What is this all about.....

can there be changes  and treatment beyond the typical treatment for schizo-affective disorder.  The distortion when I look at peoples faces and not being to really read what a person is feeling in its entirity  I was exploring the other side of schizophrenia the catatonia side which is more of what I have to deal with and yet when I describe it in a non=medical term no one seems to know what I'm talking about especially doctors  and mental health proffessionals.  I've had this illness now going on 16 years diagnosed  almost 9 years.   I have  fallen through the cracks constantly because of my insurence.   I am at the point of c omplete frustration.  yea the hospital emergency room turned me away when i was having a pshycotic break.   Because i wasnt homicidal or suicidal they wouldn't help me oh but they made sure to charge me for my visit.

APA Reference
(2009, November 23). What is this all about....., HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 12 from https://www.healthyplace.com/support-blogs/myblog/What-is-this-all-about.....

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

Mental Illness in the Family: Dissociative Identity Disorder

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The impact of mental illness on families is huge. Our guest's daughter has Dissociative Identity Disorder. The mental illness has torn her family apart. Watch now

Whether it's a mental or physical illness, it's natural to concentrate on the person who has the illness. Many forget that family members and loved ones are also suffering. The impact of mental illness on families comes in the forms of grief, denial, frustration, exhaustion, and stigma.

Mental Illness is Foreign to Most People

It is difficult for anyone to deal with strange thinking and bizarre and unpredictable behavior. Imagine what it must be for families of people with mental illness. It is bewildering, frightening and exhausting. Even when the person is stabilized on medication, the apathy and lack of motivation can be frustrating.

Her daughter has experienced repeated fainting spells, severe headaches, catatonic episodes and bizarre hallucinations. Even with a college degree in psychology, Rebecca was not prepared for the diagnosis her daughter received - dissociative identity disorder.

Take, for example, our guest on this Tuesday's HealthyPlace Mental Health TV Show. Rebecca is a 33 year old mother of 3 young girls. She has spent the last two years watching her oldest daughter, age 12, "fall apart."

In her guest blog post (My Daughter’s Mental Illness Has Turned My World Upside Down), you can tell Rebecca has great sympathy and empathy for her daughter's situation. At the same time, her family has shouldered a huge emotional and financial burden. And you can feel the enormity of it all...the toll it has already taken.

On Tuesday, Rebecca will share her story of mental illness in the family and some things that she has learned through experience that bring her brief moments of relief.

About the HealthyPlace Mental Health TV Show

The HealthyPlace Mental Health TV Show airs live every Tuesday night at 5:30 pm PST, 7:30 pm CST, and 8:30 pm EST. Our guest and HealthyPlace Medical Director, Dr. Harry Croft, will be taking your personal questions. Read Dr. Croft's blog post on Coping with Mental Illness in the Family for additional insight into the struggles of family members.

Unfortunately, the video is no longer available. Below are some useful articles about dissociative identity disorder.

My Daughter's Mental Illness Turned My World Upside Down

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Her daughters Dissociative Identity Disorder diagnosis has put a huge strain on Rebecca and her family. Watch as she discusses the impact of mental illness in the family.

Hello. My name is Rebecca. I am writing in response to the article I just saw on the HealthyPlace website about living with DID. I am a 33 year old mother of 3 little girls and have spent the past 2 years watching my oldest daughter completely fall apart. I watched her go from being a normal, albeit extremely emotional, little girl to not even knowing which parts of her life are based in reality and what is happening in a reality that exists only within her own head.

Out of nowhere, my daughter, at 10 years old, suddenly broke into severe bouts of psychosis, hallucinating horrific things happening over-and-over to all of the people she loves, forgetting her own age, school, family, home, friends, etc. In the hospital and in therapy, she would answer questions about herself incorrectly, sometimes with the answers being consistent for hours or days at a time, even though they were incorrect.

After over a year of intensive in-home and outpatient psychotherapy, repeated stays in Children's Hospital and going through every test that every doctor could possibly think of, with still no clue as to what was causing her repeated fainting spells, severe headaches, catatonic episodes and hallucinations, her psychiatrist and psychotherapy team came to me with a potential new diagnosis; dissociative identity disorder.

Coping with Severe Mental Illness in My Family

I actually hold a bachelor's degree in psychology and thought that I was very knowledgeable about the signs and symptoms of dissociative identity disorder, but would never have associated many of the symptoms I watched my daughter suffer through with this disorder. Our real breakthrough came when my daughter's psychiatrist suggested that the next time she began to fall into one of these hysterical, hallucinatory episodes, that instead of asking her age, school, etc., to try to see if she was still based in reality, that I simply ask her name.

Even with a bachelor's in psychology, I still thought this was a ridiculous request, but agreed to comply. Sure enough, that same day she went into an episode and when I asked her name, it took 20 minutes to convince her that I was not one of the "bad people" that she had been hallucinating, but she still denied that I was her mother and refused to tell me her name. I told her that we had just returned from the ice cream shop and asked what kind of ice cream she had just eaten. At that, she looked at me and said, "wait a minute, are you (daughter's name) mommy?"

Meeting My Daughter's Alters

This was the beginning of a conversation that lasted all through that night, where numerous alters each came out to introduce themselves and tell me a little bit about what they knew about what was happening to my baby girl. I found out that the original split had occurred when my daughter was only 3 years old and was mauled severely by a rottweiler. This alter was so traumatized that she actually split at some point into twins. After this, every year on her birthday, a new alter was born, to watch out for her, just in case. Yet, every time something emotional did occur, it seems that a new alter was formed to deal with it.

Today, my daughter is 12 years old and I have personally met and spent time with 19 individual alters, not including my daughter herself. Some are young and sweet and fun, some are terrified, and some are just plain mean and angry.

The Impact of My Daughter's Mental Illness

The Nightmare That Is Our Life

It's been almost a year now since we figured out that this is what was going on with my daughter, and it just seems to get harder every day. During the year that she was 11, she was so stressed out and traumatized by the realization of her alters, her missing time periods, and all of the other drama that has been part of her learning about what is happening inside of her mind, that she continued to form new alters throughout the year simply to deal with the new stress of having alters. Currently, I know of 7 alters who are 11 years old.

This condition has been tearing apart our family and our lives and we all feel so isolated and alone. I feel like I must be the only mother in the world raising 20 children all in the same body, all with very different likes and dislikes, who even fight with each other. As stressful as this has been to me and my other daughters, I can't even begin to imagine how difficult it must be for my daughter.

She lost it last week when she realized it was 6 pm and the last thing she remembered was going to bed the night before. She was so upset about the missing time that she convinced herself that she must be dreaming, wrapped up in a blanket, and spent over an hour pinching herself and pounding her head on the floor, trying to wake herself up from the "nightmare" that is her real life.

This disorder has torn our family apart mentally, physically, emotionally and financially. I can't work because I was being called home every day to deal with hallucinatory fits in school or spending weeks at a time in the best hospitals we could find to try to understand what was happening to her. My marriage ended when alters began to come forward and tell me and therapists that my (now ex) husband was abusing her when I was at work.

I tried living with another woman going through a divorce who had children with mental illness as well. That ended after a year of them all having to also deal with tantrums, hallucinations, etc. I'm sitting on the verge of losing my home and even custody of my daughter because it is just so much to deal with and I have now become physically very ill myself and have an extremely difficult time even just keeping up with day-to-day life. We all feel like we are drowning and there is no hope.

The Strain and Stigma of Mental Illness

Please help me to find other families, other mothers, other children, other siblings, friends, who are living this same nightmare. We are desperately in need of help from someone who really understands what we go through every day, especially my daughter. She feels like a freak, she's afraid to tell anyone, even her closest friends, which means that she does and says things to them that she has no recollection of and which has caused repeated problems for her with trying to form and maintain friendships, making her life that much more difficult to process.

I don't know what exactly I really expect from you, I just know that we need help, we need friends, we need understanding, and most of all, we need hope. Please help to put us in touch with other people who might possibly be able to help us understand that there can be hope for her, for us, to still find happiness and live a full and positive life. I just don't know where else to turn.

This post was written by Rebecca, our guest on Tuesday's HealthyPlace Mental Health TV Show on Mental Illness in the Family.

(Ed. Note:For additional insight read Coping with Mental Illness in the Family, Dr. Harry Croft's blog post.)

Schizoaffective Disorder and Discrimination

Schizoaffective Personal Experience

My Schizoaffective Disorder

What is Schizoaffective Disorder?

Dissociative Disorders and Cults

OCD Hoarding

Dissociative Amnesia