
Getting Through Tough Times

Are you in the gray area of suicide? Not everything is black and white, and that includes suicide. Sometimes, I feel suicidal but I also know that I won't actually give into those feelings. You may feel this way too, and you probably think that you are alone in this. September is National Suicide Prevention Month, so today, I want to raise awareness for those of us who are in the gray area of suicide.
After my father's death, it was really hard for me to celebrate his birthday. Celebrations are typically happy times you spend honoring people who are alive. For several years, not being able to celebrate with my father on his birthday made me not want to celebrate at all. But a few years ago, I realized that I could honor him by celebrating his life from when he was alive. Here are five ways I honored him this year.
Adding a morning writing ritual to reduce anxiety before you begin your day can help you better deal with anxiety all day long. The way you begin your day can have a big impact on your mood throughout the day. Continue reading to see how writing every morning can help you reduce anxiety throughout your day.
Even if giving advice comes naturally to you, taking your own advice might be harder for you. If you struggle with anxiety and/or depression, you might doubt your wisdom and question whether any of your advice would benefit you. But taking your advice can actually help you overcome anxiety and depression. Read this article to learn how taking your own advice can help you through depression and anxiety.
If you have anxiety, then you may have noticed that some habits seem to make your anxiety worse while some prevent anxiety. Here are some daily habits I have that help to prevent anxiety.
Using your strengths to feel better when you have depression isn't easy, but it's important. During a depressive episode, you have probably felt emotionally and/or physically weak. Feeling this way can drain your motivation and cause you to think that life will never get better. The good news is that it is possible to use your strengths when you feel you are at your weakest. The first step is acknowledging your strengths so that you can use them to your full capacity. Read this article for tips on how to remember and use your strengths when depression brings you down.
Socializing when you're depressed can be uncomfortable because isolating yourself and depression often go hand-in-hand. If you have been staying in and keeping to yourself, this can sometimes worsen the symptoms of depression. It is important to make an effort to socialize regularly, even if it's a small interaction. Why is socializing when you feel depressed important? Talking to other people can make you feel less alone, give you something to focus on other than your worries, and can positively affect your mood. 
Learning to manage arguments in relationships is important to keeping the peace. It is totally normal to have arguments. Unfortunately, sometimes knowing how to handle a disagreement when you are in the moment can be challenging. There are a few different things I try to keep in mind when my boyfriend and I argue, and these things help the disagreement end a bit more peacefully. Read this article for advice on how to get through arguments in a relationship with your significant other. 
You can improve your mood by turning your favorite hobbies into creative projects. It is no secret that creative hobbies such as drawing, coloring, and writing can tame your anxious mind and allow you to express yourself, but what if we took hobbies further by incorporating them into creative projects? Read this article to learn about the benefits of creating projects out of your hobbies and how they improve mood.
We can all have a really bad day. Sometimes really bad days can cause feelings of depression. Read this article to see how I get through really bad days so that they do not bother me for too long.