Do you wonder if you suffer codependency? Are you dependent on someone or something else that is undependable? Are your identity, value and purpose dependent on the approval someone else? If so, you qualify as codependent. The good news is that you can lose codependence and win your independence.
Self-improvement - Living a Blissful Life
I wonder how many times people give up just before a breakthrough - when they are on the very brink of success. ~ Joyce Meyer
Are you waiting for your bliss breakthrough or are you willing your bliss breakthrough (What Does Living a Blissful Life Mean?)? Have you ever looked back and thought, “I was on the brink of my breakthrough, why did I give up?” For many of us, we never know how close we are to our bliss breakthrough because we don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel shining on the path to our dream. But, if you did see the light, are you ready to make significant change in your life?
One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well ~Virginia Woolf
Food Choices. Yuck or Yum?
Who decides what food you eat? Do you think of food as a ‘yuck’ or ‘yum’ decision? How does the food you eat affect your health?
Food choices - when it comes to eating healthy, sometimes it feels like a battle between ‘yuck’ and ‘yum.’ Quite frankly, at times the idea of choosing healthy food seems quite boring and tasteless. We have all been there before, especially when we were kids. Remember your parents sitting a plate of peas, lima beans, and carrots in front of you? Did your taste buds say: ‘Yuck?' Mine did. Now, as an adult, my taste buds don’t find favor with peas, lima beans, and carrots. I choose not to eat them. Instead, I choose to eat spinach. My taste buds say: ‘Yum.’
Your body's inner critic is heavily influenced by society’s idea of beauty. It can make for a never-ending head game for many of us. Especially, when you start thinking you are a problem that needs to be solved. This simply opens the door for your body's inner critic to walk in and take up residence in your mind.
Do you have aches, pains, and digestive or mental health difficulties? Do you feel lethargic? Are you noticing a rise in skin breakouts or increased bad breath? Here's an idea for you to feel and look better: cleanse the body with H2O on the rocks. Here's how to do it.
Self-care must be number one on your to-do list. Remember that your body is your temple. It is the only place 'your Self' has to live. Life’s responsibilities are countless for many of us. And in trying to juggle those responsibilities we neglect to take care of ourselves--our temple. We might think about our physical health but that is often where it begins and ends.
Pay attention so you can hear. Some would say it is an art as much as it is a science. Merriam-Webster defines listen as such: To pay attention to someone or something in order to hear what is being said, sung, played, etc. If you took time to listen to your body, your mind would trigger you to make better choices.
Body listens to mind; mind listens to body. Awareness is the link. Make no mistake: Every cell knows when you are unhappy, anxious or stressed. A cell's awareness is expressed in chemical reactions instead of words. No matter. The message comes through loud and clear~ Deepak Chopra, M.D.
Nothing is more important than reconnecting with your bliss. Nothing is as rich. Nothing is more real. ~Deepak Chopra
What is Emotional Intelligence (EQ)?
How well do you observe your own feelings and emotions as well as those of others around you? Can you separate those feelings and emotions and use what you know to boost your way of being, thinking and doing? Are your feelings and emotions awaking or subduing your bliss?
If you answered “so-so”, many of us struggle with monitoring our feelings and emotions and those of others. But, I bet you know someone that is attentive and an active listener. Someone, who can in the midst of a life-storm stay calm, composed, emotionally-steady and make good decisions. My lovely Grandmother was that way. She was very self-aware and aware of the feelings and emotions of others. No matter what the situation she stayed positive, trusted her instincts and did not get stressed or angry. Doing this well is the art of Emotional Intelligence, also affectionately known as “EQ”. It is your ability to be self-aware, manage your feelings and emotions and those of others and use it to better inform your way of being, thinking and doing.
Joy is a sustained sense of well-being and internal peace - a connection to what matters. ~ Oprah
Joy Revealed
What’s your idea of joy? What awakens feelings of calm, peace, and contentment in you?
Joy is a sense of well-being. It springs from spiritual connectedness that creates an inner calm, peace and contentment. It warms your heart and soul. Getting up to greet the sunrise, driving the scenic route to the office or hearing my sister’s lovely voice when she sings Louis Armstrong’s, What a Wonderful World. The feeling of joy is not ephemeral. It is long-lasting. So much so that when I think of these examples along with others, immense contentment gushes within. What evokes joy for you?