Joys and Stress of Being an Alzheimer's Caregiver - Mental Health Newsletter

Here's what's happening on the HealthyPlace site this week:


We're focusing on the mental health of caregivers, specifically Alzheimer's caregivers, but much of the information below is really applicable to any kind of caregiver. Whether you care for a loved one or you do it for a living, yes, being a caregiver can be rewarding but it's a very stressful job.

According to the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, caregiver stress appears to affect women more than men. About 75 percent of caregivers who report feeling very strained emotionally, physically, or financially are women.

Caring for someone with Alzheimer's Disease can be especially challenging because of the behaviors, like aggressiveness, hallucinations and wandering, that are associated with the disease. Most behavior problems experienced by Alzheimer's patients pose serious difficulties for the person trying to provide care.

HealthyPlace Medical Director, Dr. Harry Croft, notes that although most caregivers are in good health, it is not uncommon for caregivers of Alzheimer's patients to have serious mental health and health problems.

Additional Insights into Alzheimer's Caregiving:

"Joys and Stress of Being an Alzheimer's Caregiver" On HealthyPlace TV

Barry Green is a motivational speaker. For many years, he cared for his father who had Alzheimer's Disease. Like many Alzheimer's caregivers, some days were extremely stressful. But  Barry learned a powerful lesson from that and he'll share that with us on Tuesday's HealthyPlace Mental Health TV Show.

Join us Tuesday, August 18, at 5:30p PT, 7:30 CST, 8:30 EST. The show airs live on our website. Barry Green will be taking your questions during the live show.

In the second half of the show, you get to ask Medical Director, Dr. Harry Croft, your personal mental health questions.

continue story below

Still to Come in August on the HealthyPlace TV Show

  • My Partner Has Dissociative Identity Disorder
  • Suicidality and Psychiatric Medications

If you would like to be a guest on the show or share you personal story in writing or via video, please write us at: producer AT

Click here for a list of previous HealthyPlace Mental Health TV Shows.

How To Tell If Caregiving is Putting Too Much Stress on You

Symptoms of Caregiver Stress

  • feeling overwhelmed
  • sleeping too much or too little
  • gaining or losing a lot of weight
  • feeling tired most of the time
  • loss of interest in activities you used to enjoy
  • becoming easily irritated or angry
  • feeling constantly worried
  • often feeling sad
  • frequent headaches, bodily pain, or other physical problems
  • abuse of alcohol or drugs, including prescription drugs

Talk to a counselor, psychologist, or other mental health professional right away if your stress leads you to physically or emotionally harm the person you are caring for.

Prescription Assistance: Getting Help Paying for Your Psychiatric Medications

I probably don't have to tell you. Psychiatric medications, (antidepressants, antipsychotics, anti-anxiety drugs) are extremely expensive. They can run from hundreds of dollars to a couple of thousand dollars a month.

Rachel writes us:

I've been in a psychiatric hospital for two weeks because I was feeling suicidal. The psychiatrist handed me some prescriptions for antidepressant and antipsychotic medications, but the pharmacist told me my insurance won't pay anything. The meds cost about $1300 for a one-month supply. I drove to the doctor's office to see if he would give me samples, but he ran out. I don't know what to do.

A day after we responded to Rachel's email, she wrote back to inform us she was checking herself into the county hospital. With no medications, she started feeling suicidal again. In a follow-up email, Rachel sounded a lot better. "The hospital's social worker hooked me up with medicaid and now I can get my meds."

As Rachel's story points out, in last-minute situations like this, getting payment assistance for your mental health medications is extremely stressful and difficult to obtain. But if it's not an emergency, there are programs for income qualifying people to help pay for medications.

Also, if you are watching a  medication ad on tv or see one in a magazine, usually they mention the contact info for people needing help in paying for their medication. Make sure to jot that down.

back to: Mental-Health Newsletter Index

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, August 18). Joys and Stress of Being an Alzheimer's Caregiver - Mental Health Newsletter, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 12 from

Last Updated: September 5, 2014

Joys and Stress of Being an Alzheimer's Caregiver - Aug. 18

Posted on:

This Tuesday, we'll talking about Alzheimer’s disease and the challenges caregivers face. Alzheimer’s not only affects the patient but many Alzheimer's caregivers live with stress and depression.

As you may or may not know, Alzheimer’s patients often demonstrate behavior such as combativeness, trailing (following the caregiver) or they might even experience hallucinations. The most heartbreaking symptom of all would be memory loss. It is very painful when parents or other loved ones do not recognize you anymore.

Barry Green will be our guest Tuesday. He will let us in on his personal journey of being his father’s caregiver while he suffered from Alzheimer’s. His uplifting story will bring encouragement and help us understand Alzheimer’s in a positive way. Barry is now a motivational speaker and travels to deliver a keynote speech he calls The Joy of Alzheimer’s.

Dr. Croft will be available to help caregivers understand their emotions and give some advice on how to cope with feelings, good or bad, that you may be experiencing. As always, Dr. Croft is eager to answer any questions you may have on this topic or any other mental health issue.

If you have a story about being a caregiver for an Alzheimer’s patient, we want to know. E-mail your questions or comments to producer AT If you would like to know more about Alzheimer's disease or Alzheimer's caregiving, you can always find trusted information here at

Tune in Tuesday, April 18, at 5:30p PT, 7:30 CST, 8:30 ET to watch our guest share his story. You might find comfort knowing that someone else also experienced the difficult and sometimes negative aspects of Alzheimer's caregiving and how he managed to turn things around. You can watch the show live or later, on-demand, on the HealthyPlace TV Show homepage.

See you then!

Psychology of Changing Your Sex - Recap

Posted on:

Tuesday’s show was a small step in helping others who struggle with Transsexuality. Medical Director, Dr. Harry Croft (psychiatrist, board-certified in adult psychiatry, addictions, and sex therapy), while in residency, worked in a program that evaluated individuals wishing to change their sexual orientation. During the show, he explained the emotions that a transsexual person lives with everyday.

Dr. Croft reminds us all that those who feel they are trapped in the body of the sex they cannot identify with often realize those feelings at a very young age. (Read Dr. Croft's blog post on the "Psychological Process of Changing Sex".)

Our guest, Maxime, a male-to-female transsexual, experienced her first transsexual feelings at around 6 years old. Growing up, she felt awkward and didn’t have much support from her mother who asked/warned her to never discuss her feelings.

Now that she is transitioned, she dedicates herself to sharing her experiences by making videos and posting them on youtube. You will have to watch our show to see how Maxime has overcome life’s obstacles and where she’s at in her life now.

Sex Reassignment

As you may know, there is a solution for transsexuals, but it is not an easy process. It includes undergoing hormone replacement therapy (also referred to as “post-op”) which helps to bring about physical changes to become more of a man or woman. Sexual reassignment surgery is the next step but can become so costly (and most likely not covered by insurance) that often times the individual doesn't go through with it. Whatever you decide, Dr. Croft explains this is a very long process and requires a huge emotional/psychological/financial commitment.

If you missed the show on the psychological aspects of sex reassignment, you are still able to catch it by clicking the “on-demand” button on the player. We encourage you to watch and gain insight into the world of transsexuals and hope you will share it with someone who might be going through this difficult process.

To see more of our guest Maxime and her personal journey with transition, go here to watch her videos.

Upcoming Show on Alzheimer's Caregiving

I hope you'll join us Tuesday, August 18, as we discuss the stress of being an Alzheimer’s caregiver. If you, or someone you know, would like to be a guest or share a story, contact me at producer AT

Lord have mercy...

My spirituality helps me when I can't help myself... this speaks exactly how I feel about the support I receive from God.

Psalms 34: 2 - 9


2 My soul makes its boast in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and be glad.
3 O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together!
4 I sought the LORD, and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears.
5 Look to him, and be radiant; so your faces shall never be ashamed.
6 This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.
7 The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them.
8 O taste and see that the LORD is good! Happy is the man who takes refuge in him!
9 O fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him have no want!

APA Reference
(2009, August 12). Lord have mercy..., HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 12 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

The Psychological Aspects of Changing Your Sex

Gender Reassignment - Changing Your Sex

Changing your sex, your gender, is a very complex, highly difficult situation. There are some people who have always "felt" like they were born the wrong sex (gender identity disorder)  and report that it has led to frustration, confusion and even depression for a large part of their lives.

However, making the transition to another gender isn't easy either. Transitioning carries with it the prospect of losing jobs, friends and family, as well as mockery from strangers who find the gender change visibly jarring, as some transsexuals will attest to.

In a USA Today story on the subject, the paper quotes Denise Leclair, executive director of the International Foundation for Gender Education, a Waltham, Mass.-based transgender advocacy group.

"You become a very visible minority," Leclair says. "The average male-to-female transsexual is taller, has bigger hands and feet, has more facial hair than most women. There are a lot of physical attributes that are hard to hide in a society that doesn't like you."

That's why American sex-change surgeons, adhering to their own code of conduct, won't operate until the patient has had a year of intense psychotherapy while living publicly in the new gender.   And even during or after the transition, there are some transsexuals who regret changing sex and then  go back to their original gender.

"The Psychological Aspects of Changing Your Sex" Blog

Psychological Process of Changing Sex (Dr. Croft's blog post)

Children with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Did you catch the ABC News special report last week on children with extreme OCD? It was very compelling television as they actually let the cameras into the therapy room where you could witness first-hand how difficult life with OCD can be.

One case that stood out in my mind was a teenage girl who stayed away from her entire family because she thought they were contaminated. The girl was sitting on the couch and as her own mother inched her way from a nearby chair to the very end of the couch, the girl recoiled from fear.

After months of exposure and response-prevention therapy (ERP), she was barely, but successfully able to touch her mother's fingertip.

During the segment, a research doctor explained that the part of the brain that gives the "all clear" signal (that everything is okay) doesn't function properly in these children. He said researchers are trying to come up with medications that will correct that problem. In the meantime, extensive ERP therapy for OCD, is effective in helping these children.

More on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Visit the HealthyPlace OCD Center where you'll find extensive information on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. What is OCD plus symptoms, causes and treatment of OCD. And where to get help for OCD.

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, August 11). The Psychological Aspects of Changing Your Sex, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 12 from

Last Updated: July 10, 2022

My Personal Past. One screwed up life.

I was born in chandler Az. My mother did heroin and other drugs and drank while she was pregnant. Let me add she KNEW she was prego and still did those things. I was born a  Fas/ cocaine baby. For those of you who dont know FAS is fetal achol syndrome,and i went threw cocaine withdrawls. Some how my mother managed not to go to jail and, got custody of me . Than procede to leave me unatended for several days  with out my little machine that was supose to help if i had an asthma attack and no meds. Luckaly some how the police found me. My mom arested,  gave custody to my grandma, her mother. My grandparents were great aside from the occationaly beating. My uncle there son also lived with us. He was a basterd who always picked on me and called me nigger. Opps did i forget to telly you my mom is white and my dad..... well i dont know some other color besides white.My uncle molested me from age 3 (my earlyiest memory) to 17. Hes admited to molesting me scince i had gotten to the house. I would of been a little under 1. To much for me to fathom right now. Funny how he wanted to be a nazie but he was screwing his neice who was not white. Aint that a no no in there rule book. I started cutting when i was 7. Started smoking when i was 8. Became a type 1 diabetic at 11. Man life sometimes throw a curve ball at you and sometimes 2 or 3 or.......A hell of a lot of them.I have nightmares,Flashbacks. I see things, and i talk to trees. (look at my other blog post). I got myself one hell of a mind just dont know what to do with it or how to control it. I would of been a great actor in One Flew Over The Cukoos Nest. Hell if you would taped my whole life it could of been called that. Well thats all for now folks.. as buster bunny would of said.

APA Reference
(2009, August 10). My Personal Past. One screwed up life., HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 12 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

Today was a weird one. He was a TREE

Took the bus to the light rail. The lightrail down to tempe town lake walked around there. Went to library. Left early becase i thought someone was following me. My minds going a mile a minute. A million memorys all at once. Was sitting at the bus stop waiting for the bus and kept seeing this person down the side walk rocking back and forth it looked like an old friend of mine. so i got up and talked to him. YEAH so finally relized He was a TREE.. Yep my minds not working like it should the last couple of months. Im sleeping less than 4 hrs a nite. Keep having urges to do stupid things like... steping off of the curb into traffic. Opening the door while the car is moving. Banging my head aginst the wall. Whitch i did and then i felt like doing it again. Yep label me insane and put me in the aslyum.

APA Reference
(2009, August 10). Today was a weird one. He was a TREE, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 12 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

Psychological Aspects of Sex Reassignment - August 11

Posted on:

Have you ever heard the term "A man trapped in a woman’s body?" Unfortunately, this is a reality for people who identify themselves as Transsexuals. This Tuesday, we will discuss the psychological process of undergoing a change in sex and attempt to understand the negative connotations that surround the subject.

Our special guest, Maxime, will let us in on her difficult childhood as a male while confused about his desire to be female. With a less than supportive mother who struggled with mental health issues, Maxime kept her secret to herself and held strong to her fantasy of one day becoming the woman she felt inside. Maxime has now successfully transitioned to female and works to help others explore their identity issues by posting video blogs on Youtube.

Dr. Croft, Medical Director of, will be available to give us his medical expertise on the psychological aspects of transitioning from one sex to another.

If you are struggling with this issue or other issues related to Transsexuality, we hope that you will watch our show and be encouraged by our guest. You can also find helpful information on our website under Gender, GLBT.

Have comments or story you’d like to share? E-mail me at producer AT

Remember the HealthyPlace Mental Health TV Show airs live every Tuesday at 5:30 pm PST, 7:30 pm CST and 8:30 pm EST. Watch the Psychological Aspects of Sex Reassignment video.

We hope you’ll join us!


Automatic Negative Thoughts...

When my therapist tells me my son is ok I understand that he means that he will be ok and that I don't need to worrry.  That he will get his treatment and he will be fine.  Which reassures me.

When my mom tells my my son is ok I think that she thinks that I'm exagerating as far as his condition goes and that I shouldn't worry about it.   Which makes me feel invalidated.

When my therapist tells me to spend time with my son doing things like A B or C I think ok... I can do that... I'm already doing a lot... I can do more. I feel empowered.

When my mom tells me "he needs to be given attention" I think she thinks I don't give him attention therefore I feel like I'm doing a bad job of parenting and I end up feeing bad about myself.

This sucks!!

APA Reference
(2009, August 7). ANTS, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 12 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

"VERY determined"

I've decided to get RID of the shirt. It's official. Now, I just have to officially get rid of it.

APA Reference
(2009, August 6). "VERY determined", HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 12 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014