
About Hannah Crowley, Author of "Getting Through Tough Times"

December 31, 2014 Hannah Crowley

My name is Hannah Crowley, and I was first diagnosed with anorexia nervosa in 2003 when I was just 13 years old. I was a young, sheltered, over-achiever with absolutely no concrete idea of what my diagnosis meant. Weren’t anorexics all just stick-thin models who were far too vain for their own good? Because that’s what I had heard, somewhere. That’s what the papers told me. That’s what my parents said. That’s what I read in the pages of magazines I had hidden covertly between the covers of English classics. Bronte, Dickens and Austin. Anorexia was stupidity. It was a sin. I should probably just eat, get over myself, and grow up. Right? Wrong.

Getting Through My Own Tough Times

Hannah Crowley, author of "Getting Through Tough Times," talks about her struggles with mental illness, anorexia and how she grew up during tough times.The guilt that I was unintentionally made to feel throughout the long, weary, turbulent duration of my eating disorder is something that will probably stay with me for many years to come. But it is also something I am passionate about eradicating. So many young people suffer in silence -- inwardly crying and outwardly smiling -- hiding the anxiety, the depression, and the pain, believing their mental “defects” to be fetters of their own making. They believe them to be their own fault, their crosses to bear. But it is an illusion.

Growing up with a mental illness should not have to be taboo. It shouldn’t be hidden away. It should be looked on as any other impairment would be and treated accordingly. As someone who spent most of my adolescence and young adult life in various mental facilities, I am now at a healthier point where I believe I have the tools to help, listen, and talk to other young people in similar positions of pain. And that is why I am so excited about becoming a part of HealthyPlace, and writing in the blog, Getting Through Tough Times. Because times are tough, and life can be hard. But it can also be beautiful. It can be healthy. And we can be free.

More About Hannah Crowley and Getting Through Tough Times

You can find Hannah on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

APA Reference
Crowley, H. (2014, December 31). About Hannah Crowley, Author of "Getting Through Tough Times", HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 25 from

Author: Hannah Crowley

January, 2 2015 at 2:05 pm

Great job! I really felt you did an authentic approach in your video. You are right that hearing it from someone who knows first hand what it is like, makes all the difference HUGS*

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Hannah Crowley
January, 3 2015 at 5:09 am

Thank you so much! I really appreciate any kind of feedback :)

January, 3 2015 at 9:58 pm

I love your video and your bio! It's so nice to be able to relate with someone that knows how you feel about mental disorders. I have anxiety and OCD and have suffered pretty much my whole life. I've recently started a blog and it's so great to see other people doing the same. I love your authenticity, keep up the wonderful work! I will be following :)

January, 5 2015 at 9:53 am

I can relate to all that you have said.. I suffer from an eating disorder called Cibophobia this is fear of food so it's really scary for me to eat.. I have agoraphobia and panic disorder that affects me everyday that I'm pretty much home bound and don't leave the house because of the fear I have.. Anyway I wanted to say thank you for the blog and helping people not feeling so alone in this I will be following you .. Thank you

January, 5 2015 at 10:00 am

I can relate to all that you have said.. I suffer from an eating disorder called Cibophobia this is fear of food so it's really scary for me to eat.. I have agoraphobia and panic disorder that affects me everyday that I'm pretty much home bound and don't leave the house because of the fear I have.. Anyway I wanted to say thank you for the blog and helping people not feeling so alone in this I will be following you .. Thank you

January, 5 2015 at 10:17 pm

Good Job Hannah! I am excited about what you will bring to this blog! You will do a great job, I am sure. I am grateful that you have experienced some recovery from your mental disorder(s). Thanks for giving back to the public!

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