What Visitors Say About HealthyPlace.com
We, at HealthyPlace.com, are extremely grateful for our loyal visitors. From kudos like the ones below, to suggestions, bug reports, and even odd anecdotes, the people who use our service are the focus of why we strive for excellence. HealthyPlace.com wouldn't be possible without them. If you have your own success story to share, please tell us about it!
I can't live without HealthyPlace.com because...
I love this site and I really think you have a wonderful chat site. The best I have ever seen. I go to HealthyPlace.com everyday...even 2 or 3 times a day. I have found a lot of recovery there. The people are very kind and supportive and I get a lot of positive information.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Debbie
It's a blessing to have found your website. My husband was diagnosed as a Manic Depressive in April. He's a network engineer who's career has sky rocketed in two years. His boss shared with me how the job is very stressful, so stressful that many other employees were suffering from depression because of the job. After reading all the material on your bipolar site, I have some insight into what he's dealing with and how to proceed from here.
Bless you all. Jocelyn
I have received only a couple of your depression newsletters and already you have helped!! I kept this one (issue #10) on the screen while I proceeded to relieve my stress by "starting small" and clearing up a specific messy pile of papers. Thank you!! I am so glad to have been told about this site because I am recently widowed and am grieving badly and need all the help I can get.
Thank you. ALipson
I just love these conferences. I am new here, but I think this is very valuable. I wish information like this was available 5 years ago. Please include me in your weekly anxiety-panic newsletter. Thanks!
Anne B.
Hi! I just wanted to tell you that I have been a subscriber for the past few months and I really enjoy your home page and the newsstand. Having a mental illness, I am particularly interested in what you have to say each week and I find many things relevant to what is going on today. I just want to thank you all for being caring and supportive.
Thank you so much for writing and informing me of all the latest news on depression and eating disorders. I have struggled for two years now with both problems. I was anorexic, then depressed. I went to a hospital, then relapsed. I'm still dealing with these problems every day, and hearing from others on this supports me in knowing that I'm not alone. Thank you so much for your great newsletter too!
I think your web site is really wonderful and I would recommend it to anyone. You are truly an inspiration!
I love your site! It has been very helpful and I have told friends about it (those who have OCD, as I do). I look forward to arriving at your site everyday.
Being a sufferer of an ED (eating disorder), I want to thank you for offering so many resources during ED awareness week. It seems as though no one really understands the gravity of an ED, but you...and your site, truly do.
You all do a great job. Your abuse issues newsletter is something I look forward to! And the information in your abuse issues community is extremely helpful. The chat rooms are a great place to go too. Keep up the good work!! I have recommended your site to many.
Scott S.
I have received your ADD/ADHD email newsletter. It is educative information and I look forward to hearing from you again.
I want to thank you for all the work you do in helping people deal with mental health issues. It is because of people doing work like you, that mental health is getting some respect in society as a health issue. If we ever get insurance to treat mental health on the same footing as physical health, we will be a much wiser and healthier society.
I take advantage of your chat room on a regular basis. It helps to realize you are not alone. And people there try to lift others out of the doldrums.
I also like your conferences. I read a transcript from a conference you had with Dr. Patty Briton- the sex therapist. I have issues dealing with that area and have visited her weekly chat sessions and it helps to understand relationships and the areas of sexuality.
God Bless. Barbara
I was surfing one night looking for intelligent conversation, which seems hard to find, and came across an individual who said your site was one she chatted in most often. Must confess, I don't know alot about some of the problems and disorders that some of the folks seem to have. I'm just a normal type guy that believes in life, happiness and love for God. Sometimes I'm not quite sure how to handle some of the problems. But I think it helps, for those who need it, to have someone who will listen. Your chatrooms are a safe place for that. Hope I can do some good.
Thanks again, Tim.
I thank everyone at "HealthyPlace.com". Your site is a stop on my patrol ... for me, a breath of fresh air. I always feel lucky when I pass by and stop when I need to. I get there, read and wait. I am lucky to be me. That is a nice gift you give! Thank you and do have an appreciative day!
Best, Cinde
I just wanted to take a few minutes to say how wonderful I think your program is. As a college student it is hard to find people to talk to about problems. I have been struggling with an anorexia for three years now. I was hospitalized a year ago and I am having troubles. I enjoy reading the articles that you have and the books that you offer. BTW, my parents visit here too. They appreciate the support group for parents and all the information you have.
Thank you! Erin
Hello! I am a frequent visitor to the HealthyPlace.com chatrooms and BBS. May I compliment you on a wonderful website, newsletter and service? "Bravo!" You have been instrumental in my desire to recover from anorexia and my alcohol addiction!
This is the only word I have for you: Thanks. For caring. For listening. For helping. For being there.
My defining HealthyPlace.com experience was...
Just a note to say thank you for your web site and service you provide. A couple of weeks ago, I was really down and out. I had no one to turn to and I sent an email for advice. One of the HealthyPlace.com people, provided advice to me on two occasions. I feel better after communicating with her. I probably will seek out a counselor for face-to-face meetings when I get home, but it sure made a difference communicating via the internet when no other means existed for me. Again, thank you for your service.
There were times in the recent past that I was alone at night and scared. Thank you for offering this service. I can say it truly played a part in "saving" me. Because of the information I read on your site, I am in counseling and on medications, but nothing else is twenty-four hours....and nights are the hardest to deal with. It is great to know I am not alone, even when I feel like I am. I have told friends in trouble about this site and hope that they too will use it.
Thanks again. Lexie
I'm touched that you are doing so (adding me to the email list), but I'd rather not be. My parents feel that I complain too much, and I know it's true. They don't know about me visiting your web site. It's the only place I can get any help and support. I enjoy it and you're doing a great job. Thanx again. You're really helping alot of people.
:) Gunslinger
I'm so glad I have you and the chat room. It made me feel so much better. I spoke with a young girl who was trying to kill herself and a few of us talked to her. She felt better when we got off. I felt useful for the first time in a long time.
I'll also take this opportunity to thank you for the HealthyPlace.com site. The first time I found it, the Wednesday night conference was on "grief", with Dr. Slap-Shelton. I will always remember it. I had recently experienced a loss, and decided to sit in on the conference. I had never been to a chat room before, so had a bit of a time figuring it all out. When the conference was over I decided to try out the actual chat. It was pretty fun & interesting, and eventually everyone left except me, and a person on the other side of America from me. *grin* To make a long story short, she & I continued to meet and chat at your site, and we became very good friends. It's uncanny how much easier it is to speak my truth from my heart in this way. I think it's because I'm obviously not at all influenced by the other person's responses via facial expressions & body language. At any rate, she's coming out here for a visit this summer, and I just want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to find such a dear friend and confidant. Also, kudos to you for providing a place where people can develop a network of support.
Sincerely, Jenna
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APA Reference
Gluck, S.
(2009, January 3). What Visitors Say About HealthyPlace.com, HealthyPlace. Retrieved
on 2025, March 26 from https://www.healthyplace.com/about-healthyplace/information-for-advertisers/what-visitors-say-about-healthyplacecom