
Surviving Tough Times

How do you feel about the transition between fall and winter? Where I live, it can almost seem as though we do not have a fall. Sure, there might be a few weeks when the weather cools down and the leaves change color. But the temperature might freeze too fast for your mind and body to react properly. Here are some ways to prepare before winter starts.
Suicide from depressed thoughts tragically takes a lot of lives each and every day, and the saddest part is that it can be prevented. From an outsiders perspective, it can be very hard to understand what the thoughts are of someone who takes his or her own life. In this article, you'll get some insight into some of the depressed thoughts behind suicidal ideation. (Note: This post contains a trigger warning.)
The feeling that life is meaningless can lead to suicidal ideation. This ideation is thoughts about suicide without the intention to follow through with it. While suicidal ideation is common and can pass quickly, it can become dangerous if it is not treated. I find writing to be a healthy way to cope with suicidal ideation. Here are some things to keep in mind if you want to use writing as a healthy coping technique. (Note: This post contains a trigger warning.)
I love that being an aunt is part of my life. There are many reasons people enjoy having nieces and nephews. Some people love them simply because they are adorable. Personally, I love spending time with my nieces because they enrich my life. Read this article to find out about some of the things that my nieces have taught me and why I love living the aunt life.
Most of us know a little bit about the midlife crisis, but have you heard about the quarter-life crisis? LinkedIn career expert Blair Decembrele describes the quarter-life crisis as "a period of insecurity and doubt that many people in their mid 20s to early 30s go through surrounding their career, relationships, and finances."1 A quarter-life crisis can be debilitating. To learn more about the quarter-life crisis and its effects on mental health, read this article.
Are you in the gray area of suicide? Not everything is black and white, and that includes suicide. Sometimes, I feel suicidal but I also know that I won't actually give into those feelings. You may feel this way too, and you probably think that you are alone in this. September is National Suicide Prevention Month, so today, I want to raise awareness for those of us who are in the gray area of suicide.
Have you ever considered unplugging from social media? With how much social media has blown up, we have never been more connected. While being so connected to the online world, is it possible we forget to connect with our real world? It is so easy to be sucked in and begin to scroll endlessly. Believe it or not, the darker side of social media can actually make us more anxious, depressed and cause low self-esteem; that's where unplugging from social media comes in.
When a loved one passes away, the feeling can be extra traumatic if you're someone who struggles with depression. You feel the negative feelings start creeping back in, and find it hard to go through the motions of everyday life. When a loved one passes away, after a couple days you start to fear getting trapped in the dark hole of depression with no way out.
How do you cope when it's been a bad week? Some people can shrug it all off, but if you are anything like me you can't. Coping strategies for when it's been a bad week can help prevent intense anxiety as time goes on.
Celebrity suicides hit us harder than we think they do. Around 9:00 p.m. on July 20th, I logged onto Facebook and saw status updates about celebrity suicide with the words “Linkin Park”, “suicide”, and “RIP, Chester.” Suddenly, my body froze. The dark lyrics from Linkin Park’s most popular songs flooded my head. Celebrity suicides affect us more than you might think.