Switching Antidepressants

Here's what's happening on the HealthyPlace site this week:

Switching Antidepressants

Even today, the general public has little understanding of what's entailed in taking an antidepressant medication. Many think their doctor will give them a "miracle pill" and their depression will be cured. Unfortunately, for many, that's not the case.

As you may have discovered already, there's a large group of people with major depression for whom the first, even second antidepressant doesn't perform the way they hoped it would.

This brings us to our new special report on "Switching Antidepressants". In 5 pages, exclusively on HealthyPlace.com, find out

  • why people with major depression sometimes switch antidepressant medications
  • why you should never suddenly stop your antidepressant
  • how to change antidepressants safely

It's a must-read for anyone taking an antidepressant and comes along with audio comments from HealthyPlace.com members who share their personal insights into changing antidepressants and their experiences with antidepressant discontinuation syndrome; something you never want to have.

You might also want to read the "Gold Standard for Treating Depression," an in-depth, authoritative examination of the best treatments for depression, which includes depression treatment video interviews with award-winning mental health author, Julie Fast.

Satanic Ritual Abuse

Have you heard of it? Satanic Ritual Abuse (aka SRA, Sadistic Ritual Abuse) was frequently in the headlines in the late 1980s and 90s. Allegations of SRA involved reports of physical and sexual abuse of individuals in the context of occult or Satanic rituals.

In the mid-80s, it reached panic proportions when owners of the McMartin preschool, in California, were put on trial for child abuse, including charges of satanic ritual abuse. The trial went on for three years before the owners were acquitted on 52 of 65 counts, and the jury was deadlocked on the remaining 13 charges against one owner with eleven of thirteen jurors choosing not guilty. During this period, over 100 other preschools around the country were facing similar charges. What eventually came to public light was that prosecutors, social workers and therapists had engaged in misconduct, using leading and coercive interviewing techniques, and therapy techniques that are now discredited. In addition, there was little or no credible evidence, besides the alleged victims own accounts, to indicate that satantic ritual abuse took place.

You don't hear much about it today because most people, including a majority of law enforcement and mental health professionals, either believe SRA doesn't exist or it's so infrequent as to be at an undetectable level. However, our guest on Tuesday's HealthyPlace Mental Health TV Show (see below) says she's a victim of satantic ritual abuse and is one of the few victims with corroborating proof.

Share Your Mental Health Experiences

Share your experiences with adult ADHD and depression or any mental health subject, or respond to other people's audio posts, by calling our toll-free number (1-888-883-8045).

You can listen to what other people are saying by clicking on the gray title bars inside the widgets located on the "Sharing Your Mental Health Experiences" homepage, the HealthyPlace homepage, and the HealthyPlace Support Network homepage.

If you have any questions, write us at: info AT healthyplace.com

"Surviving Satanic Ritual Abuse" On HealthyPlace TV

Anne A Johnson Davis is a victim of ritual abuse, but unlike others who make such claims, she has proof - her parents admitted the crime to law enforcement. Her ordeal, survival story and message to other victims of child abuse on Tuesday's HealthyPlace Mental Health TV Show.

Join us Tuesday, January 12, at 5:30p PT, 7:30 CST, 8:30 EST. The show airs live on our website. Anne will be taking your questions during the live show.

Coming in January on the HealthyPlace Mental Health TV Show

  • Complementary / Natural Treatments That Improve Your Mental Health
  • For Adult Women: What To Do When Earlier Attempts at Eating Disorder Recovery Have Failed

If you would like to be a guest on the show or share you personal story in writing or via video, please write us at: producer AT healthyplace.com

Click here for a list of previous HealthyPlace Mental Health TV Shows.

Mental Health Chat on HealthyPlace.com

A note for those of you who missed the chatrooms on our site. We've updated our chat from private message only to the usual chatrooms where many can gather to discuss their mental health concerns. Once you log into the HealthyPlace Mental Health Support Network, click the "chatroom icon" located on the left side of the bottom bar on your screen.

And if you're not yet a member, come join us. Just register on our site. It's free.

back to: HealthyPlace.com Mental-Health Newsletter Index

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2010, January 11). Switching Antidepressants, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 13 from https://www.healthyplace.com/other-info/mental-health-newsletter/switching-antidepressants

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

Surviving Satantic Ritual Abuse -- Sexual, Physical and Psychological

Posted on:

Anne Johnson Davis, author of Hell Minus One, shares the story of surviving satantic ritual abuse at the hands of her parents. Watch our interview.

For Anne A. Johnson Davis, the physical, sexual, and psychological abuse started at the age of 3 and continued on until she was 17 years old. She was tortured by her parents, relatives and other cult members -- all in the name of Satan. The details of this satanic ritual abuse (SRA), as well as her recovery, are laid out in her book.

Does Satanic Ritual Abuse Really Exist?

Starting at age 3, Anne Johnson Davis was drugged and forced to endure hours of ritualistic torture as a symbolic sacrifice for devil worship. Watch her story on HealthyPlace Mental Health TVSatanic ritual abuse is controversial in that many police authorities and psychology experts don't believe it exists. This stems from the fact that many of the people who claim to be victims of satanic ritual abuse who come forward don't have any evidence to back up their claims, therefore law enforcement looks at these as unsubstantiated stories. Others have "recovered memories" of ritualistic abuse through psychotherapy techniques that are now long discredited (Buyer-Beware Therapy: Why You Should Know Your Therapist’s Qualifications).

Proof of Satantic Ritual Abuse

What makes Ms. Davis' story unique is that her parents confessed, both verbally and in writing, to detectives in the Utah Attorney General's Office. The confessions came in the 1990's when Ms. Davis was already an adult in her 30's, and after she had undergone therapy to find out what was behind repeated episodes of often uncontrollable bouts of rage. That's when the memories of abuse began to unfold.

But unlike other victims of satanic ritual abuse, those graphic confessions by her own parents put to rest claims that Ms. Davis was a victim of only false-memory syndrome (memories suggested or implanted by a therapist or other person).

Ms. Davis's interview is no longer available. Read the book, Hell Minus One, for more of Ms. Davis's story. You can get more information about child abuse on these pages:

Share Your Thoughts on Satantic Ritual Abuse

We invite you to share your experience with SRA or thoughts about it. Or maybe you're a non-believer. Comment below, and tell us your story.

Can Feminization Hypnosis Help You to Become a Woman?

How can you achieve complete transformation? In order to feel and act like a real woman in the society you need to change your mind and psychology through hypnosis techniques while making surgical operations. This will help you to feminize yourself entirely.

There is a hypnosis technique called feminization hypnosis that can help transvestites and transsexuals to feel confident as a woman. There are some steps to feminization hypnosis including, relaxation, removing fears and blocks, feminization of the mind and feminization of the body.

As with most different kinds of hypnosis, relaxation is used as a starting point, helping the patient achieve total relaxation so that they are more receptive to the process. Removing the fears and blocks is a big step in feminization hypnosis because any type of negativity or fear will reduce the feminization process of both the body and the mind. The hypnotist works with the patient to get rid of any destructive thoughts so that their mind is positive and looking towards the future rather than dwelling on things that have happened in the past.

This treatment of the mind will help the patient become more feminine when it comes to their attitude and self image. Through repeating phrases that remind the patient that they are a strong and confident woman every time they meet someone, feminization of the mind will help make them feel, think and act like a woman when they are in social situations. It is easy to act like a woman in the privacy of their own home, but often it is harder when patients are in front of their peers and it is difficult to be confident in how they act around others, particularly when they are anxious. This step of the hypnosis is important to bring the confidence that everyone wants to have when they meet new people.

The last step in feminization hypnosis is the treatment of the body. This part of the hypnotherapy helps to transform every part of the patient's body, from their hair to their figure and even their voice. Helping to change their posture and voice is a big step in transforming them into a real woman. Looking more female helps the patient to gain the confidence and make them feel more in tune with their femininity, but it will also make them a more convincing female in the society and help them become accepted as who they are.

Feminization hypnosis is one of the safest ways for a male to truly become a female. When transvestites and transsexuals really want to become a woman, hypnotherapy should definitely be one of the resources that they turn to in order to help them achieve their goals. It will help to build their confidence and bring out their inner most femininity, turning them into the women that they wish to be and helping society to accept them for who they are, rather than how they were born.

 Orik Ibad is a master hypnotist who has helped hundreds of people with their feminization needs. You can also learn more about hypnotic feminization here.

APA Reference
(2010, January 7). Can Feminization Hypnosis Help You to Become a Woman?, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 13 from https://www.healthyplace.com/support-blogs/myblog/Can-Feminization-Hypnosis-Help-You-to-Become-a-Woman%3F

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

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Here are the vital statistics for the HealthyPlace.com website (www.healthyplace.com). As of January 1, 2017:

  • over 2M unique visitors a month come to our award-winning website. That number continues to grow by about 5-10% a month.
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next: Why People Come to HealthyPlace.com


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APA Reference
Gluck, S. (2010, January 3). Sponsoring the HealthyPlace.com Website, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 13 from https://www.healthyplace.com/about-healthyplace/information-for-advertisers/sponsoring-the-healthyplacecom-website

Last Updated: March 27, 2017

Husband won't seek help

I just found this website, I am so thankful! I'm on the verge of leaving my marriage of 22 years because I do not know what else I can do for my husband. His behavior is destroying our marriage.  I've tried for years to encourage him to seek professional help. He won't go. After finding this website, I've discovered there is a psychological name for his actions all these years. I believe he has one or more personality disorders.

What can I do to encourage him to seek help? Several years ago I went to counseling myself, hoping to learn ways of dealing positively with our issues. It only worked for awhile. We need marriage counseling together, and I believe he needs  individual counseling as well.

I don't want to abandon him, but I cannot live this way anymore. He has to take the first step to get help. I can't do it for him.  



APA Reference
(2010, January 2). Husband won't seek help, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 13 from https://www.healthyplace.com/support-blogs/myblog/Husband-won%27t-seek-help

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

New Year New Me!

WOW what a crappy year. Welcome new year! For the New Year I am going to remove my head from my rear  place my head  back on my shoulders . Hopefully this rearangement will be helpful in thinking clearly.



APA Reference
(2009, December 31). New Year New Me!, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 13 from https://www.healthyplace.com/support-blogs/myblog/New-Year-New-Me%21

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

20 long years

i don't know where to began .

my wife is bi-polar. and some times i wounder if i am not my self. [i know that i am not] its ben a long 20 years for me. i have tryed about ever thing you can think of to help her.i have read a lot about bi-polar. still it is hard for me to coupe at times. i get put down a lot. told i don't love her. an most of use know the rest. i just need some one to talk to at times. if you know of a group around [Little rock ar.] or want to start one let me know please.

APA Reference
(2009, December 27). 20 long years, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 13 from https://www.healthyplace.com/support-blogs/myblog/20-long-years

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

ExtenZe | For Premature Ejaculation | Male Enhancement Pills

Premature Ejaculation

The definition for premature ejaculation is vague at best. It could mean either ejaculating before intercourse, or just as you begin intercourse, maybe a couple of minutes in. Some even define intercourse as finishing before your partner! How many times have you wished you could have more staying power? You aren't alone. In fact, the National Health and Social Life Survey (NHSLS) reports that 30% of men ejaculate prematurely.

Premature ejaculation is not a disease, but simply a sexual condition. While premature ejaculation in no way physically harms the sufferer, it does affect his relationship with his partner, who he likely leaves sexually unsatisfied. This in turn will affect his self-esteem, which leaks into other aspects of his life. But lucky for you, there is a cure. You can't just be expected to control this function though, without a little bit of help. You've probably tried thinking of something else other than sex, which may work but all it does is decrease the intensity of your orgasm. Or, that you need to turn to prescription medication which is both pricey and rife with side effects. Both are completely unnecessary. Instead, we'll teach you a few easy tricks so you can enjoy sex for longer.

Learning how to start and stop is your most effective tool in preventing early orgasm. That is, while having sex recognize the moment before you orgasm, and hold off. It should first be practiced during masturbation, and then incorporated with a partner. Learn to find that moment right as you build towards orgasm, which is signalled by a tingling feeling. Stop any stimulation once you feel this tingling. After the sensation subsides, resume stimulation. See how many times you can do this, then let yourself orgasm. It may sound easy, but you'll see it's far more difficult than it sounds. You may find that you will occasionally lose the strength of your erection - this happens occasionally. Just continue as you were before. Once you are ready for partner sex with this routine, try caressing and kissing during these little breaks.

Kegel exercises are another great way of holding off orgasm. Kegel exercises strengthen the pubococcygeus muscles, otherwise known as the PC muscles. To find these muscles, stop your urination midstream - that would be the PC muscles. Now, to do a Kegel exercise, clench the muscle, hold it for five seconds, then release. Repeat these in sets of ten until you are tired. Slowly, over time, increase the number of reps, and should ideally be repeated three times a day. You won't see any results quickly, at least not for three to four weeks. How this works is during sex, once you feel yourself building towards orgasm in the same way you learned with the start and stop technique, clench this muscle. This can be done in conjunction with the start and stop.

An herbal supplement is also a great help, as long as it comes from a reputable company. Extenze promises a longer, firmer, thicker erection. Who doesn't want that? More importantly, it increases your staying power while still increasing the power of your orgasm. This probably sounds too good to be true. But it does work, through a carefully selected blend of natural sexual enhancers. Expect results with no side effects.

APA Reference
(2009, December 25). ExtenZe | For Premature Ejaculation | Male Enhancement Pills, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 13 from https://www.healthyplace.com/support-blogs/myblog/ExtenZe-%7C-For-Premature-Ejaculation-%7C-Male-Enhancement-Pills

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

Med hell

.tweeterHover { color:#2276BB !important; font-size: 12px; }.tweeterHover a:link { color:#2276BB !important; text-decoration:none !important; }.tweeterHover a:visited { color:#2276BB !important; text-decoration:none !important; }.tweeterHover a:hover { color:#2276BB !important; text-decoration:underline !important; }.tweeterHover a:active { color:#2276BB !important; text-decoration:none !important; }.tweeterHover { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; font-size: 100%; line-height: 1; list-style: none; }.tweeterHover { font: 12px 'Lucida Grande', Verdana, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }.tweeterHover { color:#2276BB !important; font-size: 12px; }.tweeterHover a:link { color:#2276BB !important; text-decoration:none !important; }.tweeterHover a:visited { color:#2276BB !important; text-decoration:none !important; }.tweeterHover a:hover { color:#2276BB !important; text-decoration:underline !important; }.tweeterHover a:active { color:#2276BB !important; text-decoration:none !important; }.tweeterHover { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; font-size: 100%; line-height: 1; list-style: none; }.tweeterHover { font: 12px 'Lucida Grande', Verdana, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }Right now I'm taking 900 mg of lithium, 200 mg of Wellbutrin XL, 0.5 mg of Klonopin three times a day, Zyprexa 2.5 mg at night.  I still feel depressed, anxious, irritable, rageful, agitated, can't sleep, no energy to play with my kids, misery!! Why am I even taking these medications if they aren't touching my symptoms?  I found out I have mixed-type bipolar and I read lithium doesn't even help mixed bipolar.  All I've been doing is crying.  I feel horrible.  I can't wait for my doctor's office to open tomorrow because things are going to change. 

APA Reference
(2009, December 20). Med hell, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 13 from https://www.healthyplace.com/support-blogs/myblog/Med-hell

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

Living with Adult ADHD and Depression

Posted on:

My name is Douglas Cootey. I’m a 42 year old stay-at-home dad on disability and I have had ADHD all my life. When I was three weeks old, if a parent placed a finger in both of my hands I would brace my legs against them and stand up. My head would flop around, but up I’d be. Performing this trick for my pediatrician introduced my parents to the world of ADHD in the 60s. Back then, it was referred to as hyperkinesis. By third grade, I was taking ritalin daily except weekends to help me in my studies. Before that, I had spent large amounts of time banished to the library room for wiggling in class.

Depression didn’t manifest itself until I was around 15 years old. A day trip to Boston Children’s Hospital to investigate my moodiness, sleep paralysis, and insomnia yielded only an IQ quotient and that I was hyperkinetic, something I already knew. That was 1983. Eight years later, I was married and struggling with college. It was then that I sought out help and was diagnosed with depression. To treat both my ADHD and my depression I took two different medications. For three weeks, I was incredibly productive, but one of the drugs added a new problem into my life. A small percentage of people taking it develop Tourette’s Syndrome. I was one of the lucky few. Because I stopped taking the medicine, I didn’t develop full blown Tourette’s, but the damage had been done. I was neurologically disabled for life with a chronic motor tic disorder. It was 1992, and I was only 25.

Impact of Adult ADHD and Depression

How this affected me was profound. Besides low self-esteem, a lack of focus, and a third major in as many schools—all due to my ADHD—I now ticked uncontrollably when fatigued or anxious. I withdrew from society and friends. If I thought I had been moody before, this new kink in my life spawned a dark depression full of suicidal ideation and self-loathing that lasted four years. I kept my self-esteem locked away in the basement of my life. (Impact of ADHD on Adults)

Being disabled and having kids meant that my wife worked and I was the care taker. This turned out to be a benefit. My daughters’ unconditional love made me face an uncomfortable fact: I was loved, I mattered, and my daughters and wife needed me. Coupled with therapy and a realization that my depression altered my perception of events around me, I began to train myself to think positively—to enforce optimism where I wouldn’t have before. Opportunities that I had turned a blind eye to before began to present themselves to me. I also began to like myself by using self-deprecating humor. This was the beginning of a ten-year long battle.

How I Attacked Depression

Psychotropic medicines didn’t work for me, so I had to train myself to rethink how I processed the world. I reasoned to myself that if my mind steered me into depression, then I could steer myself out of it. First, I learned to recognize when I was depressed (quite a feat to be sure) and then began to find ways to offset it. Soon, months of depression became weeks, and over the years the bouts of depression shorted to days, then hours. What I discovered on my own we now refer to as cognitive behavior therapy, something I am a strong advocate of today.

Nowadays, I blog about my attempts to master my mental health with attitude and cheek, while pursuing my desires to be a novelist, all while running four beautiful girls around Salt Lake County (Blog A Splintered Mind). My ticking has progressively worsened, but I force myself out more than ever before in the past 17 years. Depression flares up from time to time, but I manage it. ADHD lurks in the background like my own personal Loki, pulling the rug out from under me, but I laugh.

Life is tough, then I move on—just like everybody else. I have been to the dark place of my mind and will not return there again. Now, perhaps, my experience will help others avoid that dark place as well.

Helpful Links:

(Ed. Note: This post was written by Douglas Cootey, our guest on the Dec. 15, 2009, HealthyPlace Mental Health TV Show on Adult ADHD and Depression.)