stanton Peele's Approach, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 10 from

Last Updated: April 26, 2019

Introduction to Alcohol and Pleasure: A Health Perspective

Understanding the pleasure that alcohol produces and the role it plays in healthy and unhealthy drinking.

In order to understand the nature of the pleasure alcohol produces, and the role that pleasure plays in healthy and unhealthy drinking, Stanton organized the program for the conference, "Permission for Pleasure" for the International Center for Alcohol Policies. The volume from this conference has been published; Stanton contributed an Introduction to explain the need to examine pleasure in drinking and the resistance of public health professionals and authorities to doing so.

In: S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.) (1999), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective, Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel, pp. 1-7
© Copyright 1999 Stanton Peele. All rights reserved.

Morristown, NJ

Like the conference on which it is based, this book is designed to address the concept of pleasure in relation to beverage alcohol. Colloquially, pleasure seems to be an important ingredient in alcohol consumption. Yet it has rarely been incorporated in research or public health models. The book's aim is to bring together existing knowledge on the role of pleasure in drinking and to determine whether the concept is useful for scientific understanding and policy consideration by professionals in government, public health, research, and other fields, in both the developing and developed world, who are concerned with the consumption of alcohol.

Why Is This Topic Worthwhile?

Pleasure Is an Important Motivation for Drinking Alcohol

In their surveys of drinking behavior in the United States, the Alcohol Research Group has asked ordinary drinkers about their "experiences after drinking." Among current drinkers, by far the most common response was "felt happy and cheerful" (Cahalan, 1970, p. 131; see Brodsky & Peele, 1999). The Mass Observation studies begun in the 1940s questioned ordinary drinkers closely about their drinking experiences and expectations (Lowe, 1999; Mass Observation, 1943, 1948). Some focused on the contents of the beverage ("It tastes good"), some on the mood it engenders ("It relaxes me, makes me feel good"), some on the ritual or social elements ("I like relaxing at home over a drink" or "I like getting together with my mates and downing a few at the pub"). This straightforward approach of asking drinkers about their current motivations for and experiences of drinking is represented in expectancy research (Goldman et al., 1987; Leigh, 1999), including especially younger drinkers (Foxcroft & Lowe, 1991). Most people who consume alcohol indicate that they anticipate a positive change in experience from drinking, although this means different things for different groups.

Pleasure Plays a Role in Both Ordinary and Problematic Drinking

Cahalan (1970) divided drinkers into those who have never experienced problems from drinking, those who experienced such problems in the past but not at present, and those who experience substantial drinking problems currently. For all groups among both genders, pleasure (feeling happy and cheerful) remained the single most common drinking experience. More problem drinkers gave pleasure as a response to questions about drinking experiences, but they gave higher rates of response to every type of drinking experience and consequence. This may be because they drink more and have more of all such experiences. At the same time, pleasure may motivate both normal, social drinking and problematic drinking, but heavy or problem drinkers may define pleasure differently (Critchlow, 1986; Marlatt, 1999). Younger drinkers more often drink for effect than for ritual pleasure (Foxcroft & Lowe, 1991), although all drinkers emphasize the socially pleasurable functions of drinking (Lowe, 1999).

Issues to be Engaged

  1. Is pleasure a useful concept for explaining alcohol consumption?
  2. What distinguishes pleasure as a healthful or harmful motivation in drinking behavior?
  3. Can the concept of pleasure be used to encourage healthy drinking?

Why Are New Approaches to Alcohol Consumption Required?

Alcohol Consumption Will Always Be a Critical Public Health Issue Worldwide

Although the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe (Edwards et al., 1994; WHO, 1993) and other health agencies worldwide have officially adopted reduced national alcohol consumption as a target, the elimination of all beverage alcohol is not a possibility, and even the goal of reduced consumption may be hard to achieve. In developed nations, alcohol consumption increased dramatically from about 1950 to the middle to late 1970s, although in the longer historical perspective, the 1970s were not an all-time high period of consumption (Musto, 1996). Following the 1970s, many, but far from all, developed countries showed decreases in consumption. However, "the more recent declines in consumption typical of many developed countries have not appeared in many developing nations," where consumption is still increasing (Smart, 1998, p. 27). Nonetheless, developing nations still consume less alcohol per capita than developed nations. Thus styles, patterns, and levels of consumption and motivations for drinking in relation to these questions will remain critical public health issues. This may be particularly so in developing nations, which have perhaps fewer moderating traditions and yet in which consumption is increasingly rapidly (see Odejide & Odejide, 1999).

Public Health Policy Ignores the Almost Universal Motivation to Drink

Although people at large seem to be strongly motivated to drink alcohol with expectations of positive effects (Leigh, 1999), this attraction to alcohol is largely ignored by the public health sector. What makes this apparent oversight more puzzling is that a large percentage of those involved in alcohol policy and research themselves drink—if drinking behavior evinced at the conference upon which this volume is based may be used as a yardstick. This suggests that personal or cultural ambivalence may be a worthwhile point for investigation, and may need to be confronted by policy professionals, as policies that ignore the almost universal motivation to consume alcohol face long odds against succeeding (Stockwell & Single, 1999).

Issues to be Engaged

  1. What is the impact of pleasure on the nature of and trends in drinking in the developing world, and does pleasure mean something different—have a different impact—there than in the developed world?
  2. What has prevented professionals from using pleasure as a policy tool and scientific concept and is this continuing lacuna detrimental?

Why Discuss Drinking and Pleasure Now?

Change and Stasis in the Alcohol Debate

The benefits of alcohol for coronary artery disease are now quite broadly accepted (Doll, 1997; Klatsky, 1999; WHO, 1994). The CAD benefits of moderate drinking may well prolong life (Poikolainen, 1995). Nonetheless, the debate persists over whether to present such benefits to the public (Skog, 1999), and notably concern that children should not be exposed to information about possible benefits of drinking. Thus, at the same time that the 1995 U.S. Dietary Guidelines (U.S. Department of Agriculture/Department of Health and Human Services, 1995) discussed coronary-disease benefits of alcohol consumption, as did the British sensible drinking guidelines (Department of Health and Social Security, 1995) and standards established by other Western nations (International Center for Alcohol Policies, 1996a, 1996b), this discussion is still controversial. Already, interest groups have mounted campaigns to reverse the language in the U.S. Guidelines when these are reconsidered after 5 years, just as the current guidelines reversed those from 5 years earlier.

Current Approaches Towards Alcohol are Almost Totally Problem-Oriented

This is the end process of a long period in the U.S. and worldwide of identifying and addressing the problematic nature of alcohol consumption. And while there may still be room to extend this problem focus to new groups, and to deepen the depiction of the severity of worldwide drinking problems, we have proceeded quite a long way in this direction. At the same time, in the West and much of the rest of the world, alcohol production and consumption is legal, commercially marketed, and informally encouraged. Thus, considerable contention is built into the consideration of beverage alcohol. Yet, the possibility of broad agreement also seem attainable in the establishment of benefits from drinking among public health advocates, while alcohol producers recognize that problem drinking leads to serious and widespread social and health consequences.

One recent development that suggests the value of pleasure as a public health concept is the health-economics conception of quality of life as a measurable and important ingredient in health (Nussbaum & Sen, 1993; Orley, 1999). For health economists, years survived alone do not describe the outcome of a disease event or intervention (Orley, 1994). Pleasure may be one reflection of quality-of-life considerations in drinking decision making and outcomes. To suggest this is to be conscious of the great differences in the apparent enjoyment of drinking events—from a shouting, angry public inebriate, to a person guiltily sneaking a drink alone, to a person drinking pleasantly in a shared experience within the family or with friends, for instance. These differences are reflected in cross-cultural, national, and group differences in the experience of alcohol, suggesting they can be detailed and utilized (Douglas, 1987; Hartford & Gaines, 1982; Heath, 1995, 1999).

Issues to be Engaged

  1. Does an understanding of pleasure in drinking offer a route to moderate polarization in views on the role of alcohol in society?
  2. Can important individual, group, cultural, and situational differences in the pleasure of drinking experiences be understood and related to positive outcomes so that these can be encouraged as a part of health policies?

Why a Conference?

This volume is based on a conference, one that seemed exciting and novel. The rationale for the conference was to explore a broad topic not thoroughly examined previously, to expose and interpret existing research related to the topic, and to outline the state of knowledge and areas where future investigation is necessary. Since it is unlikely that the evidence on the conference topics covered in this volume will prove definitive, it is important to air different perspectives and interpretations in order to see whether a new approach appears to be fruitful and deserves further attention. Among the topics the conference opened for discussion are the following:

  • The meaning of pleasure in cultural context: How do people define pleasure? How central a motivator is pleasure for them? Are there differences in the definitions and importance of pleasure in different cultures (East v. West, for example; see Sharma & Mohan, 1999; Shinfuku, 1999)? Is pleasure useful as a health concept (see David, 1999)?
  • Pleasure and drinking: How do people define pleasure in relation to drinking? Are there differences in pleasurable drinking levels and styles according to situation (e.g., wedding v. fraternity party; see Single & Pomeroy, 1999), group (e.g., male v. female; see Camargo, 1999; Nadeau, 1999), or culture (e.g., Nordic v. Mediterranean; see Heath, 1999)? How do people vary in their expectations of pleasure when drinking (see Leigh, 1999)? Do differences in views of pleasure and its association with drinking explain different patterns of drinking (see Marlatt, 1999)?
  • Pleasure and public health: Is pleasure a worthwhile goal to encourage in drinkers? How does pleasurable drinking affect the likelihood drinking problems (see Peele, 1999)? Does pleasure offer a point of departure for respecting cultural differences (see Asare, 1999; MacDonald & Molamu, 1999; Rosovksy, 1999), for offering drinkers with different values a way to orient and control their drinking (see Kalucy, 1999), for communicating effectively with drinkers (see Stockwell & Single, 1999)? How does the consideration of pleasure in drinking policy affect individuals, educators, families, clinicians, communities, nations, and the planet as a whole (see Peele, 1999)?


After a longstanding period of public health attention to alcohol, one primarily concerned with the problematic aspects of drinking, alcohol consumption remains both a major public health concern and a popular, widespread, and irreducible activity. Even the sternest public health advocates cannot reasonably expect to eliminate or indefinitely reduce drinking worldwide, nor do the data clearly show that such a goal would produce a public health gain. It is clearly established, for example, that drinking is associated with reduced heart disease epidemiologically in all parts of the Western world (Criqui & Ringel, 1994).

Pleasure in drinking is an understudied phenomenon. In addition to its appeal as a lay explanation for drinking, measurement efforts also indicate it is the primary goal in alcohol consumption. This volume and the conference on which it is based propose that enhancing our understanding of conceptions and differences in conceptions of pleasure, the actual role of pleasure as a motivator, and pleasure as a communication and a public health tool could advance our understanding of and ability to deal with beverage alcohol.


Asare, J. (1999). Alcohol use, sale, and production in Ghana. In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective (pp. 121-130). Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.

Brodsky, A., & Peele, S. (1999). Psychosocial benefits of moderate alcohol consumption: Alcohol's role in a broader conception of health and well-being. In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective (pp. 187-207). Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.

Cahalan, D. (1970). Problem drinkers. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Camargo, C.A., Jr. (1999). Gender differences in the health effects of moderate alcohol consumption. In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective (pp. 157-170). Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.

Criqui M.H., & Ringel B.L. (1994). Does diet or alcohol explain the French paradox? Lancet, 344, 1719-1723.

Critchlow, B. (1986). The powers of John Barleycorn: Beliefs about the effects of alcohol on social behavior. American Psychologist, 41, 751-764.

David, J-P. (1999). Promoting pleasure and public health: An innovative initiative. In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective (pp. 131-136). Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.

Department of Health and Social Security. (1995). Sensible drinking: The report of an interdepartmental working group. London: Her Majesty's Stationary Office.

Doll, R. (1997). One for the heart. British Medical Journal, 315, 1664-1668.

Douglas, M. (Ed.). (1987). Constructive drinking: Perspectives on drink from anthropology. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Foxcroft, D.R., & Lowe, G. (1991). Adolescent drinking behaviour and family socialization factors: A meta-analysis. Journal of Adolescence, 14, 255-273.

Goldman, M.S., Brown, S.A., & Christiansen, B.A. (1987). Expectancy theory: Thinking about drinking. In Blane, H.T. & Leonard, K.E. (Eds.), Psychological theories of drinking and alcoholism (pp. 181-126). New York: Guilford.

Hartford, T.C., & Gaines, L.S. (Eds.). (1982). Social drinking contexts (Research Monograph 7). Rockville, MD: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

Heath, D. (1995). International handbook on alcohol and culture. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Heath, D.B. (1999). Drinking and pleasure across cultures. In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective (pp. 61-72). Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.

International Center for Alcohol Policies. (1996a). Safe alcohol consumption. A comparison of Nutrition and your health: Dietary guidelines for Americans and Sensible drinking (ICAP Reports I). Washington, DC: Author.

International Center for Alcohol Policies. (1996b). Safe alcohol consumption. A comparison of Nutrition and your health: Dietary guidelines for Americans and Sensible drinking (ICAP Reports I, Suppl.). Washington, DC: Author.

Kalucy, R. (1999). Guilt, restraint, and drinking. In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective (pp. 291-303). Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.

Klatsky, A.L. (1999). Is drinking healthy? In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective (pp. 141-156). Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.

Leigh, B.C. (1999). Thinking, feeling, and drinking: Alcohol expectancies and alcohol use. In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective (pp. 215-231). Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.

Lowe, G. (1999). Drinking behavior and pleasure across the life span. In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective (pp. 249-263). Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.

MacDonald, D., & Molamu, L. (1999). From pleasure to pain: A social history of Basarwa/San alcohol use in Botswana. In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective (pp. 73-86). Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.

Marlatt, G.A. (1999). Alcohol, the magic elixir? In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective (pp. 233-248). Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.

Mass Observation. (1943). The pub and the people. Falmer, UK: University of Sussex Mass Observation Archive.

Mass Observation. (1948). Drinking habits. Falmer, UK: University of Sussex Mass Observation Archive.

Musto, D.F. (1996, April). Alcohol and American history. Scientific American, pp. 78-82.

Nadeau, L. (1999). Gender and alcohol: The separate realities of women's and men's drinking. In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective (pp. 305-321). Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.

Nussbaum, M., & Sen, A. (Eds.). (1993). Quality of life. New York: Oxford University Press.

Odejide, O.A., & Odejide, B. (1999). Harnessing pleasure for population health ends. In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective (pp. 341-355). Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.

Orley, J. (1994). Quality-of-life assessment: International perspectives. Secaucus, NJ: Springer-Verlag.

Orley, J. (1999). Pleasure and quality of life calculations. In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective (pp. 329-340). Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.

Peele, S. (1999). Promoting positive drinking: Alcohol, necessary evil or positive good? In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective (pp. 375-389). Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.

Poikolainen, K. (1995). Alcohol and mortality. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 48, 455-465.

Rosovsky, H. (1999). Drinking and pleasure in Latin America. In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective (pp. 87-100). Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.

Sharma, H.K., & Mohan, D. (1999). Changing sociocultural perspectives on alcohol consumption in India: A case study. In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective (pp. 101-112). Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.

Shinfuku, N. (1999). Japanese culture and drinking. In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective (pp. 113-119). Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.

Single, E., & Pomeroy, H. (1999). Drinking and setting: A season for all things. In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective (pp. 265-276). Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.

Skog, O-J. (1999). Maximizing pleasure: Alcohol, health, and public policy. In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective (pp. 171-186). Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.

Smart, R. (1998). Trends in drinking and patterns of drinking. In M. Grant & G. Litvak (Eds.), Drinking patterns and their consequences (pp. 25-41). Washington, DC: International Center for Alcohol Policy.

Stockwell, T., & Single, E. (1999). Reducing harmful drinking. In S. Peele & M. Grant (Eds.), Alcohol and pleasure: A health perspective (pp. 357-373). Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.

U.S. Department of Agriculture/Department of Health and Human Services. (1995). Nutrition and your health: Dietary guidelines for Americans (4th ed.). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

WHO. (1993). European alcohol action plan. Copenhagen, Denmark: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe.

WHO. (1994). Cardiovascular disease risk factors: New areas for research (WHO Technical Report Series 841). Geneva, Switzerland: Author.

next: Is 'Dry Drunk' a Real Medical Diagnosis?
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APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, January 5). Introduction to Alcohol and Pleasure: A Health Perspective, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 10 from

Last Updated: April 26, 2019

How to Have More Life in Your Time

TELEVISION IS A GREAT device for creating a little diversion when you want to give your mind a break. It's one of the few things we can do that doesn't present any challenge whatsoever. The problem is, the people who design the programming and the commercials don't want you to just take a little break and get back to living. They want you to keep watching. And over the years, they've developed hundreds of effective techniques to keep us hooked, and they're getting better at it all the time.

Studies at the University of Chicago found that when people are engaged in an activity like reading, talking, or pursuing a hobby, they become happier. Research also shows that the longer a person sits in front of a TV, the more irritable and dissatisfied they become. TV is entertaining, but it presents no challenge. Our minds and bodies start going stir crazy without a challenge. That's bad enough, but on top of that, commercials are specifically designed to make you feel dissatisfied (so you will buy their product to satisfy your "need").

You've got better things to do. If you want to gain more freedom from your television, try one of these ideas:

  1. For one month, only watch videos no TV with its seductive and addictive programming.
  2. Cancel your cable: You'll save money and you'll have fewer stations to entice you.
  3. Unplug the TV for a week.

Everyone in your household may thrash about like an addict in withdrawal, but hold firm and you'll see something remarkable: more human interaction, more walks together at sunset, more pursuits of hobbies, more reading. These are all things that aren't as easy as TV, but are more satisfying and rejuvenating.

Wean yourself away from your TV. Make it merely a peripheral activity something you do once in awhile. Try one of the ideas above to protect yourself from the carefully-designed-to-be-addictive programming. You'll be glad you did.

Watch TV only once in awhile.

Here's a conversational chapter on optimism from a future book:
Conversation on Optimism


If worry is a problem for you, or even if you would like to simply worry less even though you don't worry that much, you might like to read this:
The Ocelot Blues

Learn how to prevent yourself from fallingMinto the common traps we are all prone to because of the structure of the human brain:
Thoughtical Illusions

next: How to Melt Hard Feelings

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, January 5). How to Have More Life in Your Time, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 10 from

Last Updated: March 31, 2016

Do Antidepressants Work?


Stanton Peele answers a question about antidepressants to help with depression and addiction.Do you think that the whole seratonin transmitter thing is totally wrong regarding depression? I have suffered from depression for at least thirty years. And I've been through therapy, AA and whatever else I could do to self help myself. What a bunch of crap!

Modern antidepressants work for me and although I don't like being a human guinee pig I prefer these pills to that wretched state of mind. Anything is better then that! William Styron describes his depression quite well although he didn't experience depression until he was in his sixties. His book, written in the 80's is called Darkness Visable. Although I've been going through depressions for many years I like Styron's descriptions. Good writing.

Are you a social scientist without even a thought to harmones or brain chemistry. I don't like genetics being used as an excuse for behavior. And I certainly don't buy the twinkie, prozac, maniac defense. I hope you are more openminded then someone who discounts brain chemistry in favor of psychology. I hope you are just trying to cut thru the whole criminal, excuse, and moron team. I agree if that is your intent.

PMS is real, and so is menopause. Do you think that all of our problems stem from our upbringing? If so, why do antidepressants work for me? I can talk until...forever but antidepressants work for me better.


Dear LF:

You seem to want to have me okay your antidepressant use — but there is someone whose position on the matter might cause you even more discomfort — William Styron. Although he was highly committed to believing his depression was a preordained biological disease, he was virulently anti antidepressants (meaning they did nothing at all for him). Basically, his antidote for depression was bed rest. I personally find Styron's memoir of madness, Darkness Visible, a book by a man sadly lacking in insight looking for reasons for his misery.

Whether antidepressants have an effect, how much of an effect, for which people, and with what consequences are debatable questions. Looking only at controlled studies using active placebos (those that are not obviously identifiable as inert by patients), few — if any — differences are found between placebo and antidepressants. Patient and therapist attitudes have been found to be critical to responses to these drugs (as well as to virtually all other classes of psychotropic drugs). The best source for this information is the volume, From Placebo to Panacea: Putting Psychiatric Drugs to the Test, edited by Seymour Fisher and Roger Greenberg.

If you tell me that you find antidepressants helpful to you, I say, "go with what works." If you want to explore the meaning of your life, I say, "look at the literature on antidepressants, examine your beliefs, and approach the sources of your depression openly and critically." Of course, it might be that questioning your antidepressants could harm their efficacy for you. But, tell me, have you not had to vary your doses and brands of antidepressants over the years? I know of virtually no one who has found antidepressants to remain uniformly helpful without significant variations in administration practices — like (forgive me) drug addicts and alcoholics I know who are always looking for the right "titration" to reach the optimal high with the least downside from their drug of choice.

You have grown disillusioned with AA. It was a blind alley ultimately. Why was that? Can one discount AA's version of reality (that alcoholism is a disease) and accept depression is a real disease? Or are the ventures to free oneself of biologically deterministic views of the causes of human behavior and emotion in these two areas related? Do you now feel that the disease of alcoholism was a misdiagnosis for another disease (as Kitty Dukakis claimed John Wallace and his staff at the Edgehill Newport Hospital misdiagnosed her manic-depression)? I don't know the ultimate causes of your problems, but I do believe that one's views of these problems and their sources have personal consequences.


Dear Stanton:

I do notice that there is a kind of immunity or tolerance that may be building up over time. I did get very depressed once while still on my medication...

I don't view alcohol addiction as a disease. Alcohol abuse causes diseases. But it's different than depression in that we actually have to do something--from the outside in--like drink too much--and with depression nothing needs to be done. There are people who have had great careers and great lives, or so it would seem, and they can be seriously depressed to the point of not being able to function. I don't claim to thoroughly understand that since I am not yet successful in any career, and I have no children, or as the old saying goes...a pot to....But I do have some good friends. I don't really view depression as a disease either but it can be fatal and although there our outside stresses that can exassperate it (such as drinking alcohol to excess since it is a depressant) essentially it is not as easily controlled as alcohol abuse. I mean we can stop abusing alcohol....

Dear [...]

You came across great. I admire a serious and thoughtful person, trying to come to grips with their lives.

If anyone were to come to me for any advice, I would recommend trying to use their intelligence for job, career, family, and ... those kind of things. I like to consult with people to achieve success. It makes me feel good, and sometimes them.


next: Does Childhood Sexual Abuse Lead to Adult Addiction?
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APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, January 5). Do Antidepressants Work?, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 10 from

Last Updated: June 27, 2016

The Legal Ramifications of Internet Addiction

The credibility of Internet addiction has become a legal issue in both civil and criminal courts. The president of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers indicated that there has been a notable rise in the number of divorce cases involving cyberaffairs and online addiction over the past year. Furthermore, the issue of Internet addiction has played a significant role in child custody hearings. Frequently, such Internet abuse leads to neglectful behavior on the part of the custodial parent, often times the mother, leaving the non-custodial parent to fight for full custody. Finally, criminal courts have seen a rise in the number of cases involving sexual misconduct, online pedophilia, online child pornography, and cybersexual addiction. These cases usually evaluate the role of electronic anonymity in the development of deviant, deceptive, or criminal acts.

Dr. Kimberly Young, Founder and President of the Center for Internet Addiction Recovery, has provided forensic consultation in the following ways:

  • Conducted psychological evaluations for clients suspected of being addicted to the Internet.
  • Provided written affidavits to support the scientific validity of Internet addiction.
  • Provided expert testimony to support the scientific validity of Internet addiction.

Dr. Young has testified at a Daubert Hearing held in Wheeling, West Virginia in the case of The State vs. Russell. The trial court is vested with the authority and responsibilities to serve as "gatekeeper" of evidences to screen scientific theories to make sure they are scientifically valid and reliable. The vast majority of scientific theories, usually medical, are typically not challenged as being unreliable and are admissible through judicial notice; however, the newness of Internet addiction may facilitate a Daubert Hearing to determine its scientific validity. The theory was accepted in this case and will be persuasive to other courts.

To contact Dr. Young:

Center for Internet Addiction Recovery
P.O. Box 72
Bradford, PA 16701
814-451-2405 phone
814-368-9560 fax

An article in the Los Angeles Times (1/22/99) explored the new type of Cyber-crime: "Man charged under new cyber-stalking law:"

"A North Hollywood man has become the first perpetrator to be prosecuted under California's new cyber-stalking law. Gary S. Dellapenta, a 50-year-old security guard, has been charged with stalking, computer fraud and solicitation of sexual assault. After his romantic advances were rebuffed by a woman he met at church, he proceeded to post ads in her name on America Online, Hotmail and other Internet sites that described fantasies of being gang-raped. When people responded, he revealed personal information about her, from the address of her apartment to her physical description, her phone number and how to bypass her home security system. Law enforcement officials have predicted that such crimes will proliferate, aided by the decrease in personal privacy and the anonymity of cyberspace."

next: What Makes the Internet Addictive?
~ all center for online addiction articles
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APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, January 5). The Legal Ramifications of Internet Addiction, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 10 from

Last Updated: June 24, 2016

What Do You Think of SMART Recovery?

Dear Stanton:

What are your opinions about Smart Recovery? Jack Trimpey's AA Bashing was/is opposed by the Smart Recovery Board, but now there is a ground swell of "Let's give it back to them." What are your opinions about this?

Dick Brockman


I'm on the scientific advisory board of SMART, but I welcome all input. You sound well-informed. Tell me where you're at and what you think is going on and your reactions to it.



I am here in Texas, Fort Worth, which has been in the heartland of AA country since the beginning. We have the largest Baptist Seminary here and major beliefs that Smart Recovery is probably sinful because it is Ungodly! Albert Ellis is of course an Atheist, ergo REBT can not be abided. Well, not really — we have some enlightened folk here, but the majority are so hard core AA that you can barely talk to them about alternatives to AA without them covering their ears and humming to drown out the anathema. I have been a maverick for many years and was an enthusiastic supporter of Jack's from the beginning and was one of the first Certified Rational Recovery Specialists. We met when he was in our area and he, Lois and I appeared to get along fine. I licensed my agency to be called a Rational Recovery Agency and I was going about giving talks about RR as an alternative to AA for a long time. Then Jack appeared to go off the deep end and do exactly what he criticized AA folks for — saying that the only ones who could help are those who have had the problem and since I am not a recovering anything, I fell out of grace and finally said enough of this Non-Rational Thinking. I was very glad to see SMART Recovery get off the ground and now we carry that banner and have a meeting at our facility weekly.

addiction-articles-54-healthyplaceF.A.C.T.S. is a non-profit agency I started in 1985 with one of my professors, since retired, and we specialize in Family Violence, Anger and Substance Abuse. I am a twenty year retired Air Force Officer, who specialized in Substance Abuse Education and Rehabilitation and Equal Opportunity in the Service. At that time I believed all the propaganda and said the AA was the only way, but was always doubting this. When I retired I went back to school for more Degrees (Social Work) and training and got turned on by REBT and the reasonableness of identifying problems based upon thinking rather than powerlessness, loss of control and higher powers. This whole process fit into our organization with regards to the "Batterers Intervention Programs" and "Anger Control Program" which we have developed. We are again on the outside of some of the approved thinking in these areas, because we are not "Object Relations" oriented, and do not attribute these problems to Unattached or Unbonded childhood experiences. I was trained in this process, especially in Rage Reduction Therapy, by Foster Cline, MD of the Evergreen Associates program in Colorado. In most all these programs people are trying to find the cause or justify the behavior and I find that to be either bullshit or a waste of time. What are we going to do about the behavior? Substance abuse is probably the easiest to measure in that quantities, number of times, and outcomes can be measured, but not by the AA method — a behavioral problem, attributed to a medical disease and cured by a spiritual method!

So anyway! The latest newsletter from SMART Recovery had articles about the abuse we have taken from AAers and Vince Fox's articles about how we should stop being the nice guys and start bashing back. I asked your opinion because I respect you authorship and reasoning and argumentation. I have trained with Albert Ellis in four programs and Michelor Bishop and, although this is my philosophy in general, I can not altogether agree with him and Michelor on the idea that REBT can co-exist with the Twelve Step Approach and that we should be nice guys about the whole affair. The only time I have found acceptance from the Twelve Step Community is if I agree that REBT and Twelve Step can work together. I am a purist in that I can not abide by the Irrational thinking of the Twelve Steps and see how I can agree with them in my therapy. It is rather like you have pointed out in your books and articles, not necessarily in this manner but, if it's bullshit, it's bullshit!

So there you have small input of what I think is going on. I believe that the nice guy approach has not really worked with the Twelve Steppers, although the Criminal Justice System is siding with us more and more and not supporting the AA approach as strongly as in the past. I am frustrated that things are not going as fast as I want them to go. I recognize that this frustration is my making and I can handle that.

I am always looking to learn and improve my mind and do research in these areas. I read a lot and have read several of your works and agree with what you believe. I appreciate your answering me so quickly.


Dear Dick:

I like the cut of your jib (even if you were in the Air Force)! I hate it when military guys are irrational — I thought that was their primary professional claim — that they see through the bullshit.

Anyhow, I liked the story of your Odyssey very much. You hang out there, do what you think is right, take heat, and roll with the punches. You might actually be doing some good! (Every once in a while, I read something that makes me think psychology works. Like, in the book Fatal Vision, when the defense attorney brings the murderer, Captain MacDonald, to a psychologist for testing, and the guy gets MacDonald to a T! Says he can't comprehend anyone's feelings outside his own, and views any interference with his urges as a personal assault that he feel he can eliminate as he chooses.)

Your experiences with Jack are, of course, fascinating and consistent with those of others. (Have you seen the section on my website where Jack accuses me of being the devil?) I admire your ability to float with the punches and to come out swinging. I admire your nondogmatic, sensible approach to things (I don't even know what "Object Relations" are, but they are obviously bullshit). And you tell me you're making headway within the criminal justice system. I would hope that a guy with a military background could swing a little weight there.

Meanwhile, you may know that my main problem with SMART Recovery is that most human beings in the world are struggling to continue using, and most will continue to do so. So I wish there was a group that dealt with the majority of people — even including those who keep using without much reduction in use, but who could nonetheless still improve their lives and eventually get in a position to ameliorate or eliminate their substance abuse (I'm talking harm reduction).

As for the particular dispute you describe, between the appeasers and the warriors (a la Vincent Fox), my natural disposition is very much, like you, on the side of the latter. It's just laziness and fear of doing battle with those crazy AAers that makes Albert Ellis (whom I know slightly) accept their bullshit (this, from a man whose favorite analytic phrase over the decades has been "bullshit"). But, I found myself agreeing with the accommodators as well — why look for problems when you just are offering to expand the array of services? I can't argue with someone who takes a peaceful approach to reform. And, I might add, sometimes people liken my battling ways to Jack's, and I don't want that as my epitaph.

Keep in touch. Make headway. Get in trouble. These are the words I live by.


next: What Is Your Attitude Towards Audrey Kishline's "Accident"?
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APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, January 5). What Do You Think of SMART Recovery?, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 10 from

Last Updated: June 27, 2016

Drug Abstinence Contingencies and Vouchers

Innovative day treatment program for homeless crack addicts makes work and housing dependent upon drug abstinence.

Day Treatment With Abstinence Contingencies and Vouchers

Innovative day treatment program for homeless crack addicts makes work and housing dependent upon drug abstinence.Was developed to treat homeless crack addicts. For the first 2 months, participants must spend 5.5 hours daily in the program, which provides lunch and transportation to and from shelters. Interventions include individual assessment and goal setting, individual and group counseling, multiple psychoeducational groups (for example, didactic groups on community resources, housing, cocaine, and HIV/AIDS prevention; establishing and reviewing personal rehabilitation goals; relapse prevention; weekend planning), and patient-governed community meetings during which patients review contract goals and provide support and encouragement to each other.

Individual counseling occurs once a week, and group therapy sessions are held three times a week. After 2 months of day treatment and at least 2 weeks of abstinence, participants graduate to a 4-month work component that pays wages that can be used to rent inexpensive, drug-free housing. A voucher system also rewards drug-free related social and recreational activities.

This innovative day treatment was compared with treatment consisting of twice-weekly individual counseling and 12-step groups, medical examinations and treatment, and referral to community resources for housing and vocational services. Innovative day treatment followed by work and housing dependent upon drug abstinence had a more positive effect on alcohol use, cocaine use, and days homeless.


Milby, J.B.; Schumacher, J.E.; Raczynski, J.M.; Caldwell, E.; Engle, M.; Michael, M.; and Carr, J. Sufficient conditions for effective treatment of substance abusing homeless. Drug & Alcohol Dependence 43: 39-47, 1996.

Milby, J.B.; Schumacher, J.E.; McNamara, C.; Wallace, D.; McGill, T.; Stange, D.; and Michael, M. Abstinence contingent housing enhances day treatment for homeless cocaine abusers. National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Monograph Series 174, Problems of Drug Dependence: Proceedings of the 58th Annual Scientific Meeting. The College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Inc., 1996.

Source: National Institute of Drug Abuse, "Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research Based Guide."

next: Drug Addiction, Substance Abuse Resources
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APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, January 5). Drug Abstinence Contingencies and Vouchers, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 10 from

Last Updated: April 26, 2019