
5 Powerful Positivity Examples to Improve Your Attitude

Positivity examples aren't abundant in the media. Luckily, HealthyPlace has 5 powerful examples of positivity that will help you reframe your worldview.

A positive attitude is something we all strive for, but positivity examples aren't exactly abundant in modern life. From the news cycle to TV dramas, it's not sex that sells according to marketers – it's negativity. As human beings, we're often motivated by our worries and fears. We may not be consciously aware of it, but advertising companies and TV networks are, which is why it can be hard to find positivity examples in the media.

It takes work to counteract the fear-mongering headlines we see on a daily basis (Positive News: How It Affects You and Where to Find It). So here are five powerful positivity examples to help you maintain focus on the good, as well as the bad.

Positivity Examples: How You Can Improve Your Attitude

Adopting a more positive approach to life can benefit you in several ways. According to the Mayo Clinic, positivity can lower your stress levels and lead to better overall health. Positivity can also help you cope better with challenging experiences, such as change, loss and depression (Positivity for Depression: Is That Even Possible?). Here are five powerful examples of positivity to inspire you.

Examples of Positivity

  1. Awareness

    Being aware of your positive and negative emotions is the first step toward changing your outlook. It's important to note that positivity is not a natural state of being. Rather, it is a series of actions performed deliberately to change the structure of your brain. In other words, positivity is a choice.

    That doesn't mean that positive people never experience negative emotions – they just tend not to dwell on them. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one way to change your destructive thought patterns. Seeing a therapist, buying a book on CBT or taking an accredited CBT course online are all ways of learning about CBT and bringing its benefits into your life.
  2. Self-confidence

    You may have noticed that positive people often exude self-confidence that doesn't appear false or egotistical. That doesn't necessarily mean those people love everything about themselves, just that they refuse to engage in negative self-talk.

    Many of us who suffer from mental health conditions have had constant negative thoughts about ourselves or acted in self-destructive ways since we were young, so it can be hard to change the habits of a lifetime.

    Practicing self-care and acceptance leads to self-confidence, however, which will better equip you to deal with setbacks in life. An example of this positivity in action might be to practice a "loving kindness" meditation. Alternatively, you can boost your sense of self-worth by doing charity work or taking up a new and fulfilling hobby.
  3. Resiliency

    According to LiveStrong, resiliency is "…the willingness to stay engaged rather than become isolated during hard times."

    Although cutting yourself off from the world is a natural response to anxiety or depression, it is usually counterproductive. Choosing to participate in life and connect with those around you will help you make it through the tough times. It can even offset the symptoms of many mental health conditions, including major depression.

    As human beings, we cannot find mental wellness without social connections. What's more, spending time with others (especially those who build you up or make you feel positive) will challenge your negative thoughts and help you become more positive than if you isolate yourself. If you don't have friends or family nearby, consider joining (or starting) a mental health support group in your local area.
  4. Hope

    If hope is the belief that life can get better, then hope is the most pertinent positivity example there is. Without hope, positivity cannot exist. It's not easy to feel hopeful when you're under considerable stress, but according to research hope is brain protective – meaning it helps us stay resilient through challenging times and significant life changes. So how do we harness it?

    There is no one way to feel more hopeful about the future. Usually, it is a combination of support from loved ones, faith (whether spiritual or not), gratitude, compassion and self-care that boost health and happiness.
  5. Optimism

    Optimism doesn't deny the presence of negativity in the world – it just acknowledges that feelings aren’t permanent. Although optimists are generally thought to be "glass half full" kinds of people, they tend to take a more balanced view than those who dwell on the negatives (How to Develop a Positive Personality).

    Therefore, one way to become more optimistic is to take ownership of the things in life you can control and let go of those you can't. An example of positivity in action here might be to list everything in your life that makes you unhappy and split it into two parts: things you can change and things you can't.

    Under the components of your life that you can change, list a few practical steps you could take to improve the situation. For example, if you don't like your job, your list here might include points such as "update my resume" or "talk to my boss". And the things you can't change about your life? Visualize them as different colored balloons and imagine yourself just letting them float away.

article references

APA Reference
Smith, E. (2021, December 31). 5 Powerful Positivity Examples to Improve Your Attitude, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, February 19 from

Last Updated: March 25, 2022

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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