
I’m Trying to Win Against Bipolar Disorder and I Hate It

September 20, 2017 Natasha Tracy

Trying to win against bipolar disorder is a full-time job. It's a job I hate. Learn why trying to win against bipolar disorder daily is so hard.I consider bipolar disorder to by my main enemy most of the time and I’m trying to win against my bipolar disorder. But the word “try” sucks. I hate the word “try.” Yes, I’m “trying” to win against my bipolar disorder but all this “trying” is exhausting and full of failure.

Why I Hate the Word ‘Try’ When ‘Trying’ to Win Against Bipolar

Do or do not. There is no ‘try.’ – Yoda

The word “try” suggests that you work to achieve a goal over and over but never quite get there. This is my experience with bipolar disorder. I hit my head against the bipolar wall over and over again and never quite make it through. Instead, I just get a really sore head.

I understand that this is because there is no real “final win” against a chronic, lifelong illness. Some people certainly experience periods – sometimes extended periods – of wellness, and one could consider that a “win” but this is not my experience with bipolar disorder. My definition of “win” generally involves the ability to shower, clean my apartment or cook myself dinner.

‘Trying’ to Win Against Bipolar Disorder

The frustrating part is that the “trying” never ends. Taking a shower never gets easier. Cleaning my apartment is never something I want. Cooking myself dinner is generally the last thing I want to do. When I do any of these things, it is evidence of “trying” and not meeting the final goal of overall wellness remission.

Oh, I made myself dinner. Let’s do throw a tickertape parade.

But “trying” is never “winning” against bipolar disorder.

Yes, I’m Still “Trying” to Win Against Bipolar Disorder

All of the above feelings are real and things I really battle with on a day-to-day basis. That said, though, “trying” really is very important. If you’re not trying you’re dying? This is probably true. So “trying” is definitely the better option there.

As I’ve said before, you need to celebrate the little wins in bipolar disorder. I know this. I know this about my life and I know it for people in general. This is because the big win of full bipolar disorder remission simply may never come.

Nevertheless, the fight matters. And here’s why: if you don’t “try” to win against bipolar disorder you never will. “Trying” is the only thing that ever leads to any degree of success – small or large. So as much as the frustration with “trying” is real, it’s also something I need to beat back. It’s also something I need to keep in check. I have to put it in its place. And when I step back and look at it, as frustrating as it is to try and try and not achieve the final goal, the “trying” itself is success.

APA Reference
Tracy, N. (2017, September 20). I’m Trying to Win Against Bipolar Disorder and I Hate It, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, February 9 from

Author: Natasha Tracy

Natasha Tracy is a renowned speaker, award-winning advocate, and author of Lost Marbles: Insights into My Life with Depression & Bipolar. She's also the host of the podcast Snap Out of It! The Mental Illness in the Workplace Podcast.

Find Natasha Tracy on her blog, Bipolar BurbleTwitter, InstagramFacebook, and YouTube.

September, 30 2017 at 1:25 am

Life is not about winners and losers per se. Well at least it's not supposed to be. It's about being your personal best. We all have our own unique journey with different trials and tribulations and individual life lessons to be learned along the way. For sure there are certain things that would make the journey a lot easier and definitely more enjoyable. Who wouldn't want that, but easy street not our reality, is it? The bottom line is all we can really do is TRY, Cry, TRY Harder, Cry Harder and when we hit a wall, rest a bit and then plan your next move. Be flexible, learn to adapt to your current situation. Change direction if you need to. Go under, over or around just keep moving forward, roll, crawl, walk, run, whatever you can. Challenge yourself. Remember, coal under pressure produces diamonds. What we learn along the way is priceless. Force yourself to filter out negative thoughts and experiences. It takes lots of practice and it's not easy but you can do it! Don't worry about what other people are doing. Save your energy. You have enough of your own stuff to deal with!

Bridget Mullins
October, 14 2017 at 12:13 pm

I find it hard to celebrate even the smallest accomplishments. I don't feel like they are successes anymore. I continue to look and search jobs, family, hobbies and crafts anything to bring some enjoyment or a moment of peace and there is none at this time to be found. I Keep thinking if I try this job and my success rate at keeping employment continues to decrease. I try to stay busy at all times so I don't think but that doesn't work or I want to sleep because if I do I don't think. I'm the mother of a small child I need to be there for him but I can't even be there for me.

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