Morning Anxiety 101: Symptoms and Causes
I am not a morning person. If you are reading this, chances are, you aren't one either. Sometimes, I have been woken up in the early hours to instant panic. There isn't a reason for the fear but as soon as my eyelids open I am absolutely terrified. Its a horrible feeling. When my day begins this way one of two things are bound to happen.
Either I accept the anxiety and try to ignore it, or I feel sorry for myself, pout, and sometimes cry, and it consumes and ruins my entire day.
My anxiety is always worse in the mornings. Always. Sometimes I find myself dreading to go to sleep at night for fear of what the morning will bring. I have learned not to plan important events or parties until the afternoon or evenings because I know I will be in a better mood at that time.
Symptoms of Morning Anxiety
Most people experience several of the following symptoms when feeling anxious:
- Rapid heartbeat
- Feeling weak, faint, or dizzy
- Tingling or numbness in the hands and fingers
- Nervousness, sense of terror, of impending doom or death
- Feeling sweaty or having chills
- Chest pains
- Breathing difficulties
- Feeling a loss of control
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Trembling
- Mental confusion
Causes for Morning Anxiety
Cortisol- the Stress Hormone
When we are feeling stressed, our bodies produce a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol levels are naturally at their highest in the morning and lowest at night. Our bodies will also produce cortisol when we are feeling anxious to help with the "fight or flight" response.
It becomes a vicious cycle. We wake up feeling anxious because of the stored up cortisol throughout the night, which makes us feel anxious, so our bodies continue to pump out cortisol, which creates more anxiety, which produces more cortisol, which causes us to feel more anxious, etc.
Low Blood Sugar
Deanne Repich, founder of the National Institute of Anxiety and Stress, Inc. says,
"Another reason why symptoms can be worse in the morning is because your blood sugar is low when you first wake up. You have gone all night without food. It's important to maintain a constant blood sugar level because the brain uses sugar, also known as glucose, as its fuel. If blood sugar levels are too low or drop too fast, then the brain starts running out of fuel."
Running out of fuel causes the brain to trigger the "fight or flight" response which we just learned will send cortisol through our bodies to help fight or flee the perceived threat (which in this case is low fuel).
Environmental Aggravations
Although these may not be the root of your morning anxiety, your bedroom surroundings can aggravate an already bad situation. Imagine sleeping in a dark room, in an uncomfortable bed and then suddenly a noisy, loud alarm clock scares you into reality. Soon harsh bright lights and the chill of getting out of bed welcome you to your worst day ever (Infuse Positive Energy into Your Home).
There are simple things we can do to help eliminate morning anxiety. Read on for Morning Anxiety 101: 5 Useful Tips.
APA Reference
White, A.
(2010, January 25). Morning Anxiety 101: Symptoms and Causes, HealthyPlace. Retrieved
on 2025, March 12 from
Author: Aimee White
I have fought panck attacks and severe depression for years. *t gets better. Relax, breath and constantly talk yo yourself anf br extremely positive. I wad angoraphobic your mind is a strong tool. It can play tricks on you. I know ive been there. Its extremely scary.
Kate, I'm so sorry you're going through this. I know how horrible it is. My comment below is directed at the people suggesting that it is a psych issue. Please read the article again. It is physiological root problem.
Did anyone read the article?? This is a physiological issue, not a psychological one!
You may have an adrenal/cortisol/endocrine problem or metabolic/blood sugar issue, or many other medical /med issues that manifest in this way. Yes, stress makes it much worse, but psych meds do not address the underlying or root cause and may make it worse. This is a common symptom of medication changes and withdrawal in people who never had anxiety before. Once the fight-flight-freeze goes into overdrive, the underlying cause must be addressed.
A psychologist or counselor may help to deal with the symptoms or cause of stress.
I wish you and everyone the best.
I agree with your comment. Making an app now since I have been feeling like Kate for a couple of months now.
You are not alone! We have to push through, just like when we get a bad cold this too will take time to heal. Do not give up, reach out for help. Talk about your thoughts to a friend or family member that you trust. Hang in there, remember you are not alone.
Kate, I know the feeling SO MUCH, I'm having an attack as I am typing this. But, join You will be glad you did!!!!! I've learned so much about anxiety through them with over 900 pages that educate, help calm down the body. They have therapists who overcame anxiety themselves! Wish you the very best!!
I agree with Caretta. You must address the UNDERLYING CAUSE of the anxiety!! Working with a trained therapist, and being medically checked out to rule out physical reasons is crucial!!
Kate did you have anxiety before? I did not and one panic attack followed by several more and now I have anxiety. I too live for my family but now I can barely even function and cry all the time. You are not alone.
I'm so sorry. I am going thru it also right now. Have gastro issues and have been in pain. No one can find anything which is what triggered mine. Night time is the best but as soon as I wake up in the morning it's hell. I have to take .05 klonopin x 2 just to get some relief. Then the anxiety triggers depression. Help!!!
I have the same. I don't have the means to see a psychologist and I cannot take ssri's. I'm trying to work through this on my own. Some days I wake up shaking and I'm nauseous. It feels like a bear is chasing me for hours. I only feel better close to nighttime. I go through spells and I'm in a bad one.
Felt like you. I thought I was going crazy. Listen to meditations. Mindfulness app helped me. Listen to Dr Richard Mendius. It's also on Youtibe. Explains what is going on in our brain. Helped me immensely. In a couple days you will feel better. Also Qi-gong breathing. Breath in thru nose out they mouth making "ma-ma-ma sound. Sound silly but works
I don't know you but I'm sure your a great person and judging off your comment your a great mother/wife don't let anxiety get in the way.i know that's easier said than done but I've been getting anxiety ever since I was 7 I had fears of death and when my parents got divorced it tuned into just regular anxiety at one point it stopped and about 7 years later I'm 16 with a kid on the way and I just got it back out of nowhere a couple months ago and it was bad.the best thing to do is accept it though don't be scared don't try to avoid can only face your fears by accepting them.i can already tell your simliar to me. It sounds to me like your fear is that your anxiety will not only mess with your own life it will mess with your families too.(correct me if I'm wrong).if that is how your feeling welcome to the club?.it's really scary especially with a kid to look like I stated before the best thing you can do is just try to accept it. Just kinda sit there and whenever it's messing with you what I did was I sat down and I focused just on my anxiety I blocked everything else out and I just sat there and expierienced it trying my best not to panic.i can assure you this helped significantly after a few days.another thing that I had tried was CBD oil and it worked almost instantly it's great it contains no pyschoactives so you don't get high it has nothing bad about it.however this is something that a lot of people would disagree with idk if your one but if you would like to know more about it you can either contact me or just look it up I'd be happy to help I hope you find everything you need.
I am in the same shoes and please know you are not alone, I am currently typing this as I cry during an anxiety attack. I wouldn't wish this on anyone: I wake up every morning and throw up. I also have ibs, which goes hand in hand with anxiety. I am on larazopam and I honestly wish I could say it was working. I feel awful, I don't know how I am even going to manage getting my son to school in the mornings whole feeling this way. This is so unfair and I feel like it's cheating everyone I love too.
Hey I just want you to know I'm going thru the same thing. My life is super overwhelming right now. I'm going they a divorce. N i live for my child n husband as well. I'm on medication n have been thru tons of different therapys. N it does work but I have a massive amount of stressors in my life right now custody n some physical health problems. Once my stress goes down usually the waking up like this starts to fade. I feel ur pain though. Ur not alone
Please be careful about accepting medication from a Dr especially benzodiazepines. Intially it will appear to work but after tolerance which can happen very quickly , your anxiety will actually increase.
benzos are different for everyone and in my case they work i have been taking 1mg for 3 months now with no problems my pharmasist told me that i may be one of those people that only need 1mg a day so you might need to talk to your doctor about a higher dose or different med or just dont take anything, i have tryed ssri and snri and cant take them lorazapam is the only thing that works,
I lost my mother to Alzheimers two weeks ago. She died in my home with me by her side. It bothered me so much even though she is out of her pain. I started having anxiety attacks right away and went to doctor, he prescribed me 20mg antidepressant but it is taking awhile to work Just wondering if it ever will. He would not prescribed benz. Every morning I wake up shaking and nervous. It goes away a little during the day but picks back up at night. The day used to go by fast and now it goes so slow. Maybe 1mg of the lorazepam would have worked for me until the antidepressant kicked in?
I wake with mirning anxiety formthe last fournyears, ssri and snri and tricyclics havent helped.. i amonlynusing diazepam and wonder if it it contributing to the levels.
It's a real comfort to know I'm not alone. It's also comforting to know there is a reason why I "freak out" every morning .
I suffered with this for a year or two when I was in my 30's. It only lasted a few minutes each morning and went away when I got busy with the day.
Now I'm in my 50's and it's starting again. This morning I went for a brisk 15 minute walk as soon as I work up. My mind was still trying to go to dark/negative thoughts but I prayed through it. WHAT A DIFFERENCE! I feel much better.'s a start :)
I had extreme anxiety/depression every morning to the point where I was would start wearing off around noon or so and by night time I would be okay, but dread the next morning. This went on for about a year and I was beginning to wonder if it would ever get better. I tried a few antidepressants that didn't do much, and then my doctor had me try Remeron (Mirtazapine). When I woke up the next morning, I was totally fine for the first time in a LONG time. I know medications don't work the same for everyone, and my issue may have been different from others here, but thought I'd share since it helped me. The medication + therapy solved for me in the long term. I weaned off the medication after a year or so and have been much better since.
I have suffered from anxiety/depression for over 10 years. I'm 27. Had a long life with PTSD. I have a 2 yr old boy and a 3 month old girl. SSRIs made me go completely suicidal and made my teeth grinding a lot worse. I wake up every morning and cry because I feel like a failure and like I don't know who I am anymore, I pray, cry, rock. I feel better when the day is done but mornings are my worst fear! Pain has punched me over the edge from a car accident that almost killed me 4 years ago and my doctor cannot prescribe my pain medication along with anxiety meds, and I cant function without pain meds at all. But the anxiety is no joke, it makes pain worse and turns into depression. SI try to take care of myself and take supplements but becoming depressed makes me stop caring for myself. I'm seeing a counselor, using CBT techniques. I pray that all of you find peace and happiness. The struggle is real and I have been crying as I scroll and read all of your comments, I don't feel so alone. Thank you all for sharing!
I recently had major back surgery. Never ever have I had panic or anxiety attacks. Three weeks after surgery all of a sudden I wake up without fail having an attack. I have kids and a husband as well. My kids say I'm no fun anymore and my husband says this is not the person he married. I literally cry out of no where, my mind starts thinking I can't live the rest of my life like this and I feel as I rather be dead then love like this. I'm scared to go to sleep knowing when I wake up I'm going to have an attack. My doctor gave me buzbarz and Klonopin. Buzbars take forever the Clonopin after ten mins I calm down but then they make me very sleepy. It's weird cause at around 1 or 2 pm and rest of the night I'm ok. Now when we go out to eat I tend to start having them towards the end. I'm going freaking nuts. I'm only 37 years old and I feel as my life is crashing down on me.
Hi Autumn,
I'm sorry to read of what you're going through right now. Because this started after surgery, there is very likely a direct correlation that is worth talking to a doctor about. Is your current doctor responsive and willing to discuss your new anxiety and symptoms give your surgery? If not, it's okay to seek treatment from a different doctor. While you're straightening out the medical aspects, you might consider seeing a therapist to talk about your experience, the way your family is acting with you, and things you can do to overcome this. It is possible to overcome this new anxiety, and it will be much easier with the right support and medical care.
My ex and I broke up one month ago, I found out that he cheated on me, now its been a month. We been together for for 8yrs he's been my world for the entire said years. I've been suffering these body trembling and even vomiting every morning. But it goes out at noon and feel better after up until in evening but when I wake up in the morning the feeling came back its hard for me since im working. My body weight is dropping also. I dont know what to do anymore can anyone help me what I should do? ?
I have the same issues. I'm kinda looking for an answer too. Maybe coat your stomachs with eating honey.
I saw both of your posts and I wanted to comment because my heart goes out to you both. As well as others who have/are going through this. For over a year I was having 15 panic attacks a day. And every morning I would wake up running to the bathroom and throwing up because I have such a sensitive stomach. Or when a stressful event would happen. But the grace of God, I am doing better. But I still will have seasons of high anxiety. But if it's to the point where youre throwing up that often. (I was already super skinny and really couldn't lose more weight) I would first try some ginger tea. It helps with nausea. If that doesn't help- peptobismol (pink stuff) helps coat the stomach and may help relieve some tightness. And if it's really bad I would talk to your doctor about odonsetron- anti nausea pill and works instantly. It has been a God send for me (though my insurance covers it-not cheap). Because nothing else would work.
My other inputs. Talk it out. See a counselor or someone who is a good listener. Going through a break up or something stressful- it's so important to talk it out. Your a human being and you can't always carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Allow your body to grieve and give yourself some grace. I would beat myself up so much and what a horrible person I was for having panic attacks and missing hang outs with people because of how stressed and sick I was. But it only made it worse.
Another thing, deep breathing and mindfulness. Be present focused and nothing else. Your brain will want to take you on a Rollercoaster ride when you first wake up but give it something else to think on. Like the softness of a blanket or the texture of something or some music. (What my counselor suggested) And don't fight the panic attacks. That's what made it worse for me. Once I started to accept them and understand why my body was responding the way it was. The less panic attacks and throwing up I had. Another thing. Everything inside of you will say no but I highly recommend doing a workout right when you wake up. Get rid of the stress hormones and get some happy ones. When you run or workout it creates serotonin which helps so much. Your body needs a way to get rid of the stress and if you don't find a place for it- it can go to your stomach. My dad (who also is a counselor) always says the stomach is like the second brain.
Also totally random but a huge thing that made a world of a difference for me. Diet. My whole GI track was inflamed and it made anxiety and depression a nightmare. If you have gut problems I highly recommend a diet without wheat or dairy or an anti inflammatory diet. 80-95% of your happy hormones (serotonin) are made in your gut. If that's not doing well, youre probably not doing well.
Anyways I hope this helps someone. And I encourage you all. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and easier seasons. But I pray you all find relief. On a personally note meditating and reading my bible is another thing that has been one of the biggest helps for me. Of course I am not forcing this on anyone. I am just sharing what personally has helped me and have nothing but a heart to want to help. It's been a blessing to know I don't have to have all my crap together- and to stop being such a people pleaser. It wore me out. So give yourself some grace <3
Your comments were so helpful. Last year I found a daily Bible devotion that was a life saver for me. I have the gut problem too. Will look up suggested diet.
Tamara I have a question for you do you also get skipped beats
As they recommend, dont stay in bed , do opposite to what your body wants to, i force myself up and go for walk if its not to early, feel horrible but does subside
I, tpo, am waking up with terrible morning anxiety. I've had anxiety disorder for a long time but never this horrific morning thing! I feel a lump in my chest and often throw up. Can anyone help me?
Get your cortisol levels checked out!
Also be sure you aren't dehydrated, dehydration will set off anxiety!
I too am suffering with this morning anxiety/depression. I wake up with a dread and horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that sometimes doesn't go away until 3pm.,,or 8pm although yesterday it subsided at 10:30am. I'm sitting here at my doctors right now and will beg her for help. It's hard to even write this because I'm soooo tired. If I close my eyes for a second I could just sleep. I force myself out of bed because I have 2 young kids that I need function for. I'm praying desperately for this to be cleared up as I can't deal with it anymore. I've been reading that high cortisol could be the culprit. I will ask her to test my levels. I also have a consult for a sleep apnea test. I'm sure I have sleep apnea. Prayers for everyone
Your experience is my EXACT experience: difference being, I have bipolar and am on meds for that. I'm recently on a bento which i hate taking but it helps me function.
I have been feeling the same way. And having children, which I do also, makes it's so much harder. You know u have to take care of ur kids. Trying to figure out how to get th irrational thought to stop fighting with the truth! I hope you get relief soon.
My mother faces exact same problem. Any advice on what you did ?
Some very good advice there Tamara. The morning fear almost has me paralysed sometimes. I know everything you say is correct. I don't think I could have a workout the moment I wake up but i try and distract myself with a game on my phone or meditation while my brain wakes up. I drink a glass of water as soon as I wake up which also is supposed to help.I have read so much about anxiety and depression and believe I am slowly getting there. Mirtazipine has helped enormously but I still feel anxious in the morning when I wake up. I think the brain just needs time to reconfigure itself after you have had a shock/greif/depressive episode or whatever you want to call it. Patience and time are what we need (along with all the other things you have suggested). Good luck to anyone feeling these very unpleasant feelings. If you can ride this out you will be able to take on anything!
i too wake up shaking with anxiety i think about what if i try not too i pray i am seeing a.therapist i need to find a dr. for a checup and maybe anxiety meds. a lot is going on in my life ill be moving in with my boyfriend soon but not soon enough. i voild go on and on.
Thank you for this informative article. I've happy to find your article. I'm 39 years old and recently suffering from the symptoms that you have provided. I'm feeling nervous after reading this article because I don't know how to treat Anxiety?
I’m glad to see I’m not alone! I wake up every morning with impending doom and the most negative thoughts ruling my mind! Please tell me if you find anything helpful. I found this and will give some of the things a try...
You probably have read it already if you’ve been researching.
I throw up sometimes in the morning due to anxiety , when I was a little kid I thought it was just being nervous but I never knew why. Always before school , like preschool -college and now it’s every morning before work. I cry sometimes, like sob and just want to stop living and be stuck in bed or on the couch under blankets in the dark, that sounds like paradise to me . And I hate that, I wasn’t like this sometimes. It sucks Nd it wears on me and my bfs relationship. I’m so glad other people feel this. I dread going to bed and knowing I have to wake up and go to work , my boring sit at a computer all 8 hours a day mom-fri . It sucks
Hi I too am going through this . I don’t know if it’s because I’m getting ready to start an externship, I’m also sad about not being on my kids school schedules anymore and having to go work full time and not being home in the summer anymore. My palms get sweaty, feel nervous, and sometimes I feel to cry. I hate it ! I’m glad I’m not feeling alone ..
Definitely not alone! I still struggle with morning anxiety every so often. Maybe once or twice a week now. From 4-17 to 10-17 I was sick every single day. Walking around in my yard at 5 am trying to get fresh air & distract my mind. I lost 30 lbs durning this time. I changed my eating habits. I am eating “clean” & I’m sure I can attribute some of my success to that. Today was a bad day though, and it was too cold to walk today. I’m 2 hours into my day & the nausea is just now starting to subside.
I wish I knew how to fix this. I struggle daily with this. Once I'm past it the rest of the day is kinda okay. But in the mornings I just wish death.
Wish you all the best in finding the best help and cure for each of you.. Most important thing to do is Keep focused and think positive.. I have all the same feelings of doom in the morning as you guys.. BUT for me knowing it is Anxiety makes me feel much better.. I have seen people with the same symptoms but their illness is worst. Such as heart problems or brain issues.. So knowing this made me control and almost overcome my anxiety.. Hope this helps with your path to cure and a healthy life.. FYI: I did NOT take any meds and focused on recovery alone.. Exercise and keeping my mind busy with socializing with people helped alot !!
I am experiencing this too! Vomiting bile in the morning and I get the "gags"! I hate it. I have to force myself to eat breakfast and dread the daily routine. I want to get a new job but I'm afraid I will get nervous from new job! It sucks?
it spoils youre life just need to know how to be normal
Wow oh wow. I'm not alone. I feel like I'm going crazy in the morning. Once I wake up, I know there's no going back to sleep. I'm terrified of having to live through the impending day. Can't go back to sleep - dread getting out of bed. But life doesn't stop -it demands.l forward motion.
There's something going on where I'm half awake in a semi dream state, but all of the dreams are steeped in terror even if they're not scary at their core.
Take care everyone.
I have a sleeping disorder but this year i wake up dreading the day. Sometimes my anxiety gets so bad i cry and feel dizzy. I'm really starting to get irritated because it messes up my whole day then I get depressed. When I wake up i feel like i hand't even slept at all and i am cranky and just dread the day ahead.