
Mental Illness, Isolation, and Loneliness

HealthyPlace Mental Health Newsletter

Here's what's happening on the HealthyPlace site this week:

Isolation and loneliness are common struggles among those living with any mental illness. Learn how to deal with isolation and loneliness on

Mental Illness, Isolation, and Loneliness

Isolation and loneliness are common struggles among those living with any mental illness. Negative thoughts and emotions, either too intense or too flat, can make people want to withdraw. Depression can zap motivation and energy to such a degree that someone living with it simply can't venture out among others. Anxiety can keep people lonely and isolated, as can the low self-esteem that often accompanies any mental illness. Stigma, too, frequently keeps those living with mental illness alone; when someone is met with rejection and lack of understanding, isolation and loneliness become primary but unwanted companions.

How To Deal With Isolation and Loneliness

Isolation and loneliness are consequences of many mental health challenges, but human connection is vital to mental health and wellbeing. Social connection has many benefits; among them are a sense of mutual support, an opportunity for fun and laughter, and more. However, even when someone wants to end the isolation and loneliness, doing so can be tough. It's okay to start small. Reach out to just one person in your life, and little by little, branch out. Many communities have support groups which can be great source of social connection. Be patient with yourself as you begin to end the isolation and loneliness that can be part of mental illness

Related Articles Dealing with Mental Illness, Isolation, and Loneliness

Your Thoughts

Today's Question: Today’s Question: What works for you when you want to break away from the isolation and loneliness that accompanies mental health struggles? We invite you to participate by commenting and sharing your feelings, experiences and knowledge on the HealthyPlace Facebook page and on the HealthyPlace Google+ page.

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Most Popular HealthyPlace Articles Shared by Facebook Fans

Here are the top 3 mental health articles HealthyPlace Facebook fans are recommending you read:

  1. Is the Narcissist Ever Sorry
  2. How To Succeed At Work With Schizophrenia
  3. Signs and Wonders of Toxic Relationships

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From the HealthyPlace Mental Health Blogs

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On all our blogs, your comments and observations are welcomed.

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Stand Up for Mental Health

Thousands Have Joined the Stand Up for Mental Health Campaign

But we still need you. Let others know there's no shame in having depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, trichotillomania, OCD, ADHD, schizophrenia or any other mental illness.

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Latest Mental Health News

These stories and more are featured on our mental health news page:

  • Heavy Internet Use May Put Teens At Risk For High Blood Pressure
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  • Male Suicide On Rise As Result Of Austerity

That's it for now. If you know of anyone who can benefit from this newsletter or the site, I hope you'll pass this onto them. You can also share the newsletter on any social network (like facebook, stumbleupon, or digg) you belong to by clicking the links below. For updates throughout the week:

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APA Reference
Peterson, T. (2015, September 30). Mental Illness, Isolation, and Loneliness, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, March 6 from

Last Updated: October 7, 2018

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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